Otoko Nara Ikkokuichijou no Aruji o Mezasa Nakya, ne?

Volume 1 - Ch 41

In the end even after exhausting my words I couldn't convince old woman Shaymi. Most likely she predicted that I would show up to convince her again she wasn't

particularly surprised and just calmly shrugged me off.

It would be good to investigate if I can learn about incantations from someone other than Shaymi. Since Sharl isn't around right now I don't really have anyone I can

rely on for magic. I thought Myun might know something so just in case I asked her but she didn't know anything after all. Not just that but she even said

incantation's are just a form of performing art just like Sharl did.

I'm sure that's actually the case after all. Since it only reduces the amount of concentration required it's certain that they aren't very useful. I guess it's fine

for now. Even if I were to say wounds to my abdomen, shouldn't learning to conduct myself so I don't take any wounds to my abdomen come first? Wouldn't it be far

more useful to practice dodging and blocking with a sword and spear? Otherwise, killing before you're killed, practicing magic for the sake of attacking.

Even if you generalize magic it's not as convenient of a thing as it sounds at first. Honestly speaking, the image I first held of magic was like the old woman who

made the carriage from a pumpkin in Cinderella, "you can do anything based on your imagination". Obviously that includes being able to fly through the sky on a

broom, making delicious food, and while I did have somewhat of a fixed idea to it, just like now.... types based on elemental magic..or level based magic and the

various combinations, I didn't see it as something with all the troublesome limitations that it actually is. Just by waving a magic wand you can fire off one shot.

It grants any wish you have. I had that sort of image.

Isn't that usually the case? The normal idea of a magician that a Japanese would have is an old woman or man with a long white beard that wears a black pointy hat

and a robe and is mixing a large pot filled with something suspicious. Especially for my generation (My mental age is already 55 years old), I think most of the

people would have this sort of image. After that it's at most The Himitsu no ****ko-chan or magician sa**** right. I mean I've played the old RPGs as well but the

ones I did were where the main character did the most basic stuff like using both magic and the sword, wore a suit of armor, and fought alone until the end.

The types of magic that came out in those was limited to only about 10 different types of attack or healing because of the memory of the computers back then. In my

heart as a child I thought, "Ah~, even a computer can't completely recreate magic it seems". Normally you wouldn't believe in the existence of magic and it was at

the level if you actually saw someone seriously talking about it then you'd question their sanity. However, magic exists a firm reality in this Orth.

It's existence has been confirmed and since I accept it's usefulness there's no other chance than to learn it, is how I managed my training up until now, but at the

same time I've understood well how it's not omnipotent. Let alone omnipotent if you use it too much then you become mentally exhausted and pass out, and while using

it you have to take on the risks of not being able to do anything else while you concentrate. It's an unmovable fact that it's convenient so I've already decided to

continue my training from here on out but not just magic I'm sure it's about time I start focusing my efforts into training my body as well. Should I run a marathon?

Just cutting through the village there's about 1Km so it's not lacking in places to run, if I were to go to the fields then let alone a marathon there's any number

of jogging courses I can pick from. During my days in the self-defense force I had to run everyday until I hated it exhausting my endurance.

Since my body has developed somewhat after hitting 10 years old, I'll start running from today. Once I get used to it I'll equip the entire set of protectors, my

bayonet, and carry a random shoulder bag as well. If it was my body before I reincarnated then it would have been impossible but I should be able to do it now. Or

rather I need to be become able to do it. The instructors of self-defense force university would say everyday "there's no use for a soldier that can't run" and make

us run every single day. Even after finishing the education period and being stationed somewhere I ran everyday together with the young members. They say that

members with the Ranger Emblem have more endurance than marathon runners. It's not like they're competing over speed so they're considered a good soldier just by

being able to run at a sustained speed with heavy equipment for countless hours..

That's it, wouldn't it become a bit better if I practice using magic while I run? It's not like I have a time limit so I can practice as much as I want. The moment

you think of it is the best time, I'll start doing it right away.

I eat lunch after failing to convince old woman Shaymi in the morning, do my sword training the same as always, then get right to running while keeping an eye on

everyone producing rubber. Since it takes some amount of endurance to do sword training and my physical abilities have been raised I was able to run easier than I

thought. However, it started to get somewhat painful after running for an hour. The real thing starts from here. I'm still not equipping anything and running in

light clothes so I'll run for 30 minutes without breaks from here. After deciding that I just keep running.

