Only After I Was Reborn Did I Realize That I Had Childhood Sweethearts

Chapter 62: Why Play Other Games?

Chapter 62: Why Play Other Games?

Lin Youxis father, Lin Guochuan, is indeed an honest and upright person overall.

However, such people are often the easiest to be taken advantage of.

Under his influence, Lin Youxis character has always been very humble since she was young, but she also wants to prove herself in some way, and in recent years she has gradually developed her own ideas.

Mei Fang tried to recall some memories of Lin Youxi from his past life. Under the aura that seemed impossible to approach, he didnt expect that she had experienced so much pain from her broken family.

At that time, there were rumors in my class about how prominent Lin Youxis family background was, but she herself didnt care about dressing up or anything like that. Thinking about it now, its really ridiculous.

But things are different now

After all, I know now.

Mei Lijun, who was the most unhappy in the car, first took Mei Ya to register for elementary school, and then let Lin Guochuan sit in the front passenger seat and chat with him about national affairs, current events, and football. Lin Guochuan graduated from university and is an educated person. The two men enjoyed discussing and laughing together.

Mei Fang sat in the back seat with Lin Youxi and asked her, Why didnt you bring your school bag today?

Dont we just need to enroll and leave? Lin Youxi was puzzled.

Thats the process for elementary school. If you enroll today, you have to start classes today.

I didnt know that Should I go back and get my school bag now?

In fact, its fine to leave the books at school.

Mei Fang explained, The desks in middle school are flip-top type. You know, the desk can be lifted directly, and all the books are placed inside the desk. You dont need to carry a school bag to and from school.

Thats convenient. Why dont we use this kind of desk in elementary school?

The desks in elementary school are cheaper, and we didnt have many books back then, so there was no need for it.

Mei Fang gestured to Lin Youxi, In middle school, we can stack books this high, so we dont need to suffer carrying a school bag. We only bring homework back home.

I see. Lin Youxi gradually calmed her mood during the chat with Mei Fang.

Mei Lijun and others left their home very early today, but Experimental Middle School was already crowded with people, and there were few parking spaces left in the parking lot. Mei Lijun circled around several times before finding a parking space. He got out of the car and observed the cars of the parents of Mei Fangs future classmates.

Mercedes, Audi, BMW Do we have so many luxury cars in our county now? Look, that is Lao Xias car. He arrived earlier than us.

Although they did not have many interactions, their children played together after all. So, Xia Yuans father, Xia Xun, had met Mei Lijun and Lin Guochuan a few times.

Lin Guochuan asked in confusion, Speaking of which, what is Lao Xia doing now? I remember hes not in the restaurant business anymore, right?

Ah, that was years ago. Mei Lijun shook his head. He mainly does investments now. He opened several shops with his friends, selling tea, flowers, and a chain of fruit stores.

Speaking of which, Mei Lijun sighed. That year, he really has to thank his daughter Xia Yuan. After his business was taken over by someone else, road construction started nearby and it collapsed within a year. Otherwise, he would have lost a lot of money! Now, he started a new business. Ah, rich people are just lucky. They can make money no matter what they do, unlike us.

Well, you can say that Lao Xia has a good eye for business, Lin Guochuan agreed with a smile. After all, he has been a boss for so many years, so he has broad knowledge.

Thinking of Xia Yuans father crying in front of him years ago, Mei Fang just smiled and said nothing.

At this moment, Lin Youxi pulled Mei Fangs sleeve and pointed to the area where everyone was gathered. It looks like the bulletin board over there has the class assignment list. Lets go and check.

Lets go!

Now, Lin Youxi, Xia Yuan, and Mei Fang himself were all clearly assigned to Class A. There were a total of six classes in Class A, so the chances of being in the same class were not too high.

Of course, Mei Fang hoped to be in the same class as them, but it all depended on luck. Besides being reborn, he didnt have much of it.

The two of them squeezed their way to the front row, craning their necks to see the class assignment on the bulletin board. The class numbering for Class A started from the 8th class, and they split up to check the list. Mei Fang looked at the list for Class 8 and saw Xia Yuans name at the end, but his and Lin Youxis names were not on it.

Just as Mei Fang felt a little disappointed, Lin Youxi called him over.

Ah Fang! Over here.

