One-click Training System Instantly Millions

Chapter 2973: Blank page of immortality

These figures all possess super powerful combat power at the level of the Nine Universes.

Powerful, even comparable to the ancestor-level existence of major forces.

But they can't exist for long, not even ten breaths.

Therefore, up to this time, the shanghai yujing talents used this trick.


A large number of rag silhouettes of the Nine Universe level rushed to the side of the fleeing warriors, and stopped them directly!

"Go away!!"

An ancestor of the Dragon-cutting universe roared and brandished a weapon, but was blocked by that rag figure!

Even these top powerhouses are like this.

Those weaker warriors naturally lost hope of fleeing.

Many people desperately attacked the rag silhouette, hoping to kill them as soon as possible so that they can escape.

But this also happened to be in the arms of Master Yu Jing!

The collapse of the Universe White World was just two times short.

The more desperate these people flee, the faster the Universe White Realm will collapse!

After about five breaths of time.

The mutation of the Universe White World finally reached its limit and directly broke through the critical point!

There is no rumbling sound.

Silently, the white light of the entire battlefield diluted countless times.

A smear of gray and black seemed to faint on the white paper, covering more and more areas!

In the center, the color is getting darker!

this moment.

Everyone stopped!


"The white world of the universe has collapsed, and the blank page of immortality is about to appear!"

Jing Yunzi let out an ecstatic voice and flew directly towards the place where Xuan Xinyuan and Mo Yazi were.


"The opportunity for detachment is here!"

Xuan Xinyuan, Mo Yazi, and the dilapidated Master Yujing also flew towards Jingyunzi.

The four people joined together in a blink of an eye.

"Have you collapsed!"

"I want to see what the blank page of immortality looks like!"

A light smile was drawn at the corner of Su Lang's mouth, and he waved his hand to recall the Blue Star clone and Aotian clone into the mysterious space.

"The blank page of immortality is about to appear!"

"The legendary treasure that can be 100% detached!"

"Even 10,000 complete pages of immortality are not as good as a blank page of immortality!"

"Dear fellow daoists, it is better to join hands with me if you have aspirations, we will fight each other, and then solve the distribution problem internally!"

"Hehe, I don't want to die, I want you to go!"


Those who were planning to flee almost all stopped in place, looking at the center of the collapse of the universal white world!

Some people consciously have no hope of detachment, and there is no doubt that they will die. When they see a blank page of eternal life about to appear, they will suddenly look crazy and have to fight to the death!

The rest of the people are self-aware, have seen the great battle between Su Lang and Jing Yunzi and others, and dare not fight at all.

Many people took this opportunity to retreat secretly to the distance.

at this time!


A piece of pure white paper appeared in the collapsed place of the Universe White World!

"This is the blank page of eternal life!"

"Although I can't see through the information, it looks like a man-made object no matter what."

Su Lang squinted his eyes slightly, and his eyes showed a pensive color.

"Blank eternal life page!"

"Hahaha, it has appeared, my chance of detachment!"

"Three, it's time to show your true strength!"

"Hmph, I want to kill all those ants, not one left!"

"Jie Jie, me too, if it weren't for the fact that the Universe White Realm had to produce high-intensity battles at multiple locations to collapse, I would have killed them all!"

"Stop talking nonsense, everyone, fit together!"


Jing Yunzi, Xuan Xinyuan, Mo Yazi, and Master Yu Jing showed almost hideous excitement on their faces.


Children, teenagers, middle-aged, and old people slammed into each other and suddenly merged into one!

The face of this person was the same as Jing Yunzi, but his temperament was completely different.

He is like a terrifying existence overlooking hundreds of millions of universes, his expression is indifferent and ruthless, and he despises everything!

Its body.

An aura that made Su Lang dignified enveloped the entire battlefield!

"I'm Gan!"

"A combination of four is their deity!?"

Su Lang squinted his eyes and directly called up the opponent's attribute panel.

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