Overlimit Skill Holder (Web Novel JP)

Chapter Dragon and Ogre, Sin and Blame (1/79) 24: Overlimit Skill Holder Vol 5

Vol 5: Chapter 24

Hundreds of shells rained down from the military magic airships. Such a large-scale bombardment seemed almost overboard to me, but End Fang cannot be defeated by half-hearted measures either.

End Fang was no longer in the previous location. It ran while avoiding the shells. As a result, the hit rate dropped significantly. Out of the 10 recent shots, not one hit the giant.

(It’s already getting used to dealing with the bombardment?)

The Lev Magic Empire is a small country and is made up of magic tool technology. They have never participated in any major war, and though it owns militarized magic airships, the empire has never put it into action.

Besides, the turrets were built for destroying castle walls and not for hunting huge mobile monsters.

I climbed up to the roof of a building and searched for End Fang’s location. I easily found it from the loud stomps.

It was near the cliffs to the north side. End Fang could probably jump over the cliff with its giant body. Perhaps the Empire intends to drive it north — to the “Undeveloped Land Canion”.

(Will it really work? Aren’t they a little too overconfident in their airships?)

The magic airships cornered End Fang to the cliff.

The airships lowered their altitude since the first bombardment. They tried to get closer to End Fang because the subsequent bombardments did not hit.

They were probably thinking that End Fang would not be able to jump 300 meters into the sky no matter how big it was.


I noticed something at that moment.

All the mana that enveloped End Fang’s body had disappeared. The mana that it used to fend off attacks while restrained to the ground was gone.

The damage from the bombardment will be more devastating without the mana. Maybe End Fang is confident that it can dodge the shells?

But where did the mana go then?

「…!? No!」

They would be right to assume that End Fang can’t reach them in the sky by jumping.

However, End Fang, the giant species, can use magic.

I recalled the time when Red Gate first appeared. Forest Eater used magic.


At the same time as the roar, numerous wedge-shaped dark purple energy masses appeared. It appeared one after another until the number finally matched the number of airships.

Each one locked on to one airship each like rocket missiles.

The airships’ responses were disordered.

Some tried to shoot the energy masses, while others tried to turn around and escape.

The energy masses were then fired. The airships in the sky were hit and exploded one after another.

Some of the airships that were trying to escape were only hit slightly, but they were caught up in the surrounding explosions and took significant damage.

「Oh man……」

About half the airships were completely destroyed in the explosions, while the other half were significantly damaged and were falling to the ground. Only 2 escaped unharmed.


End Fang roared as if to signify its victory.

But the battle has not ended yet.

Many soldiers were running towards End Fang on the ground – while debris of airships was falling down from the sky.


They proceeded without fear even after witnessing the massacre that just took place. Were they not afraid of death? No, of course they were. But still, they chose to push forward and fight.

It was our chance to attack, now that End Fang’s mana armor was gone.

「I have to go too.」

I leapt off the roof and launched myself into the sky. I accelerated with【Wind Magic】, and maintained altitude with【Fire Magic】. I jumped from roof to roof in that manner. I could use “Shunpo” for short distances, but I’m not used to it yet, so it consumes a lot of stamina.

Suddenly, screams reached my ear.

End Fang was yet to clad its mana armor, so it jumped and tried to trample the approaching soldiers underfoot.

A unit with a huge bow appeared–they seemed to be soldiers of the Keith Gran Federation. The bow was nocked with an arrow the size of a short spear and needed to be drawn by three people. The fired arrows pierced End Fang’s left side as it was distracted by the soldiers nearby.


The next thing that appeared was a familiar light blue aura—the former Holy King Grenjido. He approached End Fang, whose movement was temporarily stopped by the barrage of arrows, and pierced the already injured left forefoot deeply with his spear.

There were movements on the right side as well. The knights of Saint Knight Kingdom launched an all-out charge. Leading the charge was an exceptionally large knight, carrying an incredibly large sword.

However, at the same time, End Fang was about to turn to counterattack. It took a deep breath and tried to roar. The pressure from End Fang’s roar can effectively stun people temporarily.

However, the roar was unsuccessful. I saw a leather bag flying towards End Fangs as it was about to breathe in. The leather bag popped and scattered fine particles in End Fang’s mouth.

Instead of roaring, End Fang sneezed.

「It’s Mimino-san!」

Only Mimino-san could think of using herbs in that manner on the front line. I couldn’t see Mimino-san, but she seems to be mixed up with the Saint Knight Kingdom’s army

During this time, the large knight leading the charge rushed in and, unbelievably, slashed apart End Fang’s left forefoot wholly. A fierce cheer erupted from the soldiers.


There should be almost no time in history when the Keith Gran Federation, the Kruvan Holy Kingdom, and the Saint Knight Kingdom jointly stood on the front line. However, they, the veterans of war, read the situation on the battlefield and coordinated harmoniously with each other.

Even in a world where skill orbs and unique talents have a great influence, the power born when people come together is still extraordinary.

I want to stand with them as well.

「Let’s go!」

The distance to End Fang was about 500 meters. There were no tall buildings anymore. I jumped into the air from the last rooftop, flying over the soldiers of Kruvan Holy Kingdom and Saint Knight Kingdom, and approached End Fang without pause.

End Fang trampled around in frustration. The slashed off left forefoot remained standing.

「You guys! Now is the time to push!!!」

Grenjido shouted with all his might.

Which caused End Fangs to look back at him.

「Your Majesty! Please escape!」

「The tail is coming!!」

The Knights Order shouted.

End Fang turned its body back and swiped its tail right towards Grenjido.


A huge tail was approaching at high speed like a scythe.

It was no longer possible for Grenjido to dodge it.

「I won’t let you!」

I slipped in before that, and activated 5【Fire Magic】in my right hand and 5【Wind Magic】in my left hand. Moreover, it was a version that has been compressed to further increase its destructive power.

「Bomb Tornado!!」

An improved version of “Flame Tornado” that I have been using for a long time.

The unleashed magic collided with the tail from the front, causing a huge explosion.

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