Phantasia: The Princess Knight

Chapter 160: Frost Flower Part Three

Chapter 160: Frost Flower Part Three

"Sue, Bridget, Starla, get farther back and fire off ranged spells at its head. Annelia, Rose do hit and run tactics at its feet and legs. Blake and I will aim for its arms." Alicia yelled out her orders. She figured with spells constantly being fired at its head the Ice Gorilla will try to block them with one arm. While it's blocking her and Blake can try to take out its other arm. And to keep it off balance so it can't move forward from where it's standing Rose and Annelia will each take a leg and deal as much damage to it as possible. If anything it will try to escape backward instead of forwards. If they beat it they beat it, if it decides to run, then it decides to run. Either or was fine when it comes to disaster ranked demonic beasts.

With her orders given everyone went right to work. After the first volley of spells was fired at the Ice Gorillas head the other four rushed in. Blake ran upside Alicia and held out his arm which Alicia then jumped on to and used as a springboard to soar up into the air casting wind magic behind her to propel her high up over the Ice Gorilla's head. With its right arm in her sights, Alicia shouted out "Wind Blade!" She did not even draw her sword for this. Bridget had told her that the hide of a disaster rank Ice Gorilla was known to have skin so hard that metal could not penetrate it. So they would need to use magic based skills the entire fight. 

Now the issue is was that most of the people here were still young and had small Magic Sacks. Meaning this would be a tough battle if it was prolonged for a long time. If not for the area and having other people here Alicia could use a large scale magic attack but she could not since she had promised King Agustus a long time ago to not show some of her spells. Her meteor spell would be perfect and was known to be used by high level mages in the kingdom. But the area of effect was too large, it might cause her squad to be caught up in it. She had other spells that she could use as well but she could not do so in front of the others. So she was stuck using normal spells that were already known. So her otherworldly knowledge was not going to help in this situation unless it became a case of life or death. 

Alicia's wind Blade slammed into the shoulder joint of the Ice Gorilla causing it to roar out in pain. Unfortunately, the spell only cut a few centimeters deep causing a deep flesh wound. But this did tell Alicia it could be hurt. As she fell to the ground Blake came up from underneath her and stretched out his arm giving her a perch to land on and springboard back into the air. While he was following Alicia's actions, he was firing spells at the legs of the Ice Gorilla to give a bit of support to Rose and Annelia. Alicia was basically spinning and turning in air as she started casting multiple wind blades all at once all aimed at the deep slash she already created. 


The Ice Gorilla roared out in pain, its eyes burning with rage turned to Alicia. She had just severely wounded it with that last attack and had gained the Ice Gorilla's attention as it completely ignored the incoming attacks on it and swung out with its arm at the defenseless Alicia who was falling back towards the ground. "Crap!" Alicia yelled out as she threw her hand out creating a plasma barrier made of magic in front of her that then encircled her entire body. The large fist of the Ice Gorilla slammed into her barrier sending Alicia flying through the forest, smashing into treetops and off into the distance. Her shield formed many small cracks in it. It was barely able to hold up to the force the Ice Gorilla hit her with. 

Seeing Alicia go flying off, Blake was about to leave everyone and run to save her, but when he thought of the people here that were close to Alicia, he paused his steps and disappeared from where he stood and reappeared next to Rose. "Rose take this, fall back, and take everyone inside. Do it now!" 

After giving his order, he shoved Alicia's space into Rose's hand and disappeared again. Rose did not need to ask any questions as she hurriedly grabbed Annelia making her disappear into Alicia's space. She then ran back towards the others with the Ice Gorilla going on a rampage behind her smashing everything in sight. The ground shook causing Rose to stumble here and there but she stayed on her feet and quickly reached the others. She did not explain anything to them as she dived into the three girls who were already grouped up fending off the debris flying at them and disappeared from sight. At the same time as they disappeared a large tree came crashing down on that very same spot.

Deep in the Frozen Forest, embedded into a mountain face, Alicia's eyelids twitched. She slowly opened them to see that she was in a dark cave with the entrance not too far away. The world was still spinning a bit after being blasted away like a beach volleyball. After a few minutes, she finally caught her bearings and slowly stood up. "Ouch Where am I?" Alicia asked as felt pain coming from her lower ribs. "They are definitely broken But... It seems I will not be able to heal them just yet..."


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