On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 217 Fiery Heart

I expected Rocky to retaliate more; I thought I had managed to irk him enough to force him to use his full power.  I don't know what happened but he regained some part of his consciousness mid-way. That consciousness held him back, allowing me to end him conveniently.

…that was supposed to be the story; however, the story didn't just end there.

"Keuh…this motherfucker…, he tricked me!"

Gritting my teeth as I hold back the excruciating heat that is eating away my soul, I look around, only to find my surroundings colored in fiery red. The fire is not roasting me; my clothes and skin are still fine but something is traveling into my body through my veins.

As I look down at my hands, I am greeted by my shining veins. They are shining as bright as Rocky's veins, making me wonder if lava is being circulated in my body.

The reason why my veins are shining is Rexorem. It is injecting Rocky's Mana into my veins and doesn't allow me to let go of it. Physically, I feel nothing. No, saying nothing will be wrong; I feel something but I can ignore it. The pain that my soul feels, however, is intolerable.

How do you know your soul is in pain? You may wonder. The answer is I just know. I can easily differentiate between external and internal pain, which I have already gotten used to. The pain I am enduring currently belongs to neither of the categories and it sucks. I feel like a baby stepping on the sand for the first time.

"Luxia…cut the Mana flow for me!"

I have been trapped in this situation for a minute. It is not that long, I know, but being in a situation that you don't like makes a minute seem forever. I don't know how many times I have called for Luxia's help and all of them went unanswered. I can still feel her but I can't communicate with her.

Earth Essence. I believe it is contained within Rocky's Spiritual Heart, just like Luxia. I thought extracting it would be simple. I thought I could just kill him and take his Spiritual Heart. Nothing crazy happened when I rescued Luxia, so I didn't expect this development in the slightest.

"Rexorem, stop whatever you are doing!"

It is also not the first I tell Rexorem to stop doing what he is doing; still, I got no response from him. I believe none of my companions is being a jerk to me, so what is happening must be what Rocky plans since the beginning.

The increasing amount of Mana is satisfying but I prefer killing someone stronger to get it rather than enduring this foreign pain that may damage my soul. I haven't learned anything about souls; so, if that turns out to be the case, I will be bound to doom.

An idea flashes in my head as I worry about the repercussions. I think of pushing my Mana outward to prevent any more Mana injections from Rocky's dead body. Doing exactly just that, I am immediately greeted by a surprise; I almost blew myself up.

"Fuck!" resigning to my fate, I sigh. "I guess I will have to accept it, huh?"

Chuckling sardonically, my heart tightens when I hear a voice inside my head. "Let me show you," it whispers.

"Rocky?" I call, knowing full well the voice doesn't belong to any of my Spirit companions.

"Let me show you," it whispers again.

"Show me," I sigh in slight annoyance.

,m In the next moment, the pain that is torturing my soul disappears. A strong yet calming wind crashes into my body, cleansing all of the impurities, if I have any, in my body.

After the refreshing sensation hit me, realization dawned on me; I have been closing my eyes. When I open them, I find myself in a luscious forest. Looking up, I am greeted by a bright and clear sky. All I can hear is rustling leaves but I still spread my Mana because I don't want to be fooled by the peaceful atmosphere.


I haven't even detected anything but my worry turns out to be valid. There is a Mana clash three miles ahead. Both of the clashing Mana are nothing impressive but they still can't be overlooked. I kick the ground and dash in the direction of the clash to investigate.

'Now that I think about it, where am I?' I muse but dismiss it right away. 'Well, it doesn't matter. I have to see something first.'

Although I am thinking about seeing something, I don't know what I am referring to—whether the clashing people or something else. What I remember is that I have to see something for myself because that is my only reason for coming here.

I am aware of how weird it is but my mind instantly dismisses it as if it is something that happens quite often. When I find the clashing people, I forget entirely about what I have been thinking.

"Go home, vermin."

"Huh! Funny to hear that from a small critter like you."

"I am the reason why the environment survives this long despite your existence. I am so more than you can ever do."


A man is talking to a humanoid creature the size of a firefly. The creature is shining brightly in red, following the color of his skin and hair; it is, without mistake, a Forest Spirit. A fiery Forest Spirit, if I may add, both figuratively and literally.

I don't know how long the two have been arguing; however, judging by the state of the ground in their surroundings, they must have been arguing for quite a long time. I will say it is a quite civil argument since none of them is hurt.

"Huh…come on, Ignio, you are wasting my time! It is already the third time you sulk because I require the help of a Water Spirit!"

"Huh!? Are you dumb? Who do you think you are? I don't care if you require the help of the Water Spirit; I am just sick with you already!"

It seems to me that I have deeply misunderstood the situation. I thought the man was a hostile bastard because of his look—burly, muscular, and threatening—but he is actually a kind soul that is close with Spirits, a Spirit Master.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Because of that, please, come back…I need your help."

The Spirit, Ignio, keeps silent for a few seconds before scoffing. "Hmph! Fine, I will help you for a little bit longer." Ignio is a male Spirit but he acts like a certain twin-tailed anime girl that many degenerates love.

Just as I am wondering why I am even watching them like a stalker, the scene changes; weirdly enough, I find it normal. I am now on a battlefield. The scent of burning flesh and iron mixing with blood is very strong in the air. Interested as I am in the surroundings, my eyes immediately find their way to the rowdy human and spirit duo.

Surrounded by a group of Knights, the duo is working extremely well together to hold their ground. Unfortunately for them, the number of Knights is too many for them to handle. They kill three at a time but they are injured five times at a time. Soon after, they succumb to the Knights.

"Ignio, it is time to go!"

"What are you talking about, human!?"

"Everyone has already run away—our goal has already been fulfilled. It is now time for you to go."

"N-No…. What are you talking about? I don't understand!"


As if allowing the man to have his last conversation with Ignio, the Knights surrounding him don't do anything as he speaks with Ignio. I can tell the Knights don't have any shred of sympathy toward the man but they still, so it is but their courtesy as Knights.

"You…! All of you!" Ignio points his finger at the surrounding Knights angrily. "Why do you have to attack us!? We have never done anything that harms you. We save the environment for your sake. Where is your gratitude, vermin!?"

"We hold no grudge toward Forest Spirits; however, we can't help feeling afraid when a concerning number of Forest Spirits are flying behind one man. We have to do this to eliminate the worry of the people."

"For such a ridiculous reason? Madness!"

"Power is both a blessing and a curse, little Spirit. Leave. We won't chase you. Leave and you don't have to watch this man dies."

From the explanation, I conclude that the man is a formidable Spirit Master. He is liked by many Forest Spirits and that became his curse. One of the people in power must be afraid of him. Typical of humans, this person wants to eliminate him, so he doesn't feel endangered.

"Ignio, just…leave," the man says with a weak smile as he bleeds profusely.

"No…this outcome…this outcome—I won't admit this outcome! You shall live, so we can have another journey together! Spartus Haevali—you are not going to die today!"

The name of the man is called and I am quite shocked to hear it because I know who it is. Still, my shock over the man's name is overshadowed by what is happening: Ignio has merged with Spartus and now is making him shine like a red neon lamp.

The scene alarms the Knights but none of them can get close to Spartus. At the same time, I feel something hot in my chest, so I can't help looking down at it.

It is much to bewilderment that I find my heart…my fiery heart beating outside my chest.

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