One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 276

Chapter 276 - If He Doesn't Offend Me, I Won't Offend Him

A voice pierced the darkness, and the Black-cloaked Man froze, halting his steps abruptly.

His heart thundered with shock.

Someone was here—how had he not noticed?

“Unless they're more powerful than me!”

He felt it then—a formidable presence had him in its sights, paralyzing him with the threat of imminent danger.

Underneath his cloak, the Black-cloaked Man's face grew grim.

Turning slowly, he caught sight of a figure leaning against the alley wall in the moonlight, as if they'd been waiting for some time.

?But upon recognizing the figure, a fresh wave of surprise washed over him.

“Is that the high school student?”

Indeed, it was Jiang Hao who had been lying in wait.

Under the cloak of night, Jiang Hao locked eyes with the Black-cloaked Man, an unspoken challenge hanging between them.

Finally breaking the silence, the Black-cloaked Man rasped, “You're a martial cultivator?”

?His question was laced with conviction.

Jiang Hao responded coolly, “Did Jia Renjie send you?”

?”There's not a single sharp mind in the Jia Family, is there?”

No sooner had Jiang Hao spoken than the Black-cloaked Man dropped the box he was carrying and lunged at him in a silent, deadly attack.

Jiang Hao watched the assailant charge with a scornful smirk, utterly unfazed.

The Black-cloaked Man's punch, fierce as a gale, aimed for Jiang Hao's face.

But Jiang Hao, moving faster, effortlessly caught the punch. His Super Power ability activated, rendering the Black-cloaked Man's efforts futile.

The Black-cloaked Man's face twisted in frustration as he drew a small pistol from his waist, aiming it at Jiang Hao.

Yet before his finger could squeeze the trigger, Jiang Hao's hand was already on the gun, his finger wedged at the trigger, making it impossible for the Black-cloaked Man to fire.

The Black-cloaked Man was utterly taken aback by Jiang Hao's astonishingly swift reaction, his face registering shock as he stared up at Jiang Hao.

But he quickly regained his composure, contorting his body at an impossible angle and launching a side kick aimed at Jiang Hao's head. The kick, slicing through the air with a fierce wind, would have been lethal even to the most skilled of boxers.

?Yet, Jiang Hao merely smiled slightly at the sight.

In an instant, he seized the Black-cloaked Man's arms, channeling his Super Power and forcefully slamming him to the ground with incredible might!

The Black-cloaked Man's feet had barely come within ten centimeters of Jiang Hao's head when a tremendous force surged through his arms.


The sound of bones shattering echoed, followed by an overwhelming pain. His body, no longer under his control, was brutally hurled to the ground.


With a heavy thump, the Black-cloaked Man was driven into the earth, a plume of dust billowing around him. Blood streamed from his forehead, nose, and mouth, and the severe impact to his organs made it hard to breathe. Pain wracked his body, his head spun, and stars danced before his eyes.

Shock coursed through him. He could never have imagined Jiang Hao's power to be so formidable.

But there was no time for further thought.

Jiang Hao, seemingly not yet content, grabbed the Black-cloaked Man's arms and began pounding him into the ground like a game of whack-a-mole. He repeatedly yanked the Black-cloaked Man up only to smash him back down with ferocity.

?”Thud, thud, thud…”

The relentless dull thuds filled the air.

Finally, Jiang Hao ceased his assault, tossing the Black-cloaked Man aside. Now, the man lay there, his face unrecognizable, his presence barely more than a faint whisper of weakness.

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