Online In Another World

Chapter 345 Across The River, Row Your Boat

There was definitely a unique atmosphere upon entering the checkered forest; the air was brisk and surprisingly fresh for being in the After, likely due to the unique trees, though something felt off.

"Hey, was it always so…foggy?" Joel asked.

The group stopped for a moment as Emilio looked around along with the others, finding a mist occupying the forest just a few minutes after entering it.

"Brings back unpleasant memories, huh?" Emilio asked, standing beside Vandread.

Vandread kept himself focused, "Mist makes it easy for the enemy to get the jump on us. We need to stay vigilant."

"Don't need to tell me twice," Joel whispered, keeping his sword drawn.

Blimpo kept his goggles on, "I should've made more pairs of these. I can see pretty okay even in dense fog like this."

There was more caution in how they moved, making sure to stick close to one another as to now be separated by the thick veil of mist now occupying the unique forest.

Emilio could feel a certain moistness to the soil as he stepped over it, feeling the mist against his skin like a thin perspiration; the plantlife of the checkered forest followed the same, abnormal pattern of the trees; white roses, black lilies; checkered grass and dark vines.

'This whole place is checkered…Weird,' he thought.

"Did you guys hear that?" Joel asked suddenly.

"Hear what?" Asher looked back.

Joel was glancing around nervously, "Really? You didn't hear it? It was clear–like a footstep breaking a twig close by."

The elven man lifted his goggles for a moment, quickly scoping the fog with his eyes, "I didn't hear anything either."

Emilio didn't answer, though there was nothing of note that had met his ears, but there was a possibility a nose did occur, but he was up at the front with Vandread, so he chalked it up to being audible to those farther back.

"Did you hear anything like that?" He asked Vandread.

The silver-eyed man seemed more intent on staying focused on the path ahead, though answered, "Not a thing, but it doesn't mean he didn't hear anything. Doubt he's lying, so let's just keep what he heard in mind."

"Right. I was thinking that, too," Emilio nodded.

It was hard to tell just how much farther there was to go as the trail was constantly shrouded by the mist, and the checkered appearance of the forest was somewhat monotonous.


A sudden yell came from the back of the group as Emilio and Vandread both spun around, already drawing their weapons. Asher and Blimpo were ready too, leaving Joel to be the one responsible for the cry.

"Joel–? Are you alright?!" Emilio called out.

The silver-haired man was left dangling upside down, flailing his arms at the hold of what looked to be a monstrous plant, unveiling a head that resembled the crimson bud of a flower, though bearing a salivating mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.

"I don't think I'll be alright in a second–! A little help, please!" Joel requested urgently.

Emilio acted swiftly, taking it into his own hands as he squeezed the handle of his sword with his black-steel arm, activating a fiery shift as he imbued that element through the length of his silver blade before rushing forward. With a single, burning slash, he cleaved through the man-hungering plant before Joel plummeted, freed from its hold.

"Waaa–!" Joel yelled out as he dropped.


Blimpo announced triumphantly, having thrown a tiny cube that expanded itself into a bouncy material that caught Joel atop its bulbous platform.

For a moment, Joel laid there after nearly becoming food for a man-eating plant, "Does this place ever stop trying to kill you?"

After sheathing his sword, Emilio extended his mechanical hand down to Joel, who accepted it before being helped to his feet.

"Sometimes," Blimpo answered with a chuckle, "You just gotta kill 'em first."

"Thanks for the advice," Joel sighed, rubbing the back of his neck.

As they continued marching on through the mist-laden forest of black-and-white, Emilio found himself hovered by Blimpo, who continuously adjusted the scope of his goggles while looking mostly at the mechanical arm attached to his right side.

"Err, what's up?" Emilio asked, noticing the elf's overbearing gaze.

Blimpo tapped the mechanical arm a few times, "I've noticed your proficiency at murderizing your enemies with a sword has been more than adequate lately. Getting used to my masterpiece already?"

"Something like that. I haven't come even close to obtaining half the skill I once had, but I can compensate for it with physical power, most of the time…If I'm up against somebody that's actually good with a sword, I'll be countered pretty quickly," Emilio admitted.

"Adaptability is the core of being an adventurer. These things happen. But, you already know that," Vandread added.

