Overpowered in the Wrong Genre

Chapter 4 – The Wrong Genre (4)

Chapter 4 – The Wrong Genre (4)

[Translator – Late Dreamer]

[Proofreader – Seeker]

Chapter 4 – The Wrong Genre (4)

During lunchtime, students enjoy their freedom in their own ways.

Some sit in the garden with their friends, savoring tea time.

Others rush to the snack bar to grab some treats together.

Or they challenge each other with similar abilities to see who’s stronger.

—Haah. Huuu.

Deus didn’t belong to any of those categories.

Just like yesterday, as always, he was simply training his body.

Confusion is one thing, but maintaining expectations is another.


With every exhale, muscles all over his body moved dynamically.

The veins beneath his skin writhed like living snakes.

It felt like something might burst out of his back at any moment.

To the onlookers, he’s a devotee.

Yeah, that’s right. That’s what everyone would call him.


But Deus himself didn’t think so at all.

‘Why does it feel like my body is deteriorating?’

He remembered the moment he threw his unexpected ace in the hole for survival.

Back then, his body couldn’t have been in better condition than it was.

Maybe it’s because the tension was fading away in this peace that his body was deteriorating.

He sighed and examined his body once again.

Still, it wasn’t satisfying.

It wasn’t like it used to be.

“…Strange. Wasn’t this the way to go?”

“Yeah, right? We came this way a few days ago to go to the library, didn’t we?”

Students approached, chatting amongst themselves.

As Deus was about to enter the next set, his eyes met theirs.



It’s a monster. Yeah, that’s right. That thing is definitely a monster. A monster is inside the gate!

With its monstrous body and the eerie atmosphere emanating from it.

Above all, its eyes gleam ominously, as if ready to tear people apart.


Could it be that a gate has appeared even in the cradle?!

One of the students hastily manifested their ability.

Seeing the light gathering in their hands, they seem to belong to the light class.

Particularly strong against monsters that prefer darkness.

“Excuse me.”

At the moment they were about to attack the heinous monster, a low yet firm voice interrupted.

“Are you a freshman?”


It was speaking? Could it be a humanoid monster?!

“I’m a freshman too.”

Deus spoke, poking his chest with his thumb.

Only then did the students realize that their opponent was a person, not a monster.

…Still, they weren’t entirely sure if ‘person’ was the right term to describe them.

“You said you were going to the library, right? You went the wrong way.”

“Ahhh? Really?”

“You need to go the opposite way from the intersection in the road just now.”

It’s understandable if it was their first time. The campus needed to be somewhat large and spacious.

Smiling, he recalled almost getting lost on his first day too.


“S-Sorry! Sorry!!”

In terror, the two students fled for their lives.


Ah, I see. A black-haired foreigner like me is inevitably perceived as a savage.

Should I really consider dyeing my hair? Deus ponders this seriously.


“Ta-da! Nice to meet you, freshmen! Isn’t today your first day of PE?!”

Students gaze in confusion at the appearance of the gym teacher.

Strange. Could it be that we misread the timetable?

It’s PE time now. PE for students with abilities.

But why is the one appearing to be such a petite lady?

“My name is Tiamat! I’ll be your teacher for enjoyable PE classes until next year! Now! What’s my name?!”

“This is Ms. Tiamat!”

“That’s right! Correct! I’m Tiamat, your teacher!”

Excitedly bouncing around alone, Teacher Tiamat.

Her actions make the students burst into laughter, finding her cute.

Already slim, she’s even shorter than the students.

And with her blonde hair, she looks like a golden retriever.

“That teacher is really cute.”

“Teacher, really? She looks younger than our younger siblings, though.”

“Well, you shouldn’t judge talented people by their appearance.”

Meanwhile, Deus, who was standing at the back due to his height, let out a sigh.


He wanted to compliment that male student who emphasized not judging by appearances.

As that student said, that lady teacher, Tiamat, was undoubtedly strong.

Even with his current self, he’d probably have to struggle against her for at least five minutes.

Of course, after that, his overwhelming dominance would likely take over.

‘But still, her actions are so energetic, yet her name is Tiamat.’

Anyone can see she’s a character with a twist.

With a name like that, it’s obvious.

“Now then! Since it’s the first day, I’ll give a brief introduction to the class, and then we’ll do some warm-ups. First! What I want from you in this class is very simple! It’s to make your bodies stronger!”


[Translator – Late Dreamer]

[Proofreader – Seeker]

There’s nothing to knock on, so Teacher Tiamat vigorously slapped her thigh.

“Some of you might wonder why we need to work on our bodies when we can manifest abilities! But of course, we need to! Just relying on abilities isn’t enough for ability users! You could get into big trouble!”

Ah, yes, that’s right. That teacher knew her stuff.

Deus, with his arms crossed, vigorously nodded in agreement.

It’s always the case in a world with abilities.

People neglect physical training, relying solely on their powers.

