Origin Court: Accepting Disciples With A System

Chapter 101 The Jing Siblings

JING SHUAI’S PARENTS were never-before-seen geniuses of the Spirit Race. Jing Shuai and Jing Fen knew that fact until they grew up in the race together, with no parents to look after them. Although the race was protective of their kind, some of them were cruel and sinister to others as well.

Despite the blood of royalty that they had, they never had the chance to showcase their talents in the Spirit Race. Their talents were hereditary from their parents’. They were royalty but they were almost treated as slaves by other royalties of the race, even those commoners had made them feel oppressed.

“Big sister, I knew what already happened,” Jing Shuai uttered once more. “Our parents, the parents I did not even grow up with, were included in a conspiracy. In fact, they were the victims.”

Jing Fen was thrown into a daze the moment she heard her little brother’s words. If there were anyone who knew best of their parents, it was her.

She knew how caring and protective they were of them. She knew how her mother carried her little brother in her hands. She knew the smile her father gave her when she first learned the techniques of the race at a very young age. She knew how her parents were revered by the members of the Spirit Race; often, however, they were despised by those who had the same bloodline as theirs–the royal bloodline of the Spirit Race.

From that alone, she could lace it with her brother’s words now. Shaking her head while holding her little brother’s hand, she muttered in a low voice, “You’re probably right.”

Jing Shuai was a bit taken aback. “You believe me about what I said, big sister?”.

“Jing Shuai, you’re just fifteen years old now. I know more about our family’s situation back then than you do. At that time, mother and father were targeted out of envy by their kind. With what you said, it was indeed a little suspicious about what happened to the both of them back then,” Jing Fen replied. “But Jing Shuai, we better keep this first to ourselves. Besides, at your age, it was already impressive that you reached the God King Realm. You have more talent than I have. I don’t mind suffering more from those men. Can you not endure it for me?”

“Big sister, aren’t you tired? Aren’t you tired of those shits? Aren’t you tired of everything? Why are you still holding on when you suffer this much?!”

Jing Fen was rendered senseless. Silence reigned in the hut for a short time before Jing Shuai’s voice broke it once more.

“I am also planning a conspiracy for our race,” he said, his hands drilling into his thighs’ skin, particularly thinking about her sister being used as a sex toy to satisfy those fucking royals.

“I have always been jealous about others having parents to take care of them. I have always longed to avenge myself, and you included, for the injustices that we experienced throughout the years. Big sister, they robbed us of our parents, wouldn’t it only be normal for us to rob them of their happiness as well?”

Tears streamed down Jing Fen’s face. “I… I know how you’re feeling right now. You must be frustrated, but you have to remind yourself that if you plan to conspire against those who have bullied us, it might swipe the innocents to death as well. Jing Shuai, little brother, you… you don’t have to avenge our parents or for what we experienced. In this world, I believe that they would get the treatment they deserved–“

“Big sister, do you even know what happened back then? Waiting for something that’s probably not going to happen in our lifetime is just mere bullshit!

“Someone told me. He was a man who called himself Zhang Wei. I don’t know him but that senior showed me about the conspiracy that took place within the Spirit Race, regarding our parents’ death.”

Jing Fen was immediately piqued. Other than that, she also felt a bit shocked. “I never knew anything. Back then, I was only about five years old. Although I could mostly understand the world at that time, I do not know much about conspiracies at all.”

“I’ll tell you… no…  rather, I’ll show you the memory he showed me. That senior told me that he was there when our parents had no other choice but to accept their fates. Come, here, sister, before anyone could see us inside our hut,” Jing Shuai told as he took out an orb. “This is the memory sealing orb. That senior sealed a copy of his memory in this orb. This time, you’ll know why I am doing this… why I want to eradicate this race from existence.”

Jing Fen quickly looked at the orb as scenes after scenes flashed before her eyes. “Where is this? Isn’t this at the Hundred Deaths Gorge River where that Death Loom Shrimp’s existence was feared?”