It's painful even just to respond to the greetings of the villagers. It's about time I test it out. Since it's the first time I'll start with something easy.

Identify... no problem. This is just as I thought. Recently I've started to think that while Unique Abilities use MP they aren't considered magic. Well, anyway. To

the next. The magic "Light" should be good. It doesn't use anything but void magic and if you don't add to the duration it only uses 1 MP after all. If you don't add

to the duration when using the magic "Light" it only shines for about 5 minutes but it's plenty for training. "Light"... Huh? I guess it's no good. It seems like

this will be good training.

In the end I wasn't able to use the magic "Light" while running today. However, I'm satisfied by the fact that I couldn't do it. I push my tired body forward as I

finish my running. I want to take a bath but it can't be helped for something that doesn't exist. I guess I'll bathe in a warm water shower. Unless you have an

excessive amount of MP there's no one who would use magic like this so it's close to a special privilege of our house but that can't be helped. I decided to wash

away the sweat behind the house. After all, the "Warm Water Shower" magic includes water magic and uses 9 MP, which is more than the MP "Flamethrower" uses. And

since a certain amount of water is necessary it's pretty much pointless unless you have water magic at least level 3, and level 3 is only about a bucket of water so

if you want a proper shower you want at least level 4. In other words it's not a magic that you could normally use so casually. In our house there's Mill and I

though so we use it pretty casually.


Year 7438, Month 5, Day 30

A month has passed since then. I'm still running everyday after magic training in the morning but I still can't even use the magic "Light". I'm not worried because I

didn't think it would go that easily from the start. In the first place, the running itself is for increasing my endurance and the magic is just an additional bonus,

so I'm not really worried about it. While there's some slight inclinations since Bakkudo village is fundamentally flatland it's easy to run along the paths between

the fields and just right for training. There's no path in the areas where we haven't started cultivating yet so I'm primarily running along the path that crosses

from north to south through the village.

With summer being close, while it's exhausting to run there's a refreshing feeling of release being surrounded by the verdant fields. Recently I'm running everyday

in the early afternoon so the villagers smile and wave as I'm approaching.

More importantly than that, since I started running I'm using up all of my stamina so it could be considered a problem that I don't have any remaining to go hunting

at night, but I guess it's fine for now. After noticing that I'm always taking a shower before lunch Mill said she would join me in running. I was happy since it was

getting a bit boring running alone. However, before three days had passed she quit running saying it was "tiresome". Damn it.


Year 7438, Month 6, Day 30

I still can't use "Light". More importantly than that, its started to get warm out so I might not have to use warm water shower soon. When Mill asked, "Why are you

running so enthusiastically?" so I acted cool and said, "I want to be able to use magic while running", and she made fun of me. Seriously, damn it.

It was a coincidence but when I was accompanying as we gather latex sap for rubber we encountered that Horned Bear. I went on guard thinking it would attack but it

just turned around and ran off without raising a roar after catching sight of us. I took a breath in relief but the ones accompanying me said things like, "It was

afraid of Al-sama". I'd prefer if you don't let me get full of myself.


Year 7438, Month 7, Day 30

After all, I still can't use "Light". I tried using a different magic but it was no good. I switched to using regular water for my shower. The delivery of rubber

products it on break since my parents are still dispatched to the war. I'm sure it's fine since they've dispatched along with the knight group but I wonder if it

hasn't become a problem since they said they would explain to viscount Kindou. I want to do something about this. We probably need to teach the squires so they alone

can do the deliveries. Since I think it's necessary when my parents return I'll quickly get to discussing it. When I said to Mill, "isn't using magic while running

the same as using magic while swinging a sword and necessary for an adventurer?" and she got excited and started running with me. Mill is 14 years old. It's easy to

trick a brat. However, that it took a month for me to think of this logic to convince Mill, I'm an idiot as well.


Year 7438, Month 8, Day 30

I've started to feel like it might be impossible to use magic while running in the first place. It's been about 4 months since I started running so I started

wondering if I've built up some endurance and thought I might have added 30 minutes to my original running time of 1.5 hours to get it to 2 hours, but when I used a

clock magic tool my running time had only gone up by 20 minutes. I'm sure it'll be difficult to run for another 10 minutes after this. When I tried going to hunt at

night I was able to manage it easier than I thought but when I woke up the next morning it was way too painful. Unexpectedly, Mill is still running together with me.