Lin Youxis name was prominently displayed as the first in Class 9, while Mei Fangs name was ranked fifth.

Were in the same class.

Lin Youxi nodded, but she didnt seem particularly happy. Yuan Yuans name isnt here

Shes assigned to Class 8. I saw her name just now.

Mei Fang said, At least shes in the next class from ours, which is much closer compared to the distance between our previous audio-visual class and regular class.

Shes probably not happy right now. Lets wait until break time to accompany her.

No problem.

The academic pressure in middle school was not as great compared to high school, and life was more free. This was mainly reflected in the student meal card, which can be spent freely. After all, elementary school students didnt have this kind of freedom.

Mei Lijun and Lin Guochuan accompanied their children to complete the enrollment procedures and were happy to find out that their children were in the same class.

Our two children are really destined! They get along well and are in the same class, Mei Lijun laughed heartily. Its just a pity that Yuan Yuan isnt with them.

Lin Guochuan nodded, But even if theyre not in the same class, their relationship will still be good.

After bidding farewell to the two fathers, Mei Fang and Lin Youxi entered the classroom together, where about half of the students were already seated.

Mei Fang saw two empty seats together and was about to invite Lin Youxi to sit with him when Lin Youxi noticed her elementary school classmate, Yue Xinyi, waving at her. She stopped Mei Fang.

Ah Fang, lets go sit over there. You sit in the front, and Ill sit in the back.

Dont you want to sit with me? Mei Fang was used to sitting with Xia Yuan and subconsciously thought that Lin Youxi also wanted to sit with her.

Lin Youxi shook her head. Front and back rows are fine for now. Well going to change seats later anyway.

Is she afraid of making Xia Yuan jealous?

Mei Fang didnt directly ask, afraid of appearing presumptuous and embarrassing himself.

Its not like I have to sit with Youxi to feel at ease

Mei Fang found a seat in front and sat down. There was already a boy sitting next to him. As soon as Mei Fang sat down and put down his backpack, the boy suddenly raised his head, stretched and yawned, then made eye contact with Mei Fang.

Mei Fang stared at the boys face for a while, his expression gradually distorted, and he couldnt help but exclaim.

Holy sh*t, your name isnt Zhang Ming, is it?

Huh? How do you know my name?

The boy asked curiously, Which elementary school did you go to?

Experimental Elementary School.

Thats not the same as mine, so how do you know me?

We have a connection from our past lives.

Haha, you talk like a crazy person. Zhang Ming patted Mei Fangs shoulder with a smiling expression, But I like it.

In their past life, Mei Fang and Zhang Ming actually met in high school. This time, due to the butterfly effect of Mei Fangs rebirth, they unexpectedly met in middle school and even became desk mates. This made Mei Fang feel a sense of nostalgia.

Also, this middle school version of Zhang Ming was the first time Mei Fang had seen him. He was much shorter than he was in high school and even had a hint of baby fat. He had a youthful appearance and was incredibly cute.

However, once he got to high school, he became a lazy person who would go to internet cafes every day during holidays. Mei Fang was also led astray by him during that time, and his focus shifted away from studying.

Of course, the term led astray is a joking way to put it. Mei Fang still cherished the time he spent playing games with him at the internet cafe.

What games do you usually play? When boys communicate with each other, this is usually the first question. Zhang Ming asked it right away.

I play everything.

Do you play Pao Pao? Pao Pao Kart Rider?[1] Zhang Ming proudly added his own gaming experience, I have L2, a permanent panda car.

I dont play very often. I usually just accompany others. Mei Fang asked Zhang Ming, Do you play any other games?

Zhang Ming shook his head. Why play other games? Pao Pao is the best.

Translator's Notes:

  1. Crazy Racing Kart Rider | Gameplay:
  2. <!--Current Schedule: 6 chapters a week. Around 08:00 to 13:00 UTC.-->

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    1. Dinkytinkysays:

      Oct 26, 2023 at 8:48 pm

      Thanks for the chapter.

      Definitely an interesting story. Hilarious how the guy just accepts it.


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    3. Anonymoussays:

      Oct 27, 2023 at 11:57 am



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    5. Vivyskysays:

      Oct 27, 2023 at 1:15 pm

      Yow I played that game a lot when I was young. Lol

      Thanks for chapter!


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