Overpowered in the Wrong Genre

Chapter 8 – Promising Student at Admission (4)

Chapter 8 – Promising Student at Admission (4)

[Translator – Late Dreamer]

[Proofreader – Seeker]

Chapter 8 – Promising Student at Admission (4)

“Hello. Students of the Cradle. Let’s make today’s class beneficial and energetic. Continuing from last time, we will proceed with the part about the law related to special abilities.”

Who could it be other than a professor teaching about the law? His measured demeanor is impressive. The cold light emanating from his glasses is typical of a ‘glasses character’.

Deus, who sat at the very back, thought to himself and focused on the class.

“As you all know, not all special abilities can defeat monsters. Only those who have received a diploma from here and have completed the mandatory education can obtain that qualification.”

With a stiff atmosphere he slightly raised his square glasses, and the professor in charge of Cradle’s social and law classes, Ruler, continued his speech.

“Is there a student who knows the reason?”

At the sudden question, the students glanced at each other.

Whether they knew the answer or not, that was not important now.

They worry about receiving excessive attention if they stand out unnecessarily.

“…If there isn’t, I will nominate. Hmm. The student sitting at the end.”

He found himself being singled out again. It wasn’t because they considered him a barbarian or a savage, was it? The thought had crossed his mind more than once.

Deus, who had been singled out by each professor throughout the morning classes, stands up from his seat.

“Your name is Deus. Deus, can you answer the previous question?”

“Yes, Professor.”

“Then let’s hear it.”

The Empire had established a place called Cradle to educate individuals with special abilities. They insisted on upholding the law, even as gates appeared and monsters emerged.

Deus answered as best he knew about that part.

“All people with special abilities are under the control of the Empire.”

“More specifically.”

“Because special ability is a double-edged sword.”

If the special ability had been used solely for defeating monsters.

To closing gates and maintaining peace, then there had been no problem.

However, humans as they always had, were beings that wavered between good and evil.

Some for their own glory. Some for a more overwhelming victory.

And some for the chaos they’d never experienced before.

“A simple but clear answer. Very good, Deus. You’re a promising one.”

“Thank you.”

At this point, it was getting confusing whether he kept getting questions because he was promising one or whether he was promising one because he stood out.

“As Deus said, granting qualifications is evidence that the person with ability is operating under the Empire’s control. Therefore, immediate action is possible if a problem arises, whether it be a reward or a punishment.”

The Empire had tried its best to eradicate them. Although it had achieved significant effects, there were still more people with special abilities than expected who were operating without any qualifications.

If they had only done good deeds for their entire lives, it would have been a truly good thing. There wouldn’t even have been a law requiring anyone who manifested special abilities to enroll in Cradle.

“A double-edged sword. There couldn’t be a more appropriate word. According to a survey by the Empire’s Ministry of Justice, it was revealed that over 70% of superhumans who secretly operate without enrolling in the Cradle were involved in crimes. It was truly shocking content.”

Special abilities did not manifest in just anyone. At most, there were only a few 100 years. That uniqueness, along with the power of ability, played a decisive role in it becoming ‘power’.

“Power without restraint eventually corrupts. Recognizing this, the Empire created Cradle, an educational institution for special abilities humans, gave them qualifications and authority, and at the same time they put a leash of duty and control on them.”

Even now, somewhere within the Empire, there must be someone committing a crime using their special ability.

The fallen status of special abilities was being re-established by others through their sacrifices.

It was a fierce battle between good and evil special people that the students still didn’t know about.

“Even today, the Empire’s special forces are looking for those who use special abilities without qualifications, those who use those abilities for crimes. Everyone in that place is an extremely skilled person. This professor hopes that you students will never encounter them.”

Without a single smile. Just pushing up his glasses Professor Ruler with his cold appearance, the students unconsciously nod their heads.

“Now, then. Empire Special Ability Law. All people with special abilities prioritize the use of their abilities for gate closure and monster handling. According to this law, all those who graduate from Cradle in case of emergency…”

While Professor Ruler’s class was in progress.

‘Special forces.’

Deus was lost in thought, resting his chin on his hand.

‘I thought it was just an absurd world, but it’s a place with its own established worldview.’

Indeed. That was correct. It was impossible to live completely forgetting that part when there could be such an amazing ability, and someone could use it to overthrow the entire society.

The Empire values people with special abilities. Because they were the ones who sealed the gates and dealt with the monsters.

The Empire was very wary of them. Because they possessed the power to overthrow the Empire at any moment.

So they created Cradle to grant qualifications and educate duties.

