One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 256

Chapter 256 - Producing Simple Poison

It was Third Brother's passion!

Yet, he refused to leave his fate entirely in the hands of God.

He gambled on the slim chance that Jiang Hao would ultimately let them off the hook.

Little did he know, Third Brother would act so rashly, blowing his cover too soon.

But what truly astounded him was that flying dagger!

Without a trace to be seen, the dagger had simply materialized out of thin air!

Then, Jiang Hao's voice cut through the air, colder and more chilling than before.

“I've already warned you—no funny business!”

Jiang Hao gave Xiao Soong a nod, and with immediate comprehension, Xiao Soong rose and approached Third Brother.

Witnessing this, Gu Quanzhong was struck with terror and desperately begged Jiang Hao for mercy.

“Please, I'll agree to anything, just spare Third Brother!”

Jiang Hao regarded Gu Quanzhong with a measured look, his gaze briefly shifting to the wailing Third Brother.

As he began to speak, he picked up a water bottle from the ground and unscrewed the cap.

He then took the handful of poisonous insects he had gathered and dropped them into the bottle, resealed it, and gave it a vigorous shake before passing it to Gu Quanzhong.

“Alright, I'll consider this a warning and let it slide!”

“But first, take a few sips of this water, and I'll release him.”

Gu Quanzhong eyed the water bottle handed to him by Jiang Hao, having witnessed the insects being dropped inside.

Without a moment's hesitation, he lifted the bottle to his lips and drank.

“Gulp, gulp, gulp!”

After a few swallows, Gu Quanzhong's eyes met Jiang Hao's.

He knew Jiang Hao still had use for him, so his life was safe for now.

Third Brother realized that due to his foolishness, Jiang Hao was making his elder brother drink water laced with venomous creatures.

He wanted to intervene, but the sight of a brown bear squatting before him and Jiang Hao's icy stare from a short distance away left him voiceless.

Jiang Hao turned back to look at Gu Quanzhong and nodded approvingly.


With that, he snatched the water bottle from Gu Quanzhong's grasp and strode over to the Third Brother, extending the bottle to him.

“Your eldest brother drank for your sake. Don't you think you should have some too?”

Jiang Hao's gaze held a mocking edge, yet it was also a test. Gu Quanzhong watched the scene unfold with equal intensity.

?Third Brother shot Jiang Hao a fierce look but didn't hesitate. Ignoring his bloodied hand, he grabbed the bottle with his other hand and took several hearty gulps. “Gulp, gulp, gulp!”

?Satisfaction flickered in Jiang Hao's eyes as he reclaimed the bottle from Third Brother, who coughed violently and then spat out a spider, tossing it to the ground.

Jiang Hao paid it no mind, instead turning his attention to the others sprawled on the earth. He approached the group, and as he did, the insects on the ground parted ways as if in reverence to their sovereign.

This display left Gu Quanzhong and Third Brother in a state of shock.

?Jiang Hao then produced antidote pills, administering them to each person in turn. As they came to, he made sure to give each a few swigs of water from the bottle.

The Super Antidote Pill's effect was a one-time deal; it would neutralize the poison and then vanish without a trace. Thus, he had no concerns about any new poison he introduced being neutralized by any leftover antidote.

?Once everyone was revived, Gu Quanzhong and Third Brother quickly propped them up against a tree to rest. Jiang Hao casually discarded the water bottle and retrieved his throwing knife from the tree where Third Brother had stood.

?He then sauntered over to the heap of disoriented bandits, picked up two handguns, and a rifle. With a flair, he mounted Xiao Soong, leaving the onlookers in awe.

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