Overpowered Broadcast System

Chapter 50: Little tiger, evil tiger roar? (1/2)

Chapter 50: Little tiger, evil tiger roar? (1/2)

Look everyone, thats a golden monkey from Qinshan Mountain Range!

Qinshan has four treasures, the giant panda, the golden monkey, the takin, and the crested ibis, commonly known as the sit-through beast. If anyone dares to touch these precious animals, they will basically say goodbye to freedom.

Golden monkeys or Chinas beautiful, golden fur, look rich.

Vietnam and Myanmar also have golden monkeys, the former only the limbs are light yellow, the latter the whole body of the hair is black, only and golden monkeys belong to the same species.

So, its still our China that is so vast and has the best people.

Ning Fei pointed to a golden monkey in a distant tree and explained.

The drone focal length pulled away and focused on the golden monkey sitting on a tree branch. This monkey is very cute, squatting on the branch, covered in golden fluff, two arms do not look long, the face is also very small.

To be honest, most of the monkeys in the scenic spot look ugly and bad-tempered. But the golden monkey is definitely the face value representative of the monkey world, and each one is very beautiful.

Is this the golden monkey? It looks good.

Ning Guan is very self-conscious and feels like he can talk about everything.

Yeah, there is really nothing to say about knowledge, its too powerful.

One more knowledge point.

Awesome, its amazing.

Ning Fei looked at the golden monkeys in the distance and also felt in a good mood.

That was natures treasure.

One of Chinas magical species!

Its just a pity. Suddenly, Ning Fei shook his head again.

Seeing his appearance, the netizens couldnt help but be curious.

Anchor, why are you suddenly sighing?

Yeah, whats wrong with the golden monkey?

Seeing the pop-ups in the live stream, Ning Fei gently explained to everyone.

Everyone misunderstood, Im not talking about the golden monkey.

I just suddenly thought of the South China tiger.

The South China tiger, also known as the Chinese tiger, is only found in China and used to live in the Qinshan Mountain Range.

Now experts have declared the wild South China tiger extinct, and there are just over 60 left in the world. It takes almost 100 or more to maintain a population, and the South China tiger is likely to be extinct within 50 years.

The International Convention on Endangered Wild Fauna and Flora, promulgated by the United States, lists the South China tiger as the number one endangered species and at the top of the worlds ten most endangered species.

Netizens listened to Ning Feis explanation and were momentarily fascinated.

Ning Feis language, demeanour, and movements just now, there is an indefinable feeling, some old fans perceive that feeling and his sword dance seems to be the same.

Maybe that kind of thing is the Tao.

Everyone look at the anchors eyes, so sincere ah.

What is going on when I heard the anchor talk about being touched?

There is something that Master Ning did not explicitly say, the extinction of the South China tiger, and the indiscriminate hunting and killing of humans has a lot to do with.

So, thats really a crime.

Ning Fei does have a different kind of affection for this kind of cherished animals, things are precious by their rarity, the rarer they are, the more they deserve peoples attachment.

For example, the giant panda, one of the bear family, never a slave, and as a result, can now make a living by being cute.

Another example is the rabbit, obviously very cute, but so can be born, put two rabbits in the grassland did not take long to roam the hills are, do not eat no way ah.

Ning Fei cleaned up his mood and continued on his way.

Its late, while its not dark, Ning Fei pitched his tent not far from the river.

Ning Fei was going to make fish soup for dinner. He came to the river and made some streams with a teapot.

The stream water was clear and a little cool, Ning Fei was tired all day, so he picked up a handful of river water and washed his face.

The scene under the live camera was beautiful, the drone overlooked down, green grass around, a clear stream, a handsome Taoist priest washing his face by the stream, the stream water beads sliding down his face, everything looked so aesthetically pleasing.

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