Perfect Revenge : CEO's Lovely Mistress

Chapter 38

38 Arguing with Little Boys

“Fat boy, be careful with your words,” Ella said firmly.

“Fat boy? Who are you calling fat!”

Never in his life had anyone called Nathan fat.

Nathan was very upset when he heard that. It’s true he’s fat, but no one can say that in front of him!

Her cheeks are chubby and chubby, but that makes her even cuter!

Ella knew that the boy in front of her was used to being arrogant. No one dared to scold him. Everyone around him is Christian’s servant. They wouldn’t dare go against Nathan.

In addition, he also did not spend much time with his father. Maybe this mischief is his way of getting attention from his father.

Nathan may be a little naughty, but this is just a normal child’s misbehavior.


“I’m talking about you.” Ella looked at Nathan’s face which looked a lot like Christian.

Maybe because she was used to being bullied by Christian, finally Ella couldn’t help but take revenge on her son. Whose fault is that their faces are so similar?

Nathan is really a mini version of Christian.

“Who else is here besides you?” Ella raised her eyebrows defiantly. It was clear that he wanted to annoy Nathan on purpose.


Nathan was really pissed off to death, but he couldn’t go against Ella’s words.

Her face was red with irritation and in the end, only one sentence came out. “I’m going to lose my weight!”

Across the white fence, Ella couldn’t help but smile at the sight of the chubby boy squawking in annoyance.

“Why are you even smiling?” Nathan looked at Ella in surprise.

But then, he remembered again that this woman liked her father. This woman came to her father’s house because she intended to approach and seduce his father.

When he thought about that, Nathan felt happy. He had the idea to attack this woman!

“Old woman, let me tell you, there are so many women waiting in line to marry my father. You can only dream!”

Nathan found an excuse to avenge Ella’s insults on him. This time, he used his father’s name to insult Ella.

He laughed so hard his head shot up. “Also, if you make me angry, my father will dislike you even more.”

Ella chuckled lightly when she heard that. “Sorry, I don’t want to marry your father.”

Christian is someone out of reach. As long as Christian wants to protect her, how could Ella expect more.

All he needs is a little help from Christian to destroy his family.

And Ella can’t even imagine what it’s like to live together with Christian. Every day, Christian would definitely bully her.

Wouldn’t that just make his life even more difficult?

Nathan didn’t believe Ella’s words. He looked at Ella and snorted coldly. After that he said confidently. “What woman wouldn’t want to marry my father? I know you’re just pretending. You deliberately wanted to use this method to attract my father’s attention.”

Nathan said so confidently. No matter what Ella said, Nathan wouldn’t believe it.

Ella could only stroke her dizzy head. He didn’t want to waste his time with Christian’s son. He didn’t want to irritate Christian even more.

If that happened, maybe tomorrow he wouldn’t have food.

“Handsome boy, can you call your father for me?”

Ella had a smile on her face and tried to gently persuade Nathan.

He could have sworn that this was the first time he’d tried to budge in front of a child. But this is for his future and he must endure!

When Nathan saw Ella’s change in attitude, he immediately felt proud. His face that was previously red with anger immediately looked haughty.

He stood on the inner side of the fence like a victor.

“You said you don’t want to marry my father? In that case, why did you tell me to summon him?” Nathan sneered.

His pout is very similar to Christian. Ella thought back to every time Christian sneered at her.

“I know you’re lying,” he continued, squinting at Ella.

Ella really didn’t understand. What does it have to do with wanting to meet Christian and wanting to marry him?

He only intends to send documents. Why is this child accusing him of wanting to marry Christian? Where does that logic come from?

Ahh... He forgot he was dealing with a child.

“Then can you call your maid for me? Or anyone else.” Ella kept smiling.

If he can’t meet Christian, he can leave this document with his housekeeper.

“Why are you looking for a maid?” Nathan looked at Ella suspiciously. And then he realized something. “You tried to meet my father through the maid!”

Nathan pointed at Ella accusingly. “Don’t expect you to succeed.”

Nathan’s face looked haughty. His head shot up and he looked at Ella in annoyance.

Ella watched the boy in front of her.

Actually, how does Christian educate his son? It was very clear that his son lacked affection and was trying to get attention with his mischief.

Ella shrugged her shoulders. “Just forget it. I’ll call him.”

“You have my father’s phone number?” Nathan’s eyes widened, as if he saw something hard to believe.

Ella felt that she finally had something that Nathan could repay. “I have not only your father’s number, but also his assistant. Why? Do you mind?”


Nathan immediately shouted loudly. “This woman is looking for dad’s phone number! Now he has found father’s house!”

His voice was so loud that the butler rushed over to him quickly.

“Waiter, there is an evil woman in front of the house!” Perhaps because he felt that he had help, Nathan looked a lot braver now. “He’s trying to find dad.”

Ella rolled her eyes, feeling lazy to argue with a small child. “A child as small as you already has a diverse vocabulary.”

He had tried to have a good talk with this child, but it seemed his efforts were in vain.

Nathan looked arrogant. “Of course. Don’t compare my intelligence to yours!”

The butler who was beside Nathan looked confused. He saw Ella’s formal attire. Even though he knew that it was cheap clothes, from her demeanor, he knew that this woman was no ordinary woman.

Plus, this woman was the most beautiful woman who had ever come to seek her master.

She was so beautiful that it was hard for people to ignore her.

“Miss, what business do you have here?” asked the butler politely.

Seeing that there was finally someone willing to listen to her, Ella heaved a sigh of relief. He raised the document in his hand. “I am here to deliver this document.”


The butler hadn’t had time to answer yet, but Nathan had shouted first. “I know you want to marry my father.”

“Fat boy, did you... ever hit your head?”

Ella asked in surprise. He felt there was something wrong with this kid’s head...


Nathan glared at Ella and Ella looked back at him indifferently.

Why did he have to argue like this with a child?

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