Online In Another World

Chapter 298 The Elf's Grand Schemes!

"Give it a try," Blimpo said, standing up and watching with a smile.

There was some hesitation taken as Emilio was careful in lifting the steel-made railgun of mystical potency; it required his supernatural strength as it was the size of his own body, wielding with one arm.

As he wrapped his fingers around the hollow, circular grip, he then took in a breath before invoking his newer skill: [Draconic Might]

Through his veins and the flow of energy through his body, the Dragonheart blood manifested through the azure tattoos temporarily etched onto his pale skin. As the draconic force conjured, it flowed from his stomach, through his arm and into his fingertips before infusing itself into the empty gems near the handle.


The newly-crafted weapon made by the two partners hummed and vibrated as it took in the draconic force seamlessly; the grooves carved in the dark-gray, sleek barrels held a bright-blue glow.

"Ha-ha! It works! It works!" Blimpo raised his hands in the air in triumph, "--Fire it! Let's see that blazing-blue light, baby!"

Though he was just as excited as Blimpo about the Dragonheart-powered magic weapon, the prospect of firing it off in the narrow, cramped space was certainly not on his agenda.

"Err…If I do that, it'll probably end bad for both of us," he chuckled wrly.

Blimpo coughed into his own hand, settling himself down, "Right, right. My bad. I'd like to test it out, but…I'm sure with that Dragonheart-whatever in you, it'll knock the breath right outta War's lungs! Ha-ha-ha!"

The laughter that emitted from the inventor's mouth was like that of a mad scientist; Emilio could only appreciate the fact that it was him wielding the weapon, and not the overly-passionate man.

"You're sure about that?" He asked.

Hoisting the lengthy, meticalute weapon up, there was no doubt it was built perfectly to condense his own power and refine it into an immaculate release, though the doubt came not from the weapon's capabilities but from their enemy's monstrous sturdiness.

Blimpo tapped his chin, "Hmm, having doubts? Can't blame you–that big fella out there is really something else. A horrifying masterpiece of steel-and-death."

"Its killing prowess aside, I hit it with a full blast of my flames earlier and all it did was blow them away with a roar," Emilio told him, "That's not exactly a confidence booster."

Flipping a wrench and a hammer in each of his hands, the elven tinkerer momentarily juggled, though stopped after receiving a weird look from the young Dragonheart. It seemed to be a way for Blimpo to help consolidate his thoughts, though he tapped his chin before finally responding:

"There's a big difference here! That's the whole point of the 'Dragon Buster 4000'! That's the name I decided on for that, by the way. Pretty awesome, isn't it?" Blimpo smirked.

"Stay on topic," Emilio raised an eyebrow.

"Right, right…Anyway, what I mean is, whatever power you feed from that Dragonheart power of yours straight into this baby's barrels, it'll come out one-hundred times more potent!" Blimpo told him.

"...A hundred times? You're sounding like a salesman now," he scratched his head.

Blimpo laughed, "Hey, I only know what you told me, but that's quite an insult! Ha-ha! I don't lie about the efficiency of magic weapons–because I don't have to," the elven man raised his goggles, speaking with conviction, "--It'll get the job done. Trust me."

In only a short time knowing the eccentric man, he already came to accept those words wholeheartedly. Perhaps it was his own isolated time in the ominous realm and his desperation for camaraderie, but there was a natural connection between himself and Blimpo as they exchanged a high-five.

"I've got no other choice but to trust that crazy brain resting in your skull," Emilio smiled.

"If you think my brain rests for a second, I've got news for you!" Blimpo chuckled.

All that was left to do was properly prepare for a confrontation with War; the questionably-named "Dragon Buster 4000" was the trump card, but not the sole savior of the two. As such, other assets were needed, especially if Blimpo planned on playing a key role in locating the key.

While sitting there by the dragon-empowered railgun, he watched as Blimpo rummaged through a shoddy chest for already prepared trinkets. It was concerning watching the excitable elf flinging devices make that definitely looked "bomb-like" in their spherical shape, worsened by the black-and-red coloring a lot of them had as they smacked against the wall and floor.

"Euugh…" Emilio kept his back to the wall while sitting on a crate, though knew it was hardly safe either way.

If you blow us both up, I'm seriously going to be pissed! He thought.

Finally, Blimpo seemed to find what he was looking for as he let out a loud, triumphant "A-ha!" before pulling something out of his troublesome treasure chest.

"What's that?" Emilio leaned forward.

Held up by the goggle-wearing companion of his was a gauntlet made of shoddy wood-and-steel that was three times as thick as Blimpo's thin arm, but the man happily slid it over his right hand anyway with a chuckle.

"Behold!" Blimpo stood up, holding his gauntlet-wearing arm to the ceiling, "--My 'Anti-War Peace-Peace Glove'!"

"...Kind of a mouthful, isn't it?" He muttered.

"It's entirely necessary! A great trinket needs a great name, else nobody will properly spread its greatness!" Blimpo assured him.

Once more, a laughter that embodied that of a mad scientist echoed from the lips of the eccentric man as his pointy ears wiggled with each emission of genuine laughter from his gut, still holding his gauntlet up.

It was half redwood and half dark steel, with the knuckles having magic runes cut into shards embedded in them.

"So, what's it do?" He asked.

Blimpo smirked, "I am glad you asked! My 'Anti-War Peace-Peace Glove' focuses entirely on defensive measures. It's clear that working up enough firepower to even make that big guy out there flinch is a helluva tall order, so I decided to focus more on…workaround tactics!"

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