One Piece: Path to Power

Chapter 25: [25] A Storm to Come

Chapter 25: [25] A Storm to Come

[2100 words]


[Four Months Later]

Even over the previous months, the state of Hachinosu remained chaotic. 

New pirates arrived almost daily and a significant number died. The seas near the island were littered with corpses, if anything, it did well to keep the Sea King population well-fed. 

Naturally, in turn, the Sea Kings did well to keep Hachinosu just as well-fed.

A graceful and healthy symbiosis.

As for how the pirates lived, it was mainly through respect and power. 

Damien was able to obtain a more distant and uncrowned area as his residence, not that he was overly fond of living in such a place. 

It was a three-story house made with old and rickety wood. From a distance, it was gloomy and decrepit, lacking life and spirit. 

[Residence Image (in Discord)] 


Damien was currently leaning on the railing, overseeing the yard below. 

He had grown a bit taller, he was around ten and a half feet (3.2 m).

A sky-blue bird seated comfortably on his wrist, relaying information in tweets and chirps.

"So though the Headquarters of the World News Agency is well hidden, there's been a lot of mention of it at Néa Island," Damien muttered. 

Néa Island, aka the 'News Capital of the Grand Line.' It was where aspiring journalists were born and bred. 

"It's a good lead; tail anyone soul who even mentions the Agency," he ordered the bird. 

Damien sent the bird away, spreading his words to all the latter's feathery friends. 


Soon a black shadow appeared in Damien's outside yard, directly below his balcony. 

"Shakky-sama has asked for you immediately."

Supposedly Shakky had some trained personnel that were used for one of two things: taking out spies or calling on others to attend Rocks' musings. 

"Let's go, then."


[Skull Rock, Hachinosu]

"Shakky-nee, Newgate-san, you're both here," Damien greeted. 

An annoyed Kaido also sat at the side. The two had both been in a handful of battles in the past few months. None of which the future Emperor could emerge victorious.

And yet this had fuelled his desire to attain strength. Damien was surprised by the pirate's growth, it was on par with shounen-protagonist levels!


Shakky sat on a high chair in the cold and dark room.

A few rats scurried on by while the pirates remained in wait, a stench of death and misery surrounding them.

"..." Though there was no real sound, Damien could have sworn that he heard whispers of lost souls echoing in his ears.


The beaten doors gave out a groan as they were roughly pushed open.

A wild and savage man walked in as if he owned the place, embedded with the foul smell of death and the eyes of a predator. 

Rocks scanned the room with his sharp eyes, a small grin appearing on his scarred face.

"Xahaha!" he cackled. "Shakuyaku, read the news you told me about."

These words drew the attention of the rather tiny-looking woman as she placed a newspaper in front of herself.

She cleared her throat and began to speak.

"An Overlord of the Sea has declared an auction in two weeks, and invited the greatest powers of the New World to his turf."

She continued, "Alongside the treasures is one of the Twelve Supreme Grade Blades – Molten Blade' Mokushiroku."

The words caused a ripple of emotion to show on the captain's face.

It was beyond excitement, simply greed; a pirate's greed.

It was not a simple 'I want it,' more like, 'it's already mine.'


The grin stretched on Rocks' face as he let out a dull laugh.

"I've been meaning to take a nice weapon, and now it comes with the head of an Overlord, Xahahaha!"

"Which Overlord is it?" Whitebeard suddenly asked.

"Esso Borealis, the user of the Logia-type fruit: the Wind-Wind fruit."

The words invoked a tight grip on the table by Whitebeard. To the point which cracks began to form.

A rare look of anger flashed on the giant pirate's face.

He then gazed at his captain, "Rocks, I have a bone to pick with Borealis, I will cut off his head!"

Rocks looked over at the man.

A look of mischievous curiosity passed through his eyes as he answered, "Xahaha, Newgate, it's rare to see you like this. You can do whatever you want as long as I get that sword."

Whitebeard gave a slow nod as he calmed down into his seat.


Shakky then spoke up, "The auction will be at his home site of Mora Island, thirty days from now."

"Borealis has a small crew of forty personnel, and an extended fleet of around ten thousand," she informed. "Being a user of such a powerful fruit has allowed him to hold his own as an Overlord of the Sea."

"Naturally, he is also Awakened."

Rocks didn't seem to care about the power level and Whitebeard was still lost in his thoughts.

Kaido was giddy over the war idea as his body was quivering in glee.

Rocks eventually gave a simple order, "Round up the men, we'll set sail in a couple of days."

With that said, he went up and walked out.

Shakky sighed, knowing all the logistics would fall on her.

Damien and Kaido stepped out to their own devices.

Newgate was also going to leave, though he turned his attention to the black-haired woman.

"Shakky, last I recall your deal with Rocks was five years of service, it should be up now."

The woman glanced up and gave a small smile, "Hmm… I was going to wash my hands from piracy, but I found a reason to stay around a few more years."

Newgate raised an eyebrow in return.

Shakky chuckled, "I just want to see how far he can go~"


[Yozora Island, Paradise]

A young boy, around two years of age, was seen.

He sat at the edge of the open railing that overlooked the dark lands below.

He had jet-black hair and piercing yellow eyes.

Dracule Mihawk, the future Greatest Swordsman of the Seas, was currently reading a piece of paper that flew down a while ago.

"Supreme Grade Sword – Mokushiroku…" he recited in a soft voice.

