On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 254 Before The Fall (4)

I ended up taking Millonia to my old hut. I would like to bring her to her room but I don't think it is proper to enter her room and stay there without her permission. Not that I care but, as a friend, that is the least consideration I should show her. Hence, my hut is where I go.

It remains the way I left it. Everything is still in its original place and there is nothing added to the room. I lay Millonia on the bed and let her take her sleep. I go to the corner of the room to take a look at the Beasts Repelling Rune and find it inactive.

The Celestine has run out, making me wonder if it is even required in the first place. The condition of my hut has proven that even without the Rune active, Wild Beasts still don't come to attack it.

"I used to fight for Celestine back then, didn't I? It was the currency of my life. Valeria would only give it to me if the result of my training for the day managed to satisfy her. That emotionally impaired woman—she was tricking me, wasn't she?" I muse in amusement.

Still, I am not saying that Valeria is a liar. With how weak I was back then; it wasn't improbable that a Wild Beast would come to get me. I was no different from their prey, so it would be weird instead if none of them preyed on me. Regardless, I had never heard a Wild Beast's footstep outside my door.

Pulling down the cloth that covers the mirror in the room, I look into it and meet my reflection. I have to step back a couple of times, just so my reflection can fit into the mirror. I never dreamed myself to say this but I am too tall. Afterward, I take off my mask and take a good look at my face.

Black hair, a pair of piercing blue eyes, beautifully sharp noise, and a manly chiseled jaw—my face alone makes me fall in love with myself. Of course, this is but a silly joke. I have loved myself ever since I was made aware of my medical condition. The change in my appearance doesn't make me love myself more.

Still, if I would have to choose, I wouldn't hesitate to choose the current me. I am a realistic individual; I won't say both versions of myself have their beauty, so they are both the same. They are not. I still love the wimpy Layland but I will never become him again.

"I don't mind you joining me marveling at my awesome facial features but I will prefer you say something to me," I say as I turn to look at the woman sitting on the bed. "You seemed to have expected something like that to happen, Valeria."

The scarlet-haired woman, the one whom I adore, takes off her mask and stares at me neutrally. I can tell she is contemplating if she should tell me what happened back then or keep quiet about it.

After some time, she opens her mouth, "There is something that you are bound to know sooner or later. I would like to tell you about it but I think you should figure it out yourself."

"What is the difference anyway?"

"You will less likely to get confused if you do so." Valeria turns to Millonia who is lying next to her and caresses her head like a mother. "Also, I don't want to go against her wish. She will tell you about it when she is ready."

"Will this information affect my life by any chance?"

"I can't tell, honestly. Only time will do." Valeria stops caressing Millonia's head. She stands up, walks toward me, and stops when she is a step away from me. Looking up at me, she says, "If you are impatient, you can ask Eliseus about it. I am sure she is eager to tell you about it."

Looking into her eyes, I can tell that Valeria doesn't recommend it. It is amusing to think that the cold and detached Valeria can also show this much care toward someone.

"I will meet Kruff and the others," I say after a moment of silence.

"Very well. I am going to take care of Millonia. Ah, before you leave, let me say you have done a good job at cultivating her. Her Seal has loosened up more than in the past decade and she can control her power." Valeria holds my arms and then tip-toes. "Let me reward you."


Valeria holds her kiss for a few seconds. When she retracts her face away from mine, she smiles warmly, which managed to make my heart skip a beat. Maybe, I look stumped. Her smile gets even wider. She even chuckles not long after and it is heaven to my ears.

"Off you go, Warrior. Meet your comrades."

When she has stopped chuckling, she ushers me outside in a good way. I smile faintly and then shake my head lightly at that. I snap my finger, triggering the [Teleportation] Spell that I have just learned. I am lucky enough to capture the bewildered look on Valeria's face before I move into another place.

I have remembered quite a lot of Ancient Demonic Spells yet, funnily, spatial-movement-related Spells are not among them. Apparently, [Teleportation] and any Spells related to it are considered basic Spells, so they are not worthy to be associated with advanced Spells such as Ancient Demonic Spells.

In short, I learned [Teleportation] from Teanosvera, who is extremely good at teaching about it. I only needed an hour to master it thanks to his teaching; though, he constantly swatted my praise away by saying that I was just absurdly talented.

That Forest Spirit—he is a shy one.

"Yo! Been waiting for you here."

A familiar rough but warm voice attracts my attention. I can only detect the presence of the person when he opens his mouth and it alarms me slightly.


"What is with that look? Not that I can see it with your mask on but I can tell that you are not expecting me."

"No, that is not the case. I am just wondering why you are grinning while holding your axe on your shoulder like that."

"Oh, this?" Kruff turns to his axe as if he has just registered its presence. "Ah, I want to challenge you to a duel. Are you up for it?"

Instead of immediately answering, I take out my daggers first. "Let's go."


True to my expectation, the duel doesn't start when we are in the Arena; Kruff surprises me with his strength, sending me flying with his kick from the Training Field to the Arena. You might expect that I am losing, but I am fully in control of my situation.


Kruff propels himself to the air and swings his axe at me to send me down from the sky to the Arena. I let him do it because I don't want us to fight outside the Arena—Valeria will kill us for the damage we will cause.


I land on the Arena with my feet straight. The stone floor of the arena cratered as if a meteor had just smashed it, meanwhile, the Arena turns silent as the Warriors there focus their gaze on me.

"Hello, everyone, I will borrow the Arena for a few moments."

As soon as I say that, they cheer.

"It is that abnormal newbie!"

"Woohoo! Layland is in the house!"

"Ku-Ha-Ha! That pup right there is part of my Legion!"

Even with how loud they are, they still can't beat the voice of Velucan, who is among the audience. I shake my head in amusement at that and then tune everything out the moment I feel a cold chill down my spine.

Turning around, I cross my daggers and block Kruff's gigantic axe. The floor sinks, meanwhile, the dust rises into the air. I uncross my daggers, forcing him to jump back. Using [Senbonzakura], I surround myself with the petals and then charge at him.

He immediately spins on his heel, creating a vortex around him that repels all of the petals. I cast a Fire Spell on him, turning his wind vortex into a firestorm. It soon disperses, though, because the Monster inside it has gone. The said Monster appears beside me a second after, fully intending to cut my neck.

I smirk and bend my body backward, letting the axe pass above my mask. I snap my finger and teleport away, confusing Kruff, before reappearing in front of him and kicking him right in his chest.


"Keuk! You did me good, Layland!"

Kruff holds on to my foot. His powerful hold on it makes it apparent that he is not going to let go of it.

"Don't underestimate me, lad. Use your real weapon!"

"Weapons are weapons. Even if I use a stick right now, it will still be my weapon."

"Come on!" Kruff roars, slightly baffling me.

His body grows bigger. His muscles contract and veins decorate almost every inch of his body. His strength dramatically rises. I can no longer let him hold my foot since he is starting to crush it.

As if knowing my thought, the crazed Kruff smirks. "Use your real weapon or you will die."


I store my daggers and summon Rexorem at the same time. My Mana pressure dramatically rises the moment I wield Rexorem, shocking Kruff and the audience. My hands are itching to bisect him yet I hold myself well. Swinging it with one hand, I make him let go of my foot even before Rexorem hits him.

Does it matter, though? No. Rexorem still hits him, sending him flying into the wall of the Arena and knocking him out cold. The Arena becomes silent instantly. The only sound filling the Arena is the sound of Kruff's blood flowing out of his chest.

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