Blimpo seemed to hear that as his cue to add in as well, "Adaptability is also the bread-and-butter of a good tinkerer–so if there are any issues with that arm, just lemme know and I'll turn a few screws in a pinch. Okay?"

"It's perfectly fine as is. You did amazing, Blimpo," Emilio assured him with a smile, lifting his arm and moving each individual finger of the sleek, black steel limb.

"Hm," Blimpo seemed caught off-guard by the compliment, rubbing his upper lip bashfully, "If ya say so."

The trail came to a sudden end, only leading the group to a small lake that existed within the checkered forest; it was filled with non-abyssal water, actually occupied by crystal clear, alluring aqua.

"The trail…Where do we go now?" Joel asked.

Vandread leaned down without a word, taking the canteen under his coat and filling it with the clear water, not one to waste any opportunities to gain vital resources.

"I can use my eye–" Emilio began to suggest.

"No," Blimpo quickly shut that idea down.

Asher sat for a moment, squatting down as he planted his claymore in the soil, "He's right. From what it sounds like, that eye isn't something that should be used unless absolutely necessary."

"An hour off of my lifespan is nothing," Emilio argued.

"It adds up," Vandread said, "Look at this place, Emilio. It's been nothing but hostile. It's dark, lifeless, and deprived of dreams. Do you wanna get back here even quicker, after all of this effort?"

"--" Emilio found himself unable to argue against that before nodding, "Alright, then which way should we go?"

It was Joel that seemed to notice a way onward, walking across a dingy walkway of wooden floorboards over the lake, "Well…It looks like we're supposed to use this."

What was found was a small boat stationed by the miniature boat, simply waiting above the fog-laden lake.

"A boat?" Blimpo looked intrigued.

"That'll barely fit us all…maybe," Asher noted.

"It'll do," Vandread said.

Unable to find any better options, Emilio begrudgingly followed the others onto the small boat, which was an uncomfortably close seating as they all barely fit onto it.

He grabbed one paddle and Vandread took the other as they began rowing the boat forth through the misty lake.

"Well, we're moving," Blimpo remarked, "That's a good sign."

"Definitely a low bar," Joel chuckled.

The shoulder-to-shoulder ride was both comforting and discomforting in some ways; the comfort came from the closeness with one's friends, but the discomfort was clear by the subtle rocking and creaking of the boat along with the movement within the water.

"Hey, isn't there a song for times like this you told me about, 'Milio?" Blimpo asked.

"Huh?" Emilio raised an eyebrow while helping row.

Asher noticed what was being discussed, "Blimpo, are you talking about 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat'...?"

"Yeah, that one!" Blimpo confirmed excitedly.

"Don't look at me. I'm not singing," Asher coldly declined.

The elf slapped the side of the boat softly out of protest, "Oh, c'mon! Don't be like that! What about you, 'Milio? Show us the song!"

"What song is this? Never heard of it," Joel asked curiously.

Vandread didn't seem too interested, though it was impossible to try and read emotion from him as he kept rowing monotonously without a word.

The blonde-and-black haired young man wasn't much for singing either, but from the bleak atmosphere swaying over the After, he felt such small moments needed to be ignited.

"Fine, fine," Emilio sighed out playfully.

"Oh? You're really gonna sing it?" Joel looked interested.

"Only on the condition one of you takes my place," Emilio said, finding an opportunity to swap out from rowing.

The request definitely flipped the table as both Joel and Blimpo now seemed hesitant, though the elven man was quick to nudge Joel with his elbow.

"I'm pretty weak physically, so, ya know…" Blimpo implied.

"Hey! It was your idea to have him sing, not mine," Joel argued.

"Don't act like ya don't wanna hear it! Take one for the team!" Blimpo said.

It was after some arguing, and some words from Vandread that summed up to "Figure it out and stop rocking the boat", ultimately, Joel and Blimpo agreed to take turns. While Joel took the first shift, begrudgingly beginning to row shoulder-to-shoulder with Vandread, Emilio sat between Asher and Blimpo before he began the song:

"...Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream…" He began, singing it softly as he looked up towards the black-and-white trees that hung over the river, "...Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily…Life is but a dream."

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