Otherworld TRPG Game Master

Chapter 128: After Story: A Rendezvous At Midnight

Chapter 128: After Story: A Rendezvous At Midnight

The Capital Knight Order headquarters was brightly lit, even though it was the dead of night. Emergencies and crimes didn’t care about the time of day, and within "the Circle," disturbances were more common once darkness fell.

Murder, secret meetings and infidelity were all nightly occurrences.

Tonight, however, was livelier than usual. The operation to catch codename 『Blue Rose』 was set in motion.

Captain Ronald of Team 3 clasped his hands behind his back and raised his voice.

“Is everyone here!!”

“Yes sir!!”

“I’ll ask you again: who’s our target?!”

“『Blue Rose』!!”

The knights stood at attention, their voices ringing in unison. Tonight, Team 3's mission was to capture themysterious vigilante 『Blue Rose』.

『Blue Rose』.

A mysterious woman who was recognized by her distinctive blue hair and overly extravagant clothes. She had appeared about a month ago, capturing nearly a dozen "unofficial" criminals, delivering them to the authorities in her own unlawful way.

For example, tying them up and leaving them at guard posts with notes detailing their crimes.

Here’s a bit of Capital Knight Order trivia.

The term “unofficial criminals” referred to wealthy offenders—usually nobles—who managed to dodge justice through bribery or other underhanded means. These were often the second or third sons of noble families.

Because there were so many bastards who covered things up with money, Ronald ended up coining the term himself.

Why was the Capital Knight Order so focused on capturing 『Blue Rose』? It was because her targets were almost exclusively nobles, which raised suspicion. It was amost as if she only knew noble criminals⋯⋯.

As a result, a flood of civil complaints poured in from the nobles. Coupled with the firm insistence of Kim Ruru, the Captain of the Capital Knight Order, the plan to apprehend 『Blue Rose』 was finally able to move forward.

“Did you all bring the equipment?!”

“We have it, sir!!”

“Alright!! Then let’s finish our stretches before mobilizing──"

As the knights prepared, and their armors make clunking sounds.

Meanwhile, in a corner, Kim Ruru sat suited in her power armor, consumed by worry. It was the kind of nervousness a child might feel upon being told their father was Santa Claus, right before Christmas.

Was it really that person?

What if it wasn’t……?

What if she was wrong and gets disappointed? It would hurt a lot.

Even so, she couldn't resist the need to know⋯⋯.

But her thoughts spun in an endless loop. She would feel hopeful, then doubtful, resolve herself, only for that resolve to crumble like a sandcastle against a wave.

“The chances of it actually being Oh Dae-soo must be slim, right⋯⋯?"

It had to be super duper low. How many coincidences would have to align for that to be true? Almost certainly, 『Blue Rose』 wasn’t 『Pure Knight』.

And yet, despite knowing that she’ll be disappointed in the end, she couldn’t help but hope.

Whiiiiing. Click.

Ruru put on her power armor helmet and rose to her feet.

With the Power Armor, her height jumped from 160-something to a towering 185 cm.


Team 3's captain, Ronald, surveyed his squad, ensuring everyone was ready before announcing with confidence:

“Tonight, we catch 『Blue Rose』-!!"

“Yes, sir!”

The Knights charged into the moonlit night.


Roderus Redburn had served his sentence for the failed assassination, locked in the basement prison. Yet, even after his release, his punishment continued.

“While your body recovers, handle some minor tasks around the estate to pass the time.”

On the surface, it sounded like a father was offering his injured son time to recover, but the true meaning was clear. It was really a statement of doubt—a demand that Roderus prove his worth again, starting from the bottom.

It was a way of saying, Show me you're still a sword worth wielding.

In truth, it was a form of demotion. He was cast away from the center of the Redburn family and forced to do tedious work.

Guarding a karaoke bar across a few bridges from the Redburn estate, or dealing with street gangs that no longer listened properly.

The Roderus of old would have burned with rage and humiliation at such work. It was essentially telling an elite chef to cook ramen over and over.

But the Roderus of today didn’t dwell on it—or at least, not as much.

“He really does think of me as his damn bitch⋯⋯."

Being assigned to clean up after petty fist gangs irked him as he was someone in the Metamorphosis Stage. But most of the time, these missions were so easy that it allowed for plenty of free time.

He used that free time for Magical Girl activities.

He had an internal list of ‘businesses’ that his family ran. The world was full of wrongdoers, and Roderus had no shortage of targets. All he had to do was go and get rid of them.

Start small.

A drug-addicted bum, a lowlife trying to dabble in the slave trade, a scoundrel running an illegal gambling den—these were his initial targets. They were so loosely tied to Redburn that no one could trace them back to the family.

It was like trimming away dead skin from a giant, but bit by bit, those small actions added up to something more significant.

