Phoenix Destiny

Chapter 322 - Sea of Clouds Debate

Chapter 322: Sea of Cloud’s Debate

The sea of people rushed into the woods from everywhere, creating chaos.

“Fuck off! Are you blind? Can’t you see that I’m in front of you?”

“Stop pushing me! Are you rushing to reincarnate?!”


The smart ones, on the other hand, took their time. This is not a race, why do you need to run?

“Let’s get going.” Yan Wugui grabbed Lu Mingshu’s hand after a huge group of people stepped into the woods.


It was unknown how big the woods were or what the layout was like. After walking for some time, the crowd started to disperse, and there were fewer and fewer people in front of them until there was no one left.

This situation was exactly what Lu Mingshu and Yan Wugui desired. Their origin was unusual, and what they worried about the most was that others would find out.

Not long later, they met with a test – demonic beasts that were set to block the way.

With every beast that they killed, it would give out a lump of spirit fire that went into the badge they got during their registration.

This was how the Sea of Cloud’s debate was done. Participants in the third rank would be graded based on the amount of spirit fire they had.

With Lu Mingshu’s and Yan Wugui’s ability, it was not a hard task.

To them, it was easy, but that wasn’t necessarily true for others. There were more than five thousand participants, yet there could only be five hundred who made it into the third rank. That meant that only ten percent could get past the first round, and most would be eliminated here.

And there were two rules in the Sea of Cloud’s debate that turned it into a cruel killing sprint: Firstly, killing was not a crime, and secondly, the spirit fire in a badge could be transferred.

Seeing the corpse, Lu Mingshu didn’t want to look.

“How many is that now?” Yan Wugui asked.


On their way, they passed three scenes of a fight. At first, they saw many injuries, but as they went by, they saw more corpses than injuries, showing that the fighting was getting fiercer.

Competitions in China all had limits, and they were hardly this bloody. Especially when the sects sent their disciples out, they would make it clear that all their disciples had to come back alive. If anyone murdered, there would be serious punishments. For instance, if Lu Mingshu wasn’t able to prove her innocence back then – that she killed to protect her own life – she would most likely have been hanged.

But this world, on the other hand, was encouraging murder. Life seemed like a joke to them.

“Let’s be careful. If we see fights, just sneak past or something.” Yan Wugui pulled her closer.

Lu Mingshu shook her head. “I’m afraid that’s impossible.”

“What? Why?” Yan Wugui’s eyes widened in shock.

“How many beasts have we killed?”

“Uh, I don’t know.” Yan Wugui gritted his teeth. “Twenty or thirty?”

“Twenty-seven. Thirteen and a half for each of us.”


“How long have we not met any beasts?”

“Two hours?”

“It’s three. And with the frequency they appeared earlier, there shouldn’t be any more left.”

Yan Wugui suddenly understood her and looked at her in shock.

“Since there’s no more beasts, how do they determine who wins? Five thousand people with spirit fire... do you think we can get into the third rank with just thirteen and a half beasts?”

“So what you’re trying to say is that the rules are specifically set up to encourage murder?”

Lu Mingshu nodded.

“How troublesome.” Yan Wugui held his head. “We have to start fighting if we want to make it.”

“Yeah. From what I see, most people would have killed at least fifteen beasts. Taking away one badge will put one of us at thirty, and two would be forty or fifty. The more badges we take, the more spirit fire we gain. At the end, we might even be able to gain more than a hundred. With simple math, the rankers should have about a hundred in their badge.”

“...” Yan Wugui sighed. “So, we need roughly ten badges for each of us?”

“If we are lucky, just one would do.”


As they were talking, Yan Wugui rolled out of the way just as a sword swung past him.

Ding! The sound of swords clashing could be heard.

Swish! A tree branch was cut off, and something fell.

Lu Mingshu rolled and fished out her sword, but it landed on something soft.

Lu Mingshu and Yan Wugui jumped back, leaning back to back against each other.

“My Sky Net!” They heard a cry.

They looked up to see two perpetrators jumping up in shock.

The one who attacked Yan Wugui jumped up on the tree as well.

The thing that was going for Lu Mingshu was a golden net, and two of these people held an end.

And one of them was now wailing because his golden net was ruined.

Seeing this, Lu Mingshu and Yan Wugui immediately understood that the three of them were hiding here, and one was responsible for distracting Yan Wugui so the other two could catch Lu Mingshu. If Yan Wugui cared for Lu Mingshu, he would have to exchange his spirit fire for her, and it would be an effortless victory. If not, they would still have Lu Mingshu’s spirit fire.

But it was a pity for them that they found the wrong opponents. They thought that Lu Mingshu was some easy kid, but she destroyed their treasure with her attack.

“How dare you destroy my net!? Go to hell!” the cultivator yelled to the sky and stared at Lu Mingshu in anger before rushing up.

The other two followed as well.

Yan Wugui burst out laughing at their actions. Jumping straight to murder over a net? Were they a bunch of savages?

However, it wouldn’t be easy for them.

“Me one, you two,” Lu Mingshu said calmly. “Shout for me if you can’t take it.”

“Hey! How can you push whatever you want to me? Do you think I’m your slave?”

“I said shout for me if it’s too difficult for you. You can’t handle it?” She side-eyed him.

Seeing her side-eyeing him, Yan Wugui gritted his teeth and grimaced. “Of course I can handle it!”

“Then there’s nothing else to say.”

Seeing the two act like they were invisible, the one whose net was destroyed yelled at Lu Mingshu’s. “Do you think we don’t exist? Do you want to die!?”

After an hour, it appeared that the ones who wanted to die were them; they were now nowhere to be seen, leaving only three badges behind.

“They were better than expected.” Yan Wugui puffed.

“Yeah.” Lu Mingshu nodded and took a badge, shaking it. The spirit fire came out, then she shook the other two badges. After this fight, they both had thirty units of spirit fire.

“If this is the average, then it might be hard for us to get into the second rank.” With Lu Mingshu’s and Yan Wugui’s ability, they were above average in China, probably in the top ten in the Harmonization Realm. But they spent an hour on those three, which meant the four princes would be at least as strong as Lu Mingshu and Yan Wugui, if not stronger.

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