Year 7438, Month 9, Day 30

Of all things, I felt like I succeeded with magic for an instant. There was no light but I felt like the mana flowed through it. This might actually work. However,

isn't it about time for my parents to return already? It's almost been about 5 months since they left. Last time I think they returned after about 4 months. Well, it

supposedly takes over 6 months during the long times so I guess it can't be helped? When I told Mill that for an instant I felt the flow of mana she jumped around in

joy. No, the mana didn't flow for Mill but for me...

When hunting one night my level went up. It would be good if I can properly fight it with this but in this situation I feel it's probably leveling up as well. I

can't be taking it easy anymore. Whether it's during the day or Hobgoblins, I can't afford to be picky.


Year 7438, Month 10, Day 4

Finally the 10 Bakkudo village dispatch troops including 1 extra returned. I'm sure it's because Farne returned after growing up and becoming a knight. I haven't

seen Farne in more than two years but I was surprised by how much he's grown. I thought he would have grown up considerably but still had a bit of innocence

remaining though maybe it's because of the training of the knight group but he had a calm and fearless expression and sharp movements. Since Mill and I jumped at and

hugged him we felt how much he had grown even more so. However, it wasn't just happy things.

One of the squires that had been accompanying them was killed in action. It was Jadd. Since his son Whitney has already become an official squire there's no problems

with taking over the head of family but it's a shock to hear that someone I knew had died. I received the same level of shock when I heard that six had died

previously in the attack from the Horned Bear. The cause of death was a stray arrow that he took during combat but it seems that arrow was smeared with poison. He

died not long after he was shot with it. Sharl can't use earth magic so she lamented the fact that she couldn't use detoxifying magic.

Huh? If that's the case then the numbers don't match up. There's one too many. I slow confirm everyone's faces. And, there's a woman I don't know. It was hard to

tell since she was wearing the same rubber protectors as everyone else. Who is she? Mill seems to have realized as well and asks.

"Father, who is that person?"

"Hn? Ah, a guest. I'll introduce you later."

Is the conversation I overheard. The unknown woman had pretty greenish-yellow colored hair and was beautiful enough that you'd turn around to check again. I wonder

if Sharl was like that when she was young.

Farne goes to her side and talks to her intimately while helping her remove the protectors. Hey now, why are you getting so intimate with my older brother, don't be

making such an embarrassed face towards Farne, you whore. Just because you're a little bit good looking it's ten years too early for someone of unknown origins like

you to be talking directly with the heir to the Greed family. I endure grinding my teeth while taking the protectors from Sharl and placing them in the warehouse.

There Farne tells me to hang up this as well and gives me her protector. The protector I took was one of the spare ones I made. Since she was using the protectors I

thought she was a squire of the knight group but this is one of the spares of the new type that only our village is using so far.

The only one equipped with the old type of protector in here is Farne and that's been used for a number of years. In order to match up with his growth spurts we've

changed the rubber belt a number of times so that's new but starting with the shoulders, the plates that cover the chest, and abdomen are all the same as before and

have cuts and marks from being repaired. Since it's already small for Farne's body I'm sure it troublesome to continue using this one. Since Farne can do all of the

processes for producing rubber himself, whenever we delivered things to the knight group he took a bottle of charcoal, sulfur, and latex so he must have been

adjusting and fixing it himself.

However, I somehow can't seem to accept it. Since she was using the village's protectors I don't think she's related to the knight group and father says she's a

guest, who in the world is she? Why don't I Identify you?

Shanleid.Webdos /1/4/7438

Female/13/5/7422HumanWebdos Family Eldest DaughterMarquis Webdos Knight


Age16 Years Old







Special AbilityEarth Magic(Lv.1)

Special AbilityWater Magic(Lv.1)

Special AbilityFire Magic(Lv.1)

Special AbilityWind Magic(Lv.1)

Special Ability: Void Magic(Lv.2)


Eh? H..Huh? The one who was of suspicious origins was older brother.

Author's Note: Since Farne's condition is good and he was trained by the knight group his stats are a bit high.

Farnestan.Greed /1/4/7438

Male/21/1/7422HumanGreed Family Eldest SonMarquis Webdos Knight


Age16 Years Old







Special AbilityEarth Magic(Lv.5)

Special AbilityWater Magic(Lv.6)

Special Ability: Void Magic(Lv.6)


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