He then turned his attention to the hedge maze below.

Mihawk eyed the silver sword still engraved within the black pedestal at the core of the maze.


The passing winds were constantly cut as they produced a sharp and melodious sound.

"Yoru, I'll let the world witness your strength one day too!"

He then clenched his little hands with an unwavering gaze.

Mihawk looked far off to the seas, his eyes piercing through the eternal forest, recalling a bold figure from his memories.


[An Island of Great Forests in the New World]

A large man sat at the center of a forest.

He was wearing rather distinct armour all over his body as the mellow moonlight reflected off the shiny silver metal.

The overall design of his full-body armour was silver with golden stripes across his waist and the shield affixed to his right arm.

He was currently sharpening his equally large axe as his eyes traced the daily newspaper.

"Hmm? Supreme Grade Sword is it?"

"My axe has cut down even Great Grade Swords before. I wonder how tough these superior swords are…"

His deep voice sounded out through his armour and carried on through the deadly forest.

Though the only thing nearby were thousands upon thousands of bodies of large monsters, basking in their blood.


[At an Island of Snow in the New World]

A large and well-built man stood at the bow of a ship.

The ship wasn't overly large but looked quite durable.

The sails were red. The frame had gold plating. The jolly roger was proudly printed upon the foresail.

"Captain!" a pirate reported. "Look at this, that Borealis is auctioning off a Supreme Sword!" 

The man whom the pirate was calling had a curved black moustache, a fierce grin, and intense eyes as he gazed at the informant with a surprised face.


"That Borealis is selling off one of his treasures?"

Another sharp man nearby commented, "Such a precious blade, it sounds like it'll attract quite a few big names."

The captain grinned in return, "It's been a while since we went on such an adventure, men, set sail!"


[Two Days Later]


Damien stood beside Shakky on the Titanic, chatting.

"If any of those wastes of flesh try to tear apart the ship then I'll have to send them to feed the Sea Kings," Damien annoyingly said. 

It was the time when the pirates were due to board the mighty ship. 

Although the Titanic can hold an enormous amount of force, weight and pressure, it can be disassembled with enough tools. 

Sabotage wasn't exactly a rare occurrence in this part of the seas. 


"Ufufufu, don't worry, Damien-chan," Shakky replied. "I will be the first one to shoot some lead into their cranium if they try something like that."

Damien nodded, then thought of something else. 

"Should we expect some of the other Rocks Pirates' top dogs to join in the war?"

Shakky shrugged, "Perhaps, those guys aren't exactly the best at reporting their statuses. As long as Captain Rocks doesn't personally call on them, they're free to do as they please."

She then briefed Damien on their confirmed forces, "We have three divisions of five thousand men ready to charge, leaving an equivalent amount to guard Hachinosu. They will be tasked to hold the Borealis Fleet down while you big boys will charge at their main base."

She continued, "Borealis has four top dogs that he calls his, 'Cardinal Directions.' Each with a high bounty and a bad rep to prove it."

"Though the Captain said he won't participate, I wouldn't put it above him to not break his casual words, if things are too slow or too interesting, he will surely hop in."

She glanced at the apprentice pirate and warned, "Not everything will go as expected, be prepared for anything."

Damien understood the idea. 

Though Rocks wanted a sword to play with, he was also a sadistic and bloodthirsty man. Things he found interesting would lead to quite a lot of death and destruction. 

[A While Later]

"Shakky-sama," a female attendant reported respectfully, "the pirates are on board their designated ships."

"We've located around 650 spies."

Shakky hummed mischievously, "Oh, nice work, Amber. Let them stay, I was looking for a group of fodders to test the waters of Mora Island."


She then shot her pistol into the sky, a green flare tracing the bullet. 

It was an order to all nearby ships to set sail!

It was time to begin the purge that would wash away the pirates of the New World!

The journey was naturally not a matter of hours. More Island was around a week of travel which required a lot of food. 

Naturally, the pirates had to provide for themselves, with Shakky only cooking for the top guns on board. 

Damien was currently on the main deck of the Titanic with a pirate larger than life. 

"Newgate-san," he said. "That Borealis, what connection does he have with you?"

Whitebeard glared at Damien, "You're really blunt, you know that?"

He then looked to the horizon of the passing sea and began to speak. 

"Both Borealis and I hail from the same island: Sphinx Island."

Just the thought of their connection made the man visibly angry.

"He breathed the same air as us."

"He drank the same dirty water as us."

"He ate the same rotten food as us."

"But he left it behind without a second thought!"

The giant pirate's grasp on his weapon began to tighten as audible crunches resounded. 

"The Government abandoned us and left us to the pirate's discretion." 

The furious Whitebeard went on, "We came together as a people to provide for everyone. Many died so the younger ones could live. Borealis lived off of their lives, but the moment he got his hands on that fruit, he never looked back."

The towering pirate then glanced at Damien beside him, "Don't you think such a man without any moral code should be put down by me?"


Damien felt the waves of fury emanate from Whitebeard. 

Though he thought it was ironic, "You know, most pirates would disagree with those words, Newgate-san."

Such a casual comment dispelled the man's rage and he broke out into a laugh.

"Gurarara! I guess it comes down to what we all treasure in our hearts. I have already set my sights on Borealis," he declared. 

"Not even Xebec can get in my way of killing him!"

To Be Continued…


Author's Corner.

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