As he continued with this double life, Roderus received a new assignment: to work security at a party hosted by Count Benstone.

Count Benstone had used the wealth from two high-quality iron mines in his territory to break into the arms trade, and his fortune grew day by day.

The Count reinvested that wealth into parties, forging connections with nobles. Through these efforts, his influence expanded across Crownhall.

But, of course, it was all a façade.

Count Benstone’s main income wasn’t the arms trade; it came from the drugs he discreetly dealt under the table to the nobility.

The definition of "drug" in this world was different compared to the dream world.

Here, most types of poisoning could be healed with the help of a priest. Substances like opium and cannabis were legal, and even if you overindulged it wasn't a big problem.

That was why something referred to as a ‘drug’ in this world had to be far more dangerous.

An unstable drug that makes you violent, enhancing your hidden potential.

A drug that shaved away at your lifespan while giving you a temporary massive boost in strength.

A drug that offered pleasures unimaginable to humans.

So, Count Benstone’s ‘parties’ were nothing more than black markets in disguise, masquerading as lavish and gorgeous gatherings. Roderus had been sent as security to one such event—a task suited to the lowest rank.

Among the crowd of chattering and dancing nobles, Roderus leaned against a wall in a valet’s uniform with a hat pulled low.

He was there to restrain anyone who caused trouble from getting drunk or high, and if a sword was needed, he’d draw one. Otherwise, he he would just wait. It was something like that.

Count Benstone’s party was a major source of income for Duke Redburn. Bringing this place down…. It would be a significant blow to the family.

As Roderus scanned the room, memorizing each face present at the gathering.

“Oi, security.”


Roderus lifted his hat slightly to look at the one who spoke to him. It was Zewidi Benstone, Count Benstone’s second son—his nickname was 『Drug Addict』.

As expected, Zewidi was a key player in ‘the party’, and helped his father sell drugs. Born with a high resistance, he could use almost any drug or poison without suffering the side effects.

His role was to demonstrate the drugs to hesitant nobles who were worried about the effects. The nobles, charmed by the incredible effects of the drug would remain ignorant of the dark side effects lurking beneath the surface⋯⋯.

In addition to this, Zewidi was a test subject for new drugs, experimenting on himself and even mixing different drugs to find synergies between them. This usefulness granted him an important role, despite his warped personality.

Because he was such an important person, Zewidi was well aware of Duke Redburn's involvement in the drug trade.

Naturally, he also knew Roderus was one of Redburn’s men—a blade sent by the Duke. And he knew all too well that Roderus had recently failed a mission and was now facing punishment for it.

“Hey, I’m talking to you. Security.”

“......Watch your tongue, lowlife.”

“Lowlife? Hah….. You still don’t get how the world works, do you? For a dog that’s lost its master’s favor and been tossed aside, you sure have some nerve talking back.”

“And you’re nothing but a bastard son yourself. Well, of course the last name is different….. I am a stray of noble blood, while you’re just a mangy mutt, sick with tuberculosis, scurrying around coal mines.”


Zewidi Benstone splashed the wine he was holding right in Roderus’s face, a sneer twisting his lips as he mocked him.

“Oops, I spilled it by accident.”

“I understand. I hear coal miners develop coughs and shaky hands from all the hard work.”

“.......We’ll see how long that attitude lasts.”

Zewidi Benstone grinded his teeth, then grabbed a nearby plate of spaghetti and hurled it at Roderus. Splat! The meat and pasta slid down his face.

Roderus endured it. He could have easily turned Zewidi into a human skewer,, but he was receiving a punishment right now.

Now wasn’t the time to take out a critical piece of the drug operation.

Duke Redburn would be far angrier at Roderus for disobeying orders than at the fact that Zewidi Benstone insulted him first. If that happened, it would get him sent away, and he would get further away from his goal of cleaning up his family.

Zewidi Benstone also roughly understood that fact.

“Clean it up, you pathetic excuse for a guard.”

Finally, Zewidi Benstone spat onto Roderus’ shoe before walking off. Roderus breathed deeply, holding back his anger.

At that moment, Pure Knight’s next target was chosen.


The night was deep.

With the party over and the nobles all gone, Roderus was finally free. He would be able to rest until the next party. Or...


He could help maintain the peace in Crownhall.

The window of Benstone Manor opened, and a small figure scaled the wall. Tap. The shadow quickly landed on the roof with flexible and light movements.

As the wind blew the clouds away, revealing the moon, the figure became clear—『Pure Knight』, the magical girl in blue, her ribbon fluttering as she roamed the night skies of Crownhall.

"『Ribbon Rope』."


A ribbon, solidified by mana, extended and wrapped around the railing of the next building. Oh Dae-soo, stepped lightly off the roof and descended.


