Online In Another World

Chapter 323 Beyond The Mystical Trees

[Arcadius | Guild Foundation]

It had already been two days since the fatal battle against the Dread; the Guild Foundation scrambled to make sense of what happened and to deal with the aftermath of Parmesus' destruction.

A special room had been isolated solely for the rookie that had brought an end to the Dread. A secluded chamber where the most proficient healers contracted to the Guild Foundation inscribed magical seals, wrapping the body of Emilio Dragonheart in unique bandages that covered him from head-to-toe.

"Was it necessary to make 'im look like a mummy?"

Asking the question was the bumpkin shielder, who sat on a cushioned, velvet seat close to the table where the inanimate body of the Dragonheart laid.

"It'll keep his body from decomposing while his soul is out," Scarlet explained, "That, and it'll prevent his muscles from deflating too much. It all depends on the kid actually making it out of the afterlife."

Everett was the only one from the group still waiting in the room, though it wasn't due to him being the only one willing to wait; Melisande could hardly seem to bear the sight of the Dragonheart lifelessly dressed in bandages, so Yuna kept her company in the halls of the Foundation.

Scarlet always seemed to visit, staying for extended periods of time just to check up on him; even though he was abrasive in his own ways, Everett could tell the Nihilum Core member was a good person.

"It still doesn't feel right," Everett muttered, looking at the necklace hanging from his neck.

"Huh? You should be proud you all received your world-class insignias," Scarlet said, "You earned it by standing against the Dread."

"Yeah, maybe…but I wanted to get it with Emilio. It's only because of him that I was able to survive until the end anyway," Everett said.

"Just be there when he wakes up, then. Congratulate him when he's certified," Scarlet said, "That's the first thing I'm going to give him when he returns to us–so just sit there and wait until you can see that joy."

"Right," Everett nodded.

The room private to the Dragonheart was located in the medical wing of the Guild Foundation Headquarters, which wasn't used as a hospital but more for treating unique cases that have afflicted the affiliated adventurers of the Foundation.

Waiting outside, the silver-haired girl held her knees close to her chest, keeping her head down as she remained quiet since returning from the awful trial.

It was after the shielder fell asleep on the velvet seats, snoring away, did more guests arrive to check on the inanimate Dragonheart.

The door opened, and in walked a red-haired, scruffy-bearded man and another man dressed in black with silver hair that stood up as if electrified.

Scarlet glanced over, "Roan. Faust."

The silver-haired uncle of the Dragonheart looked angered just by the sight of the bandaged, young man, squeezing his fist tightly as sparks coiled around his body, "Just what were those old fools thinking?...It's because of their short-sighted foolishness that my nephew had to clean up their boss and end up like this. I outta–"

"Faust," Roan intercepted the man's angered words calmly.

The volatile air around Faust settled as his pitch-black coat stopped fluttering in the electricity of his own creation, "Right. He'll return."

"You sound pretty confident," Scarlet noted.

Faust held an air of esteem and power around himself that was different to even his fellow Nihilum Core colleague, causing Scarlet to move out of the way as Faust paced throughout the private room.

"Emilio shares my blood," Faust said, pointing to the corpse laying on the table, "We may not share the same name, but that fact is indisputable. No; a Dragonheart is even more fiery than an Omnisul. A Dragonheart is far too stubborn to remain dead, if they have anything to say about it."

"I agree," Roan added, scratching his head, "I've watched this brat fight horrific things like the Unending Nightmare before even being a certified adventurer–the afterlife won't deter him."

The unwavering confidence from the men who stood at the pinnacle of the Guild Foundation and what it meant to be an "adventurer" amounted for something real; it was that resolute belief that made it seem all the more inevitable that Emilio Dragonheart would in fact return to the realm of the living.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I've never seen a kid fight like that–especially against something like the Dread," Scarlet said, "That's why he's gotta live. Somebody like that is invaluable to the Foundation."