They give as much authority and profit to those who do not hide the manifestation of special abilities so that they do not harbor ill intentions, and prevent it by putting a leash on them.

‘There are more people who have not entered Cradle than I thought. And they don’t fight monsters and save the world, but rather torment people for their own gain…’

It’s very similar to the novel he knew,


Those who try to save the world through self-sacrifice and those who try to ruin the world.

Those who were dying for others and those who were cursing others come to his mind.

“Special forces.”

It had seemed to be the most suitable job for him given the circumstances. How can he get in there? Was there extra credit if he joined the dispatch team? They say there were only terrifying people there, but they should accept someone like him, right?

Deus was lost in thought, pondering this and that.


Yurishia, who was sitting next to him, was glancing at him and watching him.


[Translator – Late Dreamer]

[Proofreader – Seeker]

To Yurishia, Deus was a very strange person.

From a distance, it looked like she was looking at a monster, not a person. If you get a little closer he will look like a very scary person.

But once inside, he was full of a kind heart for others more than anyone else.

‘He’s been helping students for a few days.’

Break time. Lunchtime. And until school time. He had not yet made any friends to call his own, so he spent a lot of time alone. And that naturally led him to isolation.

Just because he had helped others didn’t mean it was going to be huge. It was small things.

He kindly showed the way to students who had lost their way.

(Most of the students who received directions chose to run away.)

If he saw someone about to fall, he quickly caught them from behind.

(He usually caught them by the nape of their neck or clothes and dangled them.)

It wouldn’t be easy to do that. If he had not possessed a kind heart, he might have ignored it and simply walked away.

Even though no one said anything, Deus acted that way.

That was why Deus became more and more admired.

Although she was timid and even speaking made her nervous, she thought that someday she would like to become like that person.

‘I can’t just admire. I also need to change.’

Yurishia clenched her fist tightly.

Right. She was also a person with abilities. She could not remain a child forever.

She could not start off well from the beginning. Like Deus, she decided to start with small things.

Talking, initiating conversation. Overcoming her trembling heart was the first step.

‘First of all, I have to say hello to the friends who pass by…!’

—Thinking that, Yurisia popped her head up


Thinking about it, she had followed Deus and chased him all the way here.

And of course, this area was a place where there were hardly any students coming and going.

Deus always found a secluded place and stayed for a short time of 10 minutes or a long time of an hour.

‘What is he doing… is it?’

Suddenly curious, Yurishia hesitated for a moment and then moved her steps.

It was an action she would never have taken originally.

She would just have conflicts in her and couldn’t overcome her timidity, and she would have gone back.

But today unlike usual, she pushed herself a little more.

“It seemed like he went this way…”

She lost him. She definitely saw him go in here. Should she have gone faster? Did she hesitate too much because she was careful?

“What are you doing here, Yurishia?”


Yurishia’s body jumps at the cold voice coming from behind.

“D-Deus?! So, so, sorry! That, that is, I-I’m!”

“Did you come to see Jojo too?”

“I am, that… uh, uhuh?”

Jojo? What was that? Yurishia’s face was filled with confusion.

“Ah, Maybe you call it by a different name? I call it that because its punch is so great.”

-Tsk, tsk!

Suddenly, Deus had made a strange sound.

Then, from the shaking bushes, a small cat appeared.

It was not a fully grown cat. It was a kitten that had not yet fully matured.

‘It’s cute!!’

It was the first time she had seen a young cat, especially this close.

The small body naturally exuded loveliness

At that cute appearance, Yurishia’s mind became completely captivated.


Suddenly, the cat lets out a sharp sound.

There, Deus was putting out food.

—Meow!! Meow!!

“Oh. Quite good. As expected, Jojo.”


Even though it was still a child, it was a pretty powerful meow punch.

The speed was so fast that even Yurishia missed the movement for a moment.

Deus, with a smile, counters it with one finger.

“You’re still immature. You can’t even subdue any alley cat with that level of attack.”



The cat’s front paws had gotten even faster. Deus had blocked all of them with his index finger. Meanwhile, he had also made a strange sound with his mouth, murmuring ‘OraoraMudaMuda!’

Yurishia, who was blankly watching the situation, unknowingly burst into laughter.

He came to this secluded place alone to secretly take care of the kitten’s food.

And to play with it.

That’s why he went to this secluded place alone.


“Slow. Jojo. Admit it now. I am your caretaker.”

With one hand he played with the cat and with the other hand he was excitedly lifting weights with a dumbbell he had made himself.

This was academy life.

Deus smiled brightly.

[Translator – Late Dreamer]

[Proofreader – Seeker]

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