Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 123: Arent You Afraid That Ill Tell This to Mom

Chapter 123: Arent You Afraid That Ill Tell This to Mom

The 2011 special county student entrance exam of Jiangcheng No. 1 Middle School only included three subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, and English.

But despite the limited number of subjects, the actual difficulty of the exam was not low. Mathematics, in particular, touched on some high school-level topics, such as inequation. However, similar questions had appeared in previous years exams, so it wasnt unexpected.

Before the exam, Mei Fang, Lin Youxi, and Xia Yuan had gone through countless practice questions. They had encountered similar types of math problems, even including the more challenging ones.

After finishing the exam, the three of them compared some of their answers briefly. Other than Xia Yuan doing slightly worse in math, there didnt seem to be many issues for the most part.

Xia Yuan was relatively satisfied with her performance on this exam. After the test, she kept clinging to Youxis shoulder affectionately.

I really envy you twonow you can finally relax completely.

Xia Yuan still had an art specialty test the next day, so she couldnt completely let go of her nervousness yet. Lin Youxi patted Xia Yuans hand to encourage her.

While the three of them were admiring the campus of Jiangcheng NOHS, they coincidentally encountered high school students leaving afternoon classes.

Jiangcheng NOHS has a uniform requirement for school uniforms, but Xia Yuan didnt find it excessive. She even felt a bit envious.

Their school uniforms are so nice. They look like sailor uniforms from Japan! Oh, by the way, I heard that many campus-themed youth romance dramas are filmed here.

Indeed, given this environment.

Mei Fang paused for a moment and said, Jiangcheng NOHS has always upheld the philosophy of giving time to the students. They not only dont occupy any holidays or weekends, but they also never have exams during evening self-study in first and second years of high school. If you have the courage to skip it, its fine even if you dont come.

How did their alumni get accepted to so many good universities with such a relaxed environment? Its more comfortable than our middle school!

After all, the students themselves are the best talents in the entire Hubei Province. The rest depends on their own self-discipline. If they dont have enough self-control and can only study hard under teacher supervision, then even if their grades are good, they probably arent suitable to attend this school.

Afraid of slacking off, huh

Xia Yuan nodded. Fortunately, we have a group of three to supervise each other! By the way, if we didnt encourage each other to study, who do you think would slack off first? I vote for Ah Fang.

Mei Fang was very surprised by her words. Huh? Have you always thought that way?

Xia Yuan nodded. Just think about it. When you were in elementary school, you never did your homework, zoned out in class, and during vacations, you were either playing games or coding. If it wasnt for me reminding and supervising you every day in class, and making you do your homework, you wouldnt have studied properly at all!

I call that efficient learning. The things learned in elementary school, in fact, could be learned in just two years, you know?

But I feel like my supervision was important too, Xia Yuan puffed up her cheeks. Dont you think so?

Forget it, Im too lazy to argue with a kid.

Mei Fang helplessly shrugged, agreeing, Theres some truth to that What about Youxi? Do you think I would slack off first too?

Lin Youxi shook her head. I think Im the one who would slack off first.


Lin Youxis words surprised both Xia Yuan and Mei Fang. You actually think so?

When I was in elementary school, I studied seriously, but it was also because Yuan Yuan motivated me.

Lin Youxi smiled and said, Yuan Yuan has always been my role model and goal. Ive been her little follower since we were young. Seeing her study hard, I started taking my studies seriously too.

Thatthat was all when we were little. It doesnt count for much Xia Yuan humbly refused, but her face couldnt hide her excited smile. She hugged Lin Youxi tightly and said, After middle school, you will become my academic role model, the super academic genius Lin Youxi.

I think being a academic role model doesnt necessarily mean having the best grades. It mainly depends on the attitude towards learning, and in that aspect, Yuan Yuan is still a role model.

But the attitude towards learning also needs to translate into actual academic achievements!

I think Yuan Yuan has already done an amazing job. Just think about it

Mei Fang watched the two girls complimenting each other and couldnt help but interrupt, Do neither of you think I can be an academic role model? I think Im pretty amazing too.

Go away Ah Fang! Its none of your business!

Mei Fang was chased and tickled by the two girls for a while. Finally, Xia Yuan brought up their plan.

I still have an exam tomorrow, but the art specialty test will be in the morning, so Ill be done early. On my way there, I made a plan with Youxi to go to Happy Valley[1] after my exam. Ah Fang, why dont you come and join us?

Uh, Happy Valley Mei Fang covered his mouth and waved his hand. I can accompany you guys, but Ill pass on some of the rides.

Ah Are Arere[2]

Imitating the tone of a girl from a Japanese anime, Xia Yuan looked Mei Fang up and down. My little classmate Ah Fang, are you afraid of riding a roller coaster?

Ah Fang has always been timid since he was little. Lets not force him. The two of us can still have a great time.

Lin Youxis persuasion sounded like mockery, and Mei Fang couldnt tolerate it.

Hey, whats wrong with you two Did we watch all those horror movies for nothing? I dont know which two crybabies cried watching a horror movie that day. They couldnt sleep at night and asked me to sleep with them

Mei Fang wiped his non-existant tears as he spoke, Oh, I feel so wronged, I feel so wronged

B-But that was only once! We were fine after that! Xia Yuan blushed and defiantly put her hands on her hips. Besides, horror movie and roller coaster are not the same. If youre afraid of heights, Ah Fang, then dont go!