"He's got to live because he's my precious nephew," Faust said, "That's enough. Besides, I'd like him to return before his father or mother needs to be told–I'd rather spare them from grieving. Hurry up so you don't make your parents cry, nephew."

[The After]

The archaic bridge was an obstacle in itself, it proved; a multiple hour walk continuously impeded by malicious shadows. It wasn't an opportunity that the Dragonheart looked upon sourly though–a good chance to train his new arm.


Through another one of the groaning shadow-men, he swept his fire-infused sword through its body in a diagonal bisection, dispersing the being completely. If nothing else, performing basic sword strikes wasn't difficult for his reset skill level, aided by his magical reinforcement.

Another down, he thought.

"Think we're almost to the other side?" Blimpo exhaled tiredly.

Even though the elf hadn't been doing any of the fighting, he was seemingly tenfold more exhausted than Emilio, breathing out audibly and sweating some despite the brisk wind that brushed past the bridge.

"Hard to say…I feel like we've hardly made any progress," he answered before sliding his sword back into its sheath.

As he led the way down the bridge suspended above the void, all he could hear were the quiet breezes and the tired breathing of his companion.

Fortunately, the end of the far-spanning bridge came into sight, revealing an upward trail that was lined with tall, platinum-leaved trees.

"Finally!" Blimpo celebrated, arriving at the end of the bridge.

Emilio was quiet for a moment, stepping onto the dirt trail as he looked at the platinum trees around him, finding them to be mystifying, though it obscured what he could see past them.

"Do you recognize this area? I mean, you said that fruit put a map in your brain, right?" Blimpo asked.

He shook his head, "I don't recognize it, but it's not that's not surprising. Adam wasn't going to start us close to Quandary Pass, anyway."

For the realm of enigma and darkness, the trail of platinum trees was a surprisingly calm environment as they walked along its pathway. Still, no matter how unassuming a place may look, he knew better than to relax his guard.

"How about a break, 'Milio? I'm pooped," Blimpo said.

"Really? Well…I suppose now is as good an opportunity as any," he realized.

What changed his mind from an initial rejection of his companion's request was realizing the elven man had spent hours hammering away at the artificial arm that was now a part of him; at the very least, he could allow his friend to rest.

It was easy for him to forget that his own body was fundamentally different from the elf's as he was enhanced by his System along with his potent magical reinforcement. In comparison, the elf of a less-than-average athleticism had just walked hours without stopping.

"Woo," Blimpo tiredly let out before sitting down.

The only thing that made him initially against the idea of stopping was the time limit he was working with, though as the Primordial had told him, it was a workable amount of time.

"So, what's the game plan?" Blimpo asked, biting into a random, orange fruit he pulled out of his pocket.

Emilio kept a lookout, though eased into some rest for himself as well as he leaned his back against one of the platinum trees, "Adam set us on the correct path, so for now, we just need to follow the trail ahead of us. I'd like to avoid fighting, if possible–it'll tire us out and slow us down."

"Good point," Blimpo responded with his mouth full.

"Adam did also mention an "Oval Tower" to look out for–said it was a place I could find more assistance," he said, "Know anything about that?"

"Oval tower?" The elf raised an eyebrow, thinking about it for a moment before taking another bite of his fruit, "Sorry, man, doesn't ring a bell."

"Thought so."

While the goggle-wearing tinkerer finished up his fruit, the young man continued thinking to himself, feeling his mind continuously paranoid about the existence of other Primordials. After a few minutes though, they were ready to head up the tree-filled trail again.

I need to be ready for anything–even a Primordial, he thought.

Leading the way up the subtle slope amidst the glowing, silver trees, he reached the summit at least, finding a new region of the boundless realm before him.

"...This is…" He began to say under his breath.

It was a colossal forest of trees that were as thick as buildings, towering far too high with dozens of holes in them and interconnecting branches that acted like bridges between the trees.

"...Phew," Blimpo caught up, wiping the sweat from his forehead before looking up, "Ah, a settlement."

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