One-Click Upgrade: Super Decomposition System

Chapter 30

C30 – The Godly Chef Reappeared

Jiang’s father saw Jiang Hao and Jiang Zixuan had arrived. It just so happened that there wasn’t enough noodles for today, so he said.

“Zixuan, you and your mother should quickly go and buy some more noodles.”

Jiang Zixuan replied.

“I know, dad!”

“Mom, let’s go. Let Jiang Hao clean up those tables!”

Jiang’s mother said with a smile.


Then they went to buy noodles!

At this moment, when Jiang Hao saw the kitchen utensils, he thought of his God Chef skill. He couldn’t resist the urge to cook.

After that, he suggested to Jiang’s father.

“Dad, let me do it. Take a rest first!”

Jiang’s father seemed to be worried about Jiang Hao.

“It’s fine. Help me carry the bowl and wipe the table. I am not tired.”

Jiang Hao persisted in his efforts and continued to appeal to his father. Eventually, his father relinquished his position.

As Jiang Hao grasped the kitchen tools, he felt as though they pulsated with life. His hands moved naturally, skillfully wielding the utensils.

From a distance, Jiang’s father watched him closely, filled with concern.

Yet, seeing Jiang Hao’s intuitive handling of the tools left him astounded.

Suddenly, an insight flashed through Jiang Hao’s mind.

Upon grasping the insight, he discarded the soup his father had prepared, and set about making it anew.

Jiang’s father swiftly approached, trying to intervene.

“Hao, there’s still soup left that I made. There’s no need for you to prepare more. Given you’ve never cooked it before, it might not come out right!”

At that moment, some of Jiang’s father’s regular customers entered. Witnessing Jiang Hao’s cooking attempts with his father guiding him, they couldn’t resist poking fun.

“Can your son even cook noodles? If they don’t taste right, it’s a shame!”

With a laugh, one of them handed seven yuan to Jiang’s father, cautioning him,

“I want the noodles made by your hands, not his!”

Jiang’s father responded with a reassuring smile,

“Teacher Xu, my son merely wished to try his hand at noodle-making. I didn’t have the heart to deny him.”

“But rest assured, only the noodles I prepare will be served to our patrons. I’ll make yours personally.”

“You still want to eat noodles, right?”


As Jiang’s father engaged in conversation with the regular patrons, Jiang Hao swiftly completed the preparation of the soup and submerged the noodles into it.

A steaming bowl of noodles emerged from Jiang Hao’s capable hands, and as the bowl was set down, an irresistibly enticing aroma permeated the air.

“The fragrance is incredible!”

Even Jiang Hao found himself pleasantly surprised by the scent that wafted through the air.

A gentle breeze whispered by, carrying the fragrance far and wide.

In an instant, the enticing aroma lured several customers in its direction. They began searching, their curiosity piqued, and engaged in animated discussions.

“Wow, what’s that delicious smell? It’s absolutely amazing!”

“Can you smell it too? I believe whoever cooked this must be a culinary genius!”

“Whenever I catch a whiff of this fragrance, it makes me feel like the other noodles have no flavor at all!”

“I’m dying to taste whatever that is! I’d gladly pay a few hundred or even a few thousand dollars for it!”


At this moment, Jiang’s father also detected the fragrance and couldn’t help but feel a pang of envy.

However, he concealed his feelings, as he had just received payment and was about to personally prepare noodles for a loyal customer.

Suddenly, all the surrounding patrons stood up and gravitated towards Jiang Hao’s station. They encircled him as he continued to cook.

Their nostrils flared, their eyes filled with ecstasy, as though they had caught a whiff of something extraordinary!

In the end, their gaze converged on the bowl Jiang Hao had just finished preparing, their eyes reflecting sheer amazement!

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