His small frame traced a smooth arc through the sky, riding the ribbon as he glided through Crownhall. The wind rushed past his ears.

It was the time for some midnight patrol.

This silence, while peaceful….. sometimes made him feel lonely. But as long as he remembered the warmth of his past, it was.

To save the innocent and punish the wicked.

If each step forward brought him closer to reuniting with the friends he missed so dearly, closer to standing proudly by their side, there was nothing he couldn’t do.

As Oh Dae-soo scanned the streets from above, his gaze locked onto a sketchy alley.

A child was running.

A thief? No. The kid wasn’t carrying anything. Oh Dae-soo could see it in the boy’s eyes—he was running for freedom. The one chasing him, however, was a hobo, driven by greed.

Maybe….. A small organization that forced kids to beg for money. If that was the case…




The hobo was lightly restrained by the blue ribbon. The Magical Girl landed gracefully in front of the fleeing child.

Startled, the kid fell back, surprised at that sight.

Oh Dae-soo cleared his throat, trying to speak as softly as possible—just like Oh Hae-in would.

“Are you okay?”

“Ah, uh⋯⋯."

“No need to be scared. I’m only after the bad guys.”

Oh Dae-soo gave a warm smile, bent slightly, and extended a hand. The boy hesitated, his eyes wide with surprise, but soon grasped the hand offered to him and stood up.

“Go to the church in the east. The priest there is kind enough; you’ll at least be able to survive until you’re a bit older.”


“Go, quickly.”

The kid looked at the Magical Girl, flushed, and then darted away quickly. Oh Dae-soo watched him disappear into the night before turning his attention to the restrained hobo.

“Hobo. I’m about to hang you on the northern gat──"

“I found the target!! 『Blue Rose』, target sighted!!”


Oh Dae-soo’s head snapped up. A knight, illuminated by the glow of magic from his helmet, was pointing directly at him and shouting.

“Why’s the Capital Knight Order⋯⋯?!"

Step step step step.

Heavy footsteps approached from all directions. It wasn’t just one knight.

Oh Dae-soo ran into the darkness of the streets. It was fine, It wasn’t too dangerous. He could easily lose them⋯⋯!

“The target is on the run!!”

“Surround the area—wait, did she fly?!”

“It’s a flying vigilante!!”

“Quiet down, you fools! This is the middle of the night—people are asleep!”

The Capital Knight Order were definitely forces to be reckoned with, but it was different in a game of catch. They were too loud and slow.

"『Pure Mirage』!"

Oh Dae-soo used Mana to create several duplicates, sending them scattering in all directions. Up close, the illusions were imperfect, but from a distance, they were enough to create confusion.

“Clone vigilantes!!”

“Damn it, is the target an illusion mage?!”

“Got you—no, it was a double!!”

Amid the chaos among the knights, Oh Dae-soo slipped away undetected. It was easier than he expected. After all, knights couldn’t just knock down buildings and continue chasing him.

If they threw caution to the wind and bulldozed through the ‘optimal path,’ maybe they could catch him. But as it stood? Not a chance.

“Hmph, if you wish to defeat me, train for another 100 ye⋯⋯."

Just then.

It felt like a sun flared up behind him.

Cold sweat trickled down his neck as his entire body tensed. Something—or someone—capable of wiping him out with just a swipe of their hand….. was right behind him.


The sound of an engine, roaring like a beast.


The voice, distorted by mana, sounded as though it came from the depths of hell itself.

“Let me see your face.”


Oh Dae-soo bolted with all the strength he could muster. He couldn’t afford to slow down.

Kim Ruru just stood motionless, her eyes locked onto the retreating figure of the Magical Girl. There was something familiar—too familiar. Some details lined up perfectly. But she couldn’t be sure, not yet.

She needed to see the face for herself. Yet, no matter how hard she tried to calm down, her heart raced uncontrollably. Could its…… really be?

If it was real.

If it was real…… what would she even say?

“No, Ruru, you idiot. You need to catch them first⋯⋯!!"

Ruru smacked her helmet twice, focusing. Mana coursed through her entire body.



She launched into the air, leaving a crater behind.


A living sun. The power armor, radiating such intensity you could feel it on your skin. It had to be that Capital Knight Order Captain who was so infamous in the capital.

If that captain had used his strength more wisely, Oh Dae-soo would’ve been caught long ago.


“Not this way⋯⋯!!"

The captain kept slamming into the wrong spots.

“Hey, stop for a sec! Oops, too far⋯⋯!!"

The captain miscalculated, shooting far ahead of Oh Dae-soo.

Despite all the mistakes, the chase continued because the captain’s power output dwarfed Oh Dae-soo’s. But…..Why?

Why was someone from the Sublimation Stage chasing him?

Had his identity been revealed…..? No, that was impossible. He checked his surroundings dozens of times before transforming⋯⋯!! Oh Dae-soo’s mind spiraled into confusion.

