Outdoor Webcast

Chapter 525

Chapter 525: Chapter 525: Dragon Cave is a cage?

Translator: 549690339

At this moment, countless people were watching Ning Fei’s live broadcast.

Marine experts, spectators, archaeologists, scientific research departments, and so on.

The foreign countries were also enjoying such a magical scene.

This was the South China Sea, the deepest blue hole in the world.

At this moment, the discussion about this matter was also very heated.

[ he has already passed through the hydrogen sulfide layer! ]

[ is he alright? ]

[ there is no oxygen below the hydrogen sulfide. It is just stagnant water. No large marine animals will survive. ]

[ not necessarily. There are still many unexplored secrets in the sea. ]

Ning Fei continued to dive.

The sea became darker and darker.

The feeling of claustrophobia invaded everyone.

This place looked even scarier than the Kurubala Cave.

The netizens knew that the sea water here was poisonous.

Every minute and every second, Ning Fei faced great danger.

Everyone watched the live broadcast of Ning Fei diving down and felt that their bodies unconsciously became a little nervous. They even had some difficulty breathing.

Ning Fei, on the other hand, was very calm as he continued to dive down.

His diving suit was specially made, so the seawater couldn’t seep in, and the poisonous seawater didn’t have much of an effect on him.

“He’s still in the hydrogen sulfide water layer.”

“I wonder how deep this water layer is.”

“It might be the same seawater all the way down to the bottom of 300 meters.”

“Or there might be another area of water below the hydrogen sulfide water layer.”

Ning Fei said.

Hearing his voice, the netizens felt relieved.

After all, it was too quiet in such a claustrophobic deep sea.

It inevitably made people feel a little depressed.

The surroundings were very dark, without any species, like a dead land.

Ning Fei kept swimming down.

“This place is like a cage.”

“I don’t think it’s the place where Sun Wukong pulled out the ocean-pacifying needle.”

“It’s more like the place where the heavenly court imprisoned the Dragon King.”

The netizens agreed with Ning Fei’s words.

[ it reminds me of the Dragon King in the descent of Nezha’s devil child. ]

[ it does look like him. ]

Ning Fei continued to descend. He had already dived to a depth of about 250 meters.

Further down, he was about to reach the bottom of the Yongle Dragon Cave.

At this moment, Ning Fei’s eyes lit up.

“Look over there! What’s That?”

The netizens followed the sound and looked over. They saw that at the bottom of the Yongle Dragon Cave, there was actually a small fish swimming slowly.

As it was the bottom of the sea, and the hydrogen sulfide layer blocked most of the sunlight, the bottom of the sea seemed a little dark.

The bionic tuna and flying fish turned on the lights.

Then, with a faint light, the netizens saw that there was really a fish swimming at the bottom of the Yongle Dragon Cave.

[ it’s a fish! There’s really a fish at the bottom of the Dragon Cave! ]

[ this means that the bottom of the dragon cave isn’t stagnant water. There are other creatures below! ]

[ this is definitely a huge discovery! ]

The netizens discussed animatedly.

Outside the Dragon Cave, the researchers of the Chinese Ocean Bureau were also shocked when they saw this scene.

“Abbey Dean Ning found signs of life at the bottom of the Yongle Dragon Cave. Quickly record it!”

“There are fish at the bottom of the Yongle Dragon Cave. This means that the bottom of the Dragon Cave is not a pool of stagnant water!”

“This is a huge discovery!”

Not only the Chinese Ocean Bureau, but even the people of the Chinese special department were shocked by the sudden appearance of the little fish.

Lin Tao said in a deep voice, “There really is a creature under the Yongle Dragon Cave! Why didn’t we detect it before?”

“If we look at it this way, it might really be hidden in the deepest part of the Yongle Dragon Cave!”

Lin Tao looked at the scene in the live broadcast room.

Ning Fei did something that no one else could do.

He risked his life to dive into the deep sea dragon cave filled with hydrogen sulfide.

Even he couldn’t help but admire such courage.

Ning Fei continued to descend.

The light from the two bionic fish illuminated his surroundings.

Ning Fei activated the infrared mode of his special diving suit. This way, he could see the creatures around him even in a pitch-black environment.

“Obviously, the area below the dragon cave is not completely sealed.”

“There must be an undercurrent circulating underground.”

“Otherwise, the top is covered by a thick layer of hydrogen sulfide water. It’s absolutely impossible for creatures to survive in the sea area like this!”

In the infrared mode, Ning Fei saw a few rare small fish.

These small fish were all very small, only about two fingers wide.

He guessed that there should be a very small gap in the wall at the bottom of the Yongle Dragon Cave.

This gap could only allow small fish to pass through.

Because of the underground undercurrent, there were still many corals growing at the bottom of the Yongle Dragon Island.

At this time, Ning Fei finally arrived at the bottom of the Yongle Dragon Island.

The bottom was not flat, and the coral reefs were complicated.

[ I’m at the bottom! ]

[ the deepest part of the Dragon Cave looks so scary! ]

[ could there really be a dragon here! ? ]

The netizens became nervous again.

At this moment, Ning Fei squatted down and gently pushed aside the coral reef, revealing the bottom of the sea.

“Are these stalagmites and stalactites? !”

Ning Fei looked carefully at the structure of the bottom of the sea and exclaimed in surprise.

A few knowledgeable netizens were also puzzled when they heard his words.

“Stalagmites and stalactites? Don’t they only exist in karst caves?”

“Yes, just like the Stalactite Cave that Abbey Dean Ning found in the Qinshan Mountains.”

“There are stalactites at the bottom of the sea?”

“Generally speaking, stalactites are formed after tens of thousands of years. They basically won’t change anymore.”

“How did the stalactites come to the bottom of the sea?”

The netizens were discussing animatedly.

At this moment, Ning Fei also said,

“These are all stalactites. I will bring some back for the people of the oceanic administration or the geological administration to study.”

“The existence of the stalactites proves that this sea area was once a piece of land.”

“Millions of years ago, or even tens of millions of years ago, this was a huge cave on the land, like an open shaft.”

“Later, when the glaciers melted and the sea level rose, seawater poured into the shaft, forming a magical blue hole in the sea that was embedded in the lake.”

Through exploring the depths of the Dragon Cave, Ning Fei could be considered to have found the scientific basis for the existence of the Dragon Cave.

However, what he wanted to find was not just the reason for the formation of the Dragon Cave.

The system told him that there was a divine beast here.

This made him a little excited.

Ning Fei also wanted to know what kind of species the divine beast would be this time.

The bottom of the Yongle Dragon Cave was not long, only about 40 meters in diameter.

In other words, Ning Fei could quickly explore the entire bottom of the cave.

At this moment, the bionic tuna sensed something and shot a video towards Ning Fei.

The netizens saw a long, scaly creature swimming past Ning Fei’s back.

After seeing this scene, the netizens in the live broadcast room were all petrified.

[ what... is that? ! ]

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