On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 204 Interesting Pieces

Unsightly they might look falling together like that, Scott and Raymond can immediately stand up. None of them suffers from any broken bones, it seems—as expected of the physique of a Hero.

"Fuck! Were you the one who killed Logan and Mike?" Raymond shouts. His hands have stopped bleeding and they are healing rapidly.

"Ho-oh…you are pretty bright. Applause, applause." I clap my hand as I sneer.

"So, he is the shadow that is trying to eat us. Damn it! Can't the System be more direct?" Scott mutters.

Maybe, not ending the fight as soon as I can is wiser. These guys spout things I don't even ask and they are information that I can hardly get my hand.

"Ah, so your System gave you a Quest relating to you…" I act as if I have one too. "It seems to me that whoever created the System wants us to clash against each other. I got a Quest saying that I should kill every Hero in this world, which is what a good Demon does."

"As I expected, every Transmigrator is blessed with the System. Your side has a God of your own too, huh?"

"Who knows, Scott? Who knows?" I shrug with a small smile.

From the conversation, I am sure about one thing: the System, in other words, the human's God is helping the Heroes avoid a predicament that may cause their premature death in the future. With the Quest that they have, all of the Heroes are probably also looking for me.

"Ah, I wonder what the name of your Quest is? Mine is 'Kicking Pebbles,' which is very fitting for weak-asses like you," I snigger.

"This irritating bastard…!" Raymond looks pissed. "Well, at least our Quest sounds cooler. Shine Light Upon The Shadow: kill the shadow that hunts the Heroes."

It is very easy to lure the idiot into saying the information I want to know. "Well, your System sucks. I bet it doesn't even give you a hint, does it?"

Raymond's face twisted and I smirk inwardly at that. "You, shithead—if we didn't get any, we would have been surprised when the Princess turned into you. We knew you used an irresistible beauty to lure us!"

"Did you know it was the Princess?"

"Of course, not but—"

"Raymond, stop spouting!"

'Ah…he has realized what is going on.' On Earth, I categorized these two in the same category: smooth-brained, good-looking assholes. Scott has always been the calmer one but I didn't expect him to be slightly brilliant.

From our conversation, I have figured out how much hint the System gives to the Heroes. Just like in a game, it still forces the Heroes to think and piece the clue they may encounter on their way together to figure out the truth.

Since there is no mention of my appearance, I believe it will take them quite long to conclude that the Demon who had burned two small villages down is me. I have to change my tactic, though, since the System has spoiled it for them.

"Let's get serious,

He immediately points his sword at me and readies himself to dash. I smirk as I see his stance—just like Yūto's, it is perfect but rigid, which is a double-edged sword in the battle, especially when he faces someone as wild as me.


He kicks the ground and appears before me in less than a second. He swings his sword diagonally from my right to my left and he misses my head completely since I am extremely good at dodging.

The power of his swing is enough to leave a mark on the wall and the cheap window that has turned absurdly sturdy due to the influence of Teanosvera's sub-dimension. His body tilts to my left—the idiot is losing his balance—and I use that as a chance to deliver a blow to his stomach.


His body bends as my powerful fist lifts him into the air. I launch him to the roof and then turn my attention to Raymond as he crashes into the roof.

Raymond kicks the bed on his side, which is already half-destroyed, sending it to me. Rexorem cuts it in half when it is six feet before me and I immediately find him running on the wall, which I find funny.

No matter which route he chose, the outcome will be no different.

Kicking the wall, he propels his body at me; with the tip of his sword pointing at me, he twists his body like a drill mid-air. I put Rexorem before and stab it into the ground to block the incoming human drill.


Rexorem splendidly blocks the human drill, stopping Raymond right before it. He keeps spinning, though—probably thinking that he might be able to pierce through Rexorem—so I decided to mess with him.

Gathering the petals that [Senbonzakura] produces, I surround him with them. He immediately stops spinning the moment one of the petals draws his blood but the petals revolve around him the moment he does that.


As a result, his body is decorated by countless small but deep cuts. He is distracted by the pain and I use it as a chance to deliver a [Death Blow] to his solar plexus.


As Raymond's body bends, the armor covering his stomach and back is reduced to pieces. He is launched to the other side of the room, hits the wall and then goes unconscious as soon as he reached the ground.

I immediately scan the room and look around to look for Scott, who has disappeared in the process. I feel a disturbance in my right—there is a spike of killing intent—so I turn around and find him with a pair of daggers in his hands.

"My class is Assassin!"

"No shit, Sherlock."

Since he is already too close for me to dodge, I decided to block him. I raise my right arm and then put it before my forehead.


The daggers slip off my vambrace but my vambrace is almost split in two; if not for the fact that my hand is as sturdy as the vambrace, my hand would have fallen off. I just got a small cut but the blood trickling down my hand excites Scott so much that his grin became more irritating than usual.

I pull Rexorem out of the ground with my left hand and then swing it at him. He barely managed to step back in time but is unharmed regardless.

The grin on his face becomes more irritating and I know it is not because he managed to dodge in time; it is because he managed to take my attention away from the other Hero…. Well, he didn't.


I am honestly impressed by Raymond's recovery rate. I have hit his solar plexus with [Death Blow] once—no matter how much I held back, some of his innards should have ruptured back then—but he can already come at me.


"What the fuck!?"

Of course, he failed miserably; my trusty Instinct and amazing reflex allowed me to kick him square in the solar plexus, again. Both of the Heroes are shocked, almost prompting me to scoff at how optimistic, or rather, stupid they are to think such a trick will work.

I move Rexorem to my right hand and then spin my body around so I can face Scott again. At the same time, I send out a Mana Sword out of Rexorem, making the still dumbfounded Hero widen his eyes in horror.

His reflex, however, turns out to be decent enough to dodge my Mana Sword, so he got away unharmed. As my Mana Sword hits the wall, I sense Scott coming at me from behind; I mix the last petals of [Senbonzakura] with wind and then blast it in every direction.


Knowing what happened to Raymond, the moment he feels something sharp in the air, he backs away even though he has covered himself with a Barrier. A smart move indeed, I have to say; had he pushed forward, he would turn into mincemeat.

"Fuck! What do you want from us, Layland? Haven't you had enough? You have killed us and brought us here! This hell of a world!" Scott exclaims heatedly. "What more do you want? You have had your revenge, haven't you?"

I quirk my eyebrow and then look at him as if he is stupid, which he is. "What are you talking about? It is the Quest. The Quest told me to. Well, you know, just like you guys."

"Quit your bullshit, bastard! There is only one God in this world and that God belongs to humans—he is the only one who can bestow us the System."

I hum to myself in interest. "You sound like you have seen him yourself." I scoff. "Pfft. You don't even know why you are summoned here."

"To kill the Demon God that is about to be reborn—the abomination that will bring destruction upon the world."


I am instantly reminded of Millonia. The thing that she has inside her, the Seed of Darkness—no matter how many times I repeat it, it still sounds overbearing and menacing.

Taking her past into consideration, there is a huge chance she is what the Heroes have to kill. She has almost destroyed the entire Verniculos Kingdom and killed Ilschevar by herself.

'That power…should be enough to be considered god-like, no?' My eyes darken as I wonder if my position as the future Demon King will be at risk.

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