On The Other Side: I Quit Being Human

Chapter 309 Draconic Demon (End)


A huge amount of Mana, enough to blast the air in the surroundings, sweeps the empty hole I am in which was previously a pond. Rexorem roars vigorously as if it is finally awakened from its deep slumber. The shining red veins decorating its blade are replaced with blue shining veins. It doesn't suit Rexorem; but thankfully, it doesn't remain that way.

Something is different from Rexorem. Its presence is more notable than before. No, that won't be correct. It has a presence now. It is no longer just a greatsword. Now, it gives off the feeling of independence. Its presence is saying that it can exert its power without anyone wielding it.

I lift it and find another different thing from Rexorem. It has got considerably heavier. Although it was already heavy before, I could still lift it without having my veins bulging. I can still lift it with ease now, but I can't do that without flexing my muscles and veins. It is a good change. The heavier it gets, the greater the force it has.

"How do you feel, Rexorem?"

"Marvelous, Master."

The answer came instantaneously. The tone Rexorem used makes me think he has been relieved from the burden weighing him down for ages. He no longer sounds vengeful. I can barely detect the anger that he meticulously hid before, but it is still there. Rexorem has become tamer, but he is more terrifying than before.

"Was it enough for an upgrade?"

"Certainly, Master. My vessel has now become an Indigo Grade Relic."

"Can it cut mountains?"

"It already could before the upgrade; but to answer your question, yes. It can cut mountains even without the help of your Demonic Essence, Master."

"Didn't think an Indigo Grade Relic would be able to do that much."

I am not underestimating Indigo Rank Relics, mind you? I am a firm believer of what makes a weapon amazing is the wielder. An idiot with an Indigo Grade Relic will use it as if it was a kitchen knife. In Rexorem's case, though, the idiot will be a menace. Still, that will only be the case if the idiot can even lift it.

I am giddy to swing Rexorem, but I keep my urge down. I return Rexorem to our Bond Seal and kick the ground. I shoot up into the air, quickly reaching the surface. Millonia and Luxia give me some space and I land before them. They look at me as if I am a bearded lady Miss Universe, prompting me to quirk an eyebrow.

"How did you not explode?" Millonia asks as if she has constipation.

"Do you make your Mana Pool yourself?" Luxia inquires with intrigue.

Instead of immediately answering their questions, I ponder to myself. I only need three seconds to figure out what caused their bewilderment. The disappearance of the water. I only realized what it was when they questioned me. The water was condensed Mana. I absorbed all of it, which is ridiculous, hence their bewilderment.

Your body can't contain Mana. Mana is stored in the Mana Pool. When your Mana Pool can no longer contain Mana, it will let some of your Mana flow through your blood. It is a fairly normal occurrence, but most people avoid this. When it becomes too much, you can suffer from Mana poisoning.

That is the case with Mana which leaks out of your Mana Pool slowly. When you take in a huge amount of Mana at once, your Mana Pool won't even try to contain the Mana. It will immediately release it to your body, overwhelming your entire body with Mana. Your body is not designed to contain Mana, so it will explode.

With that said, the reason why Luxia asked me if I created my Mana Pool myself is my survival. After all, the only way to survive what I did is to expand my Mana Pool in that short amount of time which is impossible. Should I force my Mana Pool to contain the Mana to stretch it, I would only end up exploding. Of course, creating my Mana Pool myself is just as ridiculous.

There is another possibility of why I could survive that they didn't consider: the size of my Mana Pool. Though, with the amount of Mana I absorbed, it is still a stretch to say that I have a ridiculous size of Mana Pool. It is not impossible but not the answer. My Origin is the one to thank for my survival.

I didn't register the pain because I am already used to pain, but I remember the quick instances when my body was about to explode. Pride saves me from exploding by giving me Power-ups which also strengthened my Mana Pool. Thanks to it, my Mana Pool's size is now just as big as a Dragon, presumably.

"Azhdaha's blood running through my veins helped a lot. It was his Mana, to begin with."

