Only with Your Heart

Chapter 96

Arde Present

Later that night, the entrance to the castle suddenly became crowded and noisy.

As Arde wasassisting with theclean up after dinner in the dining room, Nadal, breathless and flushed, came running up to herwhiledragging his feet.

Lukrov-sama is coming back Lukrov-sama! Chizuru-sama is with him! The messenger has just arrived. Quickly, quickly prepare a room!

Is that true!

Arde screamed with joy, but her excitement quickly faded and was replacedwithanxiety.

Chizuru-samas room is ready as usual . What is there to prepare for?

Nadal looked panicked and quite confused. Heshookhis head andstruggledto figure out what to say first.

After a few moments of catching his breath, he began to explain in short sentences.

Im still not sure about it either. But the messenger said that Chizuru-sama was injured. We need a doctor, a cloth, and hot water..

Arde could feel her face going pale.

Without waiting forArdesreply, Nadal continued.

It seems that the messenger came in quite a hurry. The moment he arrived, his horse collapsed. But even so, he said, Lukrov-sama is right behind him

Nadals face twisted like a babys before he dropped to his knees and started to cry.

Originally, Nadal was an orphan that Lukrov had picked up from a nearby village when he came to the castle. Since then, Lukrov has taken care of Nadal as if he was his own nephew, and Nadalhadlooked upto Lukrovand lovedhimas if he was his father.

Heaimedto become a great knight like Lukrov, and he had never cried in public, at least not since he became a servant.

However,nowhis shoulders were shaking as he tried to holdback his tears.

Stand up, Nadal.

Arde was barely able to keep her voice from trembling.

If Lukrov-sama is with her, Im sure shesfine. Go and get the doctor quickly! Ill take care of the rest.

Nadal raised his head and straightened his spine.

The boys eyes were still shaking with confusion, but he remembered his mission and slowly regained his senses.

He replied with a faint voice,Yes, rose to his feet and unsteadily walked out of the dining room.

Arde looked up and straightened her trembling back.

The fellow maid next to her was staring at Arde in a daze, her mouth hanging open as if she wanted to say something.

You heard him, come and help me.

The maid shook her head in silence and ran off to the kitchen.

Everything will be fine,Ardetold herself.

It will be fine.

Because it has to be

Soon after, before the water began to boil, the area around the gatesstartedto buzz with commotion, and Arde ran out the back door, holding the clean clothes she had gathered to her chest.

The gate, which was usually closed and heavily guarded by knights, was filled with a confused crowd.

Even from a distance, she could see that every face was filled with panic.

Ardes heart was pounding painfully, and she no longer knew what to do.

Usually, shewould bepreparing for what she was told to do, not standing there in a daze. However, Ardes feet did not move.


Shecould notmove.

Shehada bad feeling about this. Why?

Ardes vision was blurred by the palpitations in her heart and the dust from the chaos of the gates. But Arde saw a tall, jet-black haired manstaggeringfrom the crowd and pushing his waytowardsher.

It was Lukrov.

He was holding something tightly in his arms that was unresponsive.

No way. Please tell me its not.

The night sky was brighter than usual since it would soon be a full moon.

The castles bonfires and the lights in the doorwaysthatwere lit in response to the news ofLukrovsreturn clearly illuminated the approaching shadows.

That Chizuru-sama!

Ardesvoice rose to make a small scream. The one held inLukrovsarms wasanunconscious Chizuru, drenched with blood.

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