The captain kept relentlessly pursuing him.


“......Why is the Capital Knight Order Captain chasing me!? Just how much free time do you guys have?!”


“If you were me, would you stop?!”

Kim Ruru thought that even the voice was similar. The way the pitch climbed when he was angry—it was the same. But she needed confirmation!

A butterfly fluttered beside her, whispering as if to itself. Ruru felt like it was echoing her own thoughts.

-You dummy. There's an easy way to find out. Can’t you just call out his name?

“......I know! Bu-but. What if it’s true?!”

-Don’t you want it to be real?

“Yeah, but my heart... I’m not ready for this. It’s been so long since we’ve seen each other... Ah fuck, should I have asked the vice captain to do my hair⋯⋯?"

She regretted not dressing up today.

The butterfly giggled and offered some advice.

_Oh Dae-soo has been really lonely too. He’s been waiting for you.

“......That’s thinking too op-op, uh… Positively.”

-It’s not an optimistic guess. Close your eyes and call his name.

“And if it;s really him….. what should I say?”

You know better than anyone what to say. The butterfly vanished.

Ruru clenched her eyes shut. If she let 『Blue Rose』 escape now, she would lose this chance forever. She couldn’t just put it off like a summer diary assignment.

“Oh, Oh⋯⋯."

Because she wanted to see him so badly. Even if it was disappointment that awaited her, she had to do it!

“Oh Dae-soo-!!”



On the rooftop of the unknown building, the sound of two pairs of quick footsteps came to a sudden halt. Roderus stared directly at the Capital Knight Order Captain and drew his rapier.

His eyes were burning with venemous killing intent.

Uh, what. Ruru’s brain froze in place. This wasn’t the reaction she had expected.

“You, how do you know that name?”

“......Huh, huuh?”

“I asked you how you knew that name. And, what did you do to the girl who said it? Tell me, now-!!”

“Ah, ohhhhhh. Phew….. Yo-you scared me for a sec⋯⋯."

He must have thought that the Capital Knight Order had captured and tortured his friend, who, like him, was from an another world. Ruru placed a hand on her chest and pressed the release button on her suit.


Steam hissed as the armor loosened and detached piece by piece. With a light hop, Ruru leapt from the suit, landing with a proud "Ta-daa!"

“Ah, helmet⋯⋯."

She removed it properly this time, setting it aside and once again repeated, "Ta-daa!" Roderus stood frozen, his eyes wide in disbelief.

“Am I under an illusion magic⋯⋯?"

“Hey, Oh Dae-soo. I told you, didn’t I.”

“You, no way⋯⋯."

“I told you….. that I’m actually super strong!!”

Sprint. Crash!

Ruru’s hi-tackle was explosive, knocking the wind from his chest. Roderus tumbled over, his mind racing. A butterfly fluttered by, softly whispering in his ear.

Something Kim Ruru said once.

And I heard from Hye-in that when two Magical Girls fight together, they also get double the Pure Energy! So you don't have to fight to monopolize the mana.

She had once called it Mana.

While everyone else called it Pure Energy, she always used the word Mana!

“......You were alive.”

All the tension drained from Roderus. A surge of emotions—relief, joy, disbelief—flooded him. As he struggled to find words… something, anything⋯⋯.

He realized that his chest holding Kim Ruru’s head was getting progressively more wet from her tears. So, he just patted her on the head, staring up at the night sky, which seemed unusually beautiful tonight.

And for a while, they simply enjoyed their silent reunio──

“The trail continues this way, sir!!”

“⋯⋯Damn it."

They wouldn’t even give him time to enjoy it.

Even if Kim Ruru turned out to be the Captain of the Capital Knight Order, he still had no clue what her subordinates would think about him. Even if things went smoothly, being captured now would still cost him valuable time.

If that happened, it could raise suspicions from the Duke. So the smartest move was to promise a reunion and make his escape.

“Kim Ruru.”

“......Sniffle, Oh Dae-soo.”

“Let’s meet again. There are no crepes or Tanghulus1 here….. But we do have cakes. At the bakery by the eastern crossroads, one in the afternoon, the day after tomorrow and⋯⋯."

Roderus gently cupped her cheeks, pausing for a moment before kissing her on the forehead. He had seen Oh Hae-in do this for a crying child.”


“Don’t cry. I’m going to leave now.”

With that, Oh Dae-soo vanished into the shadows, leaving behind the sound of the Capital Knight Order in pursuit. Kim Ruru, still flushed and frozen, stood silently as the captain of Team 3, Ronald, arrived, late to the chase.

“Did you catch 『Blue Rose』?!”

“No, I think it’s been caught⋯⋯."

Her heart, that is.

    1. sugar coated fruits

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