Thinking they can cover everything with their abilities alone.

However, no matter how well you use your abilities, if your body is weak, it’s useless. Conversely, if you’re good at using abilities and have a strong body, it synergizes well.

“Does strong mental strength surpass a strong physical body? Nonsense! Anyone spouting that kind of nonsense hasn’t been near exercise at all! Human mental strength only extends to what the body can handle!”

Words were once spoken by the former pro athlete turned gym manager, as he pushed aspiring athletes beyond their limits.

“Don’t forget. Your limits are not determined by the edge of your mental strength but by the boundaries your body can endure! Got it?!”

Today, Teacher Tiamat is saying the same thing.

“Now. In that sense! Let’s all do a grade evaluation!”

Teacher Tiamat raises both arms and shouts for the students to pair up. The students look for those they’ve become somewhat acquainted with over the past week.

“Why! Why aren’t you pairing up with me?!”

“Sorry. Actually, he’s better suited for you.”

“Th-this is betrayal! Ugh!”

Deus remained silent. Eventually, those who are left will naturally form pairs later on.

He had no intention of foolishly asking, ‘Would you like to pair up with me?’ right here.

“Don’t pair up with the black-haired savage!”

“You smell like a savage! Go away!”

—As the future looks faintly visible, why do such foolish things?

Maybe I should just dye my hair blonde and get a tan?

Since I already misunderstood the genre, changing the character wouldn’t be a problem.

It was at that moment when I seriously considered changing even the age rating.

“Um, excuse me.”

Pink hair. It’s Yurishia who had lunch together during lunchtime.

“Before… No, no. Yurshia, right?”

“Yeah. That’s right. But, but then. Do you remember my name?”

Of course, why wouldn’t I? We exchanged greetings just an hour ago. Unless you’re suffering from young-onset dementia, you won’t forget.

“Hey, look, I don’t think I’ve found a partner yet.

“uh. Yeah. As you can see. I think it’s a bit awkward for me because my hair color is like this.”

“thank god!”


“Oh, no! Not this! “That’s not what I mean!”

Yurishia, who was flustered, caught Deus’s attention and barely managed to continue her words.

“With me. with me… match… Do you want to do it?”


“It might be sudden, but since you don’t have a partner… uh, uh?”

Did I just hear that wrong? Th-that’s it, right? That’s right?

“Let’s be partners. Since I haven’t found a partner yet.”

“Uh, uh! Yeah! That’s right!”

Hehehe! A bright smile appears on Yurishia’s lips.

Seeing her like that, Deus muttered to himself, ‘Is a black-haired foreigner her type?’

“Th-Then! The first thing we need to do is…”

“Just a moment. Excuse me!”

A golden retriever suddenly sticks its head between the two men and women.

―No, Ms. Tiamat.

“Our pink-haired student? What’s your name?!”

“Huh? Oh. It’s Yurishia.”

“Right. Yurishia, student! I’m really sorry, but that student over there still doesn’t have a partner!? Our kind Yurishia student, could you go and pair up with him? Please? I’m begging you!!”

A sudden situation. Yurishia was visibly flustered due to the unexpected turn of events.

But she couldn’t ask Teacher Tiamat for an explanation or anything. Being timid, all she could do was nod her head.

“Yes, yes, Teacher.”

“Thank you! I’ll buy you something delicious later!!”

Now, hurry! Hurry! Pushing Yurishia forward, Teacher Tiamat turns back to Deus.

“Oh, it’s you!? You’re one of the promising ones this time! I can tell just by looking! You’re definitely one of the promising ones!”

…Is that praise? It must be praise, right?

“Thank you, Teacher.”

“Yeah yeah! So, you see, I’d like to personally evaluate our students! Is that okay?!”

With those sparkling eyes, how could I refuse?

It’s like watching a puppy wait for playtime.

“I’m okay with it, Teacher.”

“Great! As expected of a promising student! Let’s get started right away!”



The sound of the wind parting. Following it, a thunderous noise tore through the air.


“What, what’s happening?!”

Students recoil in fear. Some were even looking around for a place to hide.

Meanwhile, in the blink of an eye, the two students who had already exchanged a single blow were at a distance.



This is the first time I’ve seen something like this.

Teacher Tiamat chuckled as she clenched and unclenched her fist. Her hand feels numb. The joints in her arms ache. The pain even reached her shoulders.

Just from one clash it was clear.

Was this really a freshman? They’re way beyond the level of a student.

I’ve personally evaluated promising students several times in the past. But I’ve never felt this level of tension and awe before.

“Student. Name?”

“I’m Deus.”

“Deus. Good. I’ll remember that. Shall we get a bit more serious?!”

From Teacher Tiamat bursts forth a golden flash like an explosion.


Watching this, Deus quietly reminded himself.

Let’s control the power.

It’s really not good for a foreigner to challenge the Teacher…!

[Translator – Late Dreamer]

[Proofreader – Seeker]

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