Of course, I don't mean to divulge any details to them. I trust them, but that doesn't mean that I can't hide a thing or two from them. They won't snitch on me, but interrogation is not the only way to extract information from someone in this world. I can't risk my ace card getting known by everyone.

That doesn't mean I am planning to let anyone lay a hand on these two, but there is always merit in being careful. As confident as I am in myself, I am not omnipotent…yet. I will do my best to prevent it from happening, but I may make a miss someday. One day, I may let an enemy capture my friends.

Therefore, I will trample every enemy I have before it happens.

"So, that is the case," Millonia mumbles before humming to herself. "Azhdaha was the first Dragon I met, but I think I can say Dragons live up to their names. Azhdaha is not that notable of a Dragon, but he could do things unimaginable to us."

On Millonia's side, Luxia squints her eyes at me. "You have become emotionless again. I…can't read your emotion."

Quirking an eyebrow in interest, I smile slightly. "What do you think I am feeling right now?"

"I can't tell, but your facial expression tells me you are amused."

Indeed, I am amused…or am I?

Although my body temperature remains the same, I feel a lot colder than I was before. I am cold-blooded in a literal sense after getting Azhdaha's bone marrow. I feel vigorous and refreshed. My body is giddy to move, but my mind is chillingly calm. I am more conscious of every action I make and it is a good thing.

"Well, it doesn't matter, does it? You don't read someone's emotion—you feel it."

Luxia widens her eyes, rightfully surprised because I have never talked about anything related to emotion since the day that I met her. I chuckle softly at her look and then pat her head, earning a disgruntled harrumph from her which she uses to hide her embarrassment.

Turning my head to Millonia, I nod lightly. I mean to tell her that we are leaving with that gesture, but she amusingly misunderstood it. As she nods back, she hands me the set of armor that belonged to Nagato. I push the armor back to her and that makes her realize her misunderstanding.

"Kuhum!" She clears her throat. "Don't you want it, though? I mean, it is quite high quality."

"It is fine. I don't plan to get hit. You should wear it. The current you need it, considering your reckless way of fighting."

Millonia stares at the armor for a few seconds with a frown before shrugging. I bet she was disgusted by the thought of wearing the same armor that Nagato used to wear before she realized the armor is not affiliated with him.

No matter who uses a tool before you, it will remain a tool. Drinking coffee from the cup that Hitler used to drink from doesn't make you Hitler.

After Millonia stores the armor in her Spatial Storage, Luxia shrinks herself and flies to my head. We then head out of the cave in comfortable silence. All of us have enough knowledge to know what happened, so we don't have anything to talk about. Though, I am wondering who the Demonic Dragon that Azhdaha talked about is.

"Do you think we have a secret Demonic Dragon among us?" I ask.

"I am not sure, but I think Eliseus is suspicious," Millonia chimes in.

"Are you shitting on her now as a payback?"

"I am not that petty. Besides, what is wrong with being a Demonic Dragon? I think she makes it clear that she is not an ordinary Demon."

"Yeah, what is wrong with being a Millonia?"

Getting what I am talking about, Millonia punches my arm lightly. Indeed, unlike Millonia who fears rejection from the people around her, Eliseus doesn't care about that. She may be presenting the truth right before our eyes, but we are just too stupid to see it. Still, it is not right to assume that is the case. After all, her parents were registered as bona fide Demons.

With her personality, I believe she will give me the answer when I ask her.

When I stop musing, we are already outside of the mine. Much to my surprise, the battle hasn't ended. Teanosvera is roaming through the battlefield, killing hundreds as he moves and remaining untraceable. Despite his help, Decima's army can't defeat the human army. The Temple has sent another backup, it seems.

A small smirk creeps up my face. It won't satisfy me, but it is not bad to use them as training objects. I summon Rexorem from our Bond Seal and let loose my presence. Everyone freezes and I instantly know it won't be fun anymore. As the Warriors cheer, I hold Rexorem horizontally. With a swing, I release a part of a Draconic Demon's might.

As expected, I wiped the human army with that swing.

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