Come on, why wouldnt I go? Mei Fang pinched Xia Yuans cheeks and said, First of all, Im not being forced by your instigation, and

Mei Fang was interrupted midway by a high school senior who quickly approached them:

Um, hey! All of you, why arent you wearing school uniforms? Which class are you from?

Mei Fang and his group quickly explained, W-Were not high school students Were here to participate in the special county entrance exam.

Youre middle school students?

The bespectacled senior pushed her glasses up and carefully examined the three of themone was 1.7 meters tall, one had long legs, and one probably had C-cup breasts. Considering her own petite figure, she couldnt help but mutter, Are middle school students growing this well nowadays

To prevent getting too excited and affecting her exam performance, Xia Yuan ended the topic of going out to play early.

Mei Lijun had a tight schedule. After accompanying Mei Fang for the exam, he planned to go home to spend two days with his daughter. Liang Meijuan felt that she shouldnt burden Xia Xun with the expenses of staying in Jiangcheng any longer, so she said she would ride in Mei Lijuns car and go home together.

While Xia Xun accompanied his daughter during the exam in the morning, Lin Youxi went to the mall with Liang Meijuan to buy clothes. Mei Fang and Mei Lijun slept in their room until 11 oclock. When Lin Youxi and her stepmother returned from shopping, Mei Lijun took both of them and Mei Fang for a meal.

Xia Xun and Mei Lijun had known each other since their children were still in kindergarten, when Mei Lijun was just a low-level clerk, Xia Xun was already a well-known and promising entrepreneur in Baimei County. Therefore, even though Mei Lijun had become a deputy director, and even though Xia Xuns address for him changed from Mei Fangs dad to Brother Lijun and then to Director Mei, Xia Xun still treated him with a certain degree of formality. Mei Lijun didnt like to show off in front of Xia Xun, and he just let Xia Xun take the lead in arranging things. There was always a sense of unfamiliarity between them.

But now, he had a rare opportunity to take the lead in front of everyone, and his close relationship with Lin Youxis father, Lin Guochuan, made him feel less distant when talking to Liang Meijuan. They chatted non-stop at the dining table, and Liang Meijuan was extremely afraid of this deputy director, always nodding obediently and not daring to oppose.

Although Dad is trying hard, the image hes giving now is more like a chatty neighbor than a deputy director.

Ah I really hope these three kids can all get into Jiangcheng NOHS. That way, they can take care of each other in Jiangcheng.

Mei Lijun couldnt help but sigh, Sister Meijuan, dont you know that these three kids have practically grown up together since childhood, and almost inseparable. My son Mei Fang is also strange. While other boys hang out with boys, fighting or playing games, he likes to play with Yuan Yuan and Youxi

Dad, can you stop talking about that and just eat your food properly? Mei Fang expressed his dissatisfaction with his fathers chattiness.

Sister Meijuan dont know about the things that happened to us before. So let me tell her, its no big deal.

Mei Lijun continued with enthusiasm, I still remember that when they were in fourth grade, our family was planning to move. But if it werent for Youxi and Yuan Yuan crying and begging my wife, we would have actually moved

Listening to his dads exaggerated story, Mei Fang felt quite annoyed.

This stubborn old man He doesnt even mention the Xiali car

Youxi, Youxi, do you still remember what happened at that time?

Lin Youxi nodded, I remember, Uncle Mei I know that I was very sad that day. After hearing the news, I cried and ran away while we were having dinner at your house.

Oh, right, that incident! Did our boy catch up to you that time?

Lin Youxi nodded, He did, Uncle Mei. I was crying and holding onto him, asking him not to leave.

Oh, I havent heard this one before! Mei Lijun was happy to hear this for the first time.

Is it okay to talk about this, Youxi

Mei Fang kept winking and making faces at Lin Youxi, but Lin Youxi remained calm and continued sipping her soup.

Look at my son here, getting all annoyed when we talk about the past. Why are you always acting like a child? You should be more mature like Youxi, hahaha! Mei Lijun burst into laughter, showcasing his leadership demeanor.

Judging by my sons actions, I have no idea who hell end up with in the end Its difficult to choose, right?

After hearing that, Liang Meijuan became a bit flustered. Um its not really appropriate to discuss this, Director Mei

Just call me Lijun, no need to call me director. Its a bit strange, haha!

Mei Lijun remained unfazed and continued speaking his mind. I think you must have considered this since you have such a good relationship. Right, Youxi?

Uncle Mei, we should prioritize our studies now and not think about these things.

Lin Youxi reminded him.

Hahahaha! Im talking about the future.

Mei Lijun chuckled and said, In any case, I think you and Yuan Yuan are both outstanding. My son is incredibly lucky to know you both. First of all, if he dares to treat you badly, Ill definitely step in and teach him a lesson. But you shouldnt fight or get jealous over this kid, its not worth it

Dad, its really impolite to keep talking about this topic.

Mei Fang reprimanded Mei Lijun by gently stomping on his foot, showing filial piety. Arent you afraid that Ill tell this to Mom?

You little rascal Mei Lijun sighed. Alright, alright, lets stop talking about it Lets eat, lets eat.

So the two families continued their meal. Lin Youxi didnt feel uncomfortable because of Mei Lijuns overtly candid topic, and even smiled slightly at Mei Fang. She then got up and put a large chicken leg on Mei Fangs plate.

One could say she was very skillful at it, just like a young wife.

Translator's Notes:

  1. An amusement park in Wuhan.
  3. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.-->

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