“Exactly, and on that river stood our parents. This was the first time I saw their actual faces, moving like animated paintings. Both of them were beautiful and elegant. In comparison, look at us now, we both looked like beggars for the dirt the other royalties had caused us…” Jing Shuai began to cry once more. “If only they were here, we wouldn’t have suffered like this. If only they were here, would they even dare to touch us?!”

His voice was low but it carried the conviction brought upon by the ache he had been feeling in his heart. By then, he had grown numb. However, when he was told about his parents and what really happened to them… he felt something again.

Jing Fen was also swept away by surging emotions hidden in the deepest corner of her heart, believing what she was seeing. Although she thought this might be something that a person called Zhang Wei had forged, she knew in her heart that if this really had happened, she would not back down and seek for revenge as well.

“Spirit Race Ancestor?” their mother, Jing Hua, asked as she cupped her hands. Jing Guli, their father, also did the same.

“The both of you, I have specially come here to ask you something. Our Spirit Race’s treasury, specifically that thing, why did it disappear? Moreover, why did the treasury contain both of your auras? I was the only one allowed to enter there. Even the Spirit Race Queen would not be allowed to do so.” The Spirit Race Ancestor’s voice was calm, but hints of anger and disappointment were ringing with it. “Do you know how important that was? It was the thing our first ancestor had left of us. When she chose to transcend to a higher realm, she especially left this to ensure the protection of our race. Now, tell me!”

“What?!” the couples chorused, their eyes filled with disbelief as they looked at each other.

“Spirit Race Ancestor, do you really think we did that? What’s your proof that we stole it?” Jing Guli phrased.

“Oh?” The Spirit Race Ancestor raised her brow and looked at this handsome man. “Jing Guli, I never said that you stole it. I only said it contained both of your auras and the fact that the treasury contained both of your auras.”

Jing Guli was instantly speechless.

Jing Fen’s tears had now become an endless stream. She didn’t want to watch what happened next, but Jing Shuai pretty much told her what happened. It was said… that according to the rules established in the Spirit Race; if one committed such a grave sin, they would be punished by severing their heads from their bodies and disposing of them somewhere.

So, she could pretty much guess what happened then.

Jing Fen knew much of her father’s character. In fact, almost everyone knew of it. Some said he only had the strength to fight but never had the wisdom to use to win a fight against a stronger foe.

In other terms, he was not someone who was wise. From his response alone, she knew that he was him, the tone of his voice… the way he overbearingly talks.

‘This is probably the reason why the Spirit Race Ancestor neglected our talents and let us rot like we’re mere depreciable tools for them.’

“Jing Shuai, you don’t have to say anything more, but conspiring against the entire is really wrong. We should really just investigate on our own until we become strong ourselves and kill those who conspired against our parents back then. After this calamity that we were all about to face, we have to go out and travel. I don’t want to be confined here anymore–“

“Big sister, you don’t understand, I can no longer wait for that,” Jing Shuai said. “I sincerely want to take revenge–“

“Jing Shuai! You’re being consumed by your rage!” Jing Fen stood up and held her brother’s shoulders tightly, her nails like a tiger’s teeth denting into his skin. “You. Must. Not. Do. That!”

“Big sister! I already have a contract with that senior. I already swore with him to death that I will avenge our parents. After the Spirit Race is eradicated, the contract will naturally be extinguished!” Jing Shuai insisted with a resolute expression on his. “You cannot force me not to make a move, big sister. Even if it’s as you said, we will go out to become stronger than we are now, it’ll take a very long time. Moreover, do you really think we’ll be safe when we go out there, huh?”

“Huh?” Jing Fen was dumbfounded. Every time his brother spoke, it contained something she was unfamiliar with her brother would say or the almost nonchalant attitude that he had shown just now.

Jing Shuai then grinned. “Sister, they’re already approaching. I can already feel it. I can…”

Jing Fen did not know what to say but only call out his name. “Jing Shuai!”

But it was as if Jing Shuai didn’t hear her.

Soon enough, unexpectedly, when she was about to open her mouth to say something, her little brother disappeared into thin air.

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