Pick Me Up, Infinite Gacha

Chapter 344

[Aaron Side Story Episode 15]

2. The man with the sword (9) waiting to be pulled out

walked slowly.

He is located in the hall of the palace north of the city.

Everywhere you look, it is adorned with various jewels and ornaments.

A splendid red carpet was laid under their feet.


“Hey hey…!”

The human maids scream and run out.

It is to run away from the man.

It was natural.

Because he was bloody.


A hundred nobles with bloodshot eyes rushed in.

He was a palace guard.

The long spear has already been thrown away.

He raised his fingernails and teeth and tried to tear him apart.


There was a slight sound.


The man passed him.

A solid red line was drawn around the neck of the white nobleman, who had been frozen in the jumping posture, and then separated from the torso.

push shot.

blood that spurts out.

Makes Puddles On The Red Carpet

The man walked on regardless.

“What is that guy…!”

“Kill, kill!”

“Stand back and I will kill you!”

Hundred nobles surrounded the man in the hall of the wide palace.

But nobody wants to step out.

The brave hundred aristocrats had already become corpses and were strewn about there.

“Get out of the way.”

the man said grimly.

The two hundred nobles who stood in the way hesitated.

After that, the superiors were exhausted.

“What are you doing!”

The two soldiers who were urged to listen hardened their resolve.

Simultaneous raids from the left and right.

The man’s gaze scanned left and right.

The bladed steel sword began to curve.


The hundred nobles on the right rushed.

Acceleration to the point that the air shuddered.

Fingernails brushed the man’s stomach.

Blood spurts from the clawed wounds.

Immediately to the left, another soldier’s claw aimed at the man’s neck.

In an instant, the sword shot like a beam of light.

Crossed swords and nails.


The attack of the hundred nobles who were aiming for the neck did not reach.

The tip of the man’s knife pierced the man’s heart first.

Meanwhile, the soldier on the right, who had wounded the man, became a corpse. The moment he scratched his stomach, his throat was ripped off by the sword.


The man pulled out the sword stuck in his heart.

In this way two new corpses appeared in the halls of the palace.

“Kyaaak kyaaak!”

Now, the Hundred Nobles threatened but did not rush.

They instinctively understood that if they fought that man, they would die.

“You’re a human… are you?”

The guards captain murmured.

An impossible thing in his common sense.

I can’t accept the reality in front of me.

The Hundred Nobles were born to rule over humans.

Physical strength superior to that of humans and beastly senses of nature.

An adult white noble can jump 5m in one step, cover a distance of 100m in 8 seconds, and can lift a rock weighing close to 200kg.

Each of these people was a superhuman by human standards.

What about teeth and nails?

Its ferocious molars can even chew through stones.

Sharp, hard claws could make long cuts through plate armor.

how is the fighting

Just as humans naturally learn to walk when they are born, the hundred nobles naturally learn how to kill and tear others apart.

This is the realm of instinct, not technology.

The Hundred Nobles naturally possess the sense of battle that human warriors must acquire through training.

Weapons are not needed from the start.

It was the King’s bad taste that they wore armor and carried spears.

It suits the human king play.

like human warriors.

No matter how much they train, they are willing to step on them.

To them, humans were just toys.

By the way…

I’m sure… That man was breaking the common sense of the hundred aristocrats from the front.

“Kik kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!”

surprise from behind.

The blade flashed once again.

A hundred nobles whose arms were cut off howl.

At the same time, the iron sword slit his throat.

another one like this.

Every time the man walks,

the corpses of a hundred nobles pile up behind him like trophies.


That guy isn’t fast.

It does not have lightning-like movements, such as jumping over a distance of several meters in one run.

He was normal like a human being.

No, it was rather a slow axis.

A long-trained gladiator would be able to move much faster than that man.

But it’s fast.

Slower than the Hundred Nobles, but faster than the Hundred Nobles.

They couldn’t accept that mysterious contradiction.

Obviously, it was the Hundred Nobles’ side that attacked ahead.

However, that blow did not reach.

A slash that appeared out of nowhere pierced the vital point.

It is not a quick sword.

If it was fast, even the hundred nobles would have been able to cope with it.

but can’t stop

A slash that could only be said to have “appeared” did not allow any evasion.

Leave late and arrive first.

This is the trick of the late start system.

Although it was a martial art attained after long training and numerous realizations, that man was doing it naturally.

It’s not just a matter of speed.

If you outrun the opponent’s attack due to the difference in speed, this is not considered a second start.

Accurately predict the opponent’s attack point and timing,

thoroughly recognize one’s position and possible counterattack methods, and

deliver the most perfect blow at the most perfect timing.


The man’s sword drew an arc.

The white nobleman he was dealing with widened his eyes.

The vertical pupils read the sword’s trajectory.

Its body vision and quickness are enough to catch an arrow.

Compared to that, the man’s sword was slow enough to cause a yawn.

“I won’t kill you!”

The White Noble showed his teeth and brandished his claws.

It’s here.

If you’re here, you can evade his attacks and kill him…


The joy of the hundred nobles was cut off there.

The severed head floated in the air.


This is the description of fantasy.

It is a method of subtly moving the tip and blade of the sword the moment it starts attacking, and disturbing the trajectory.

It is to mislead the opponent.

This is also a high-level skill that requires long training and enlightenment.

But men do it.

very naturally.

It’s like you knew it from the start.


cut and cut again

It doesn’t matter if it’s in front, side or back.


The neck of a hundred nobles flying without fail.

Now they are starting to lose their will to fight.

Several soldiers abandoned their weapons and fled.

Even so, there were still those who didn’t give up.


Another Hundred Nobles rushes in.

A man’s stamina is limited.

Shortness of breath gradually rose.

So, the match had to end in one blow.



Blood spurted from the torn shoulder.

I couldn’t finish without getting hurt this time.

He’s bloody.

I don’t know if it’s my own blood or someone else’s.

However, if there is a difference from the time of the gladiator, the wound suffered this time was not the intention of the man.

so it’s dangerous

Several wounds the man had already received were demanding action.

It was a wound that could turn fatal if he did not hide and give first aid.

But the man doesn’t stop.

Moving on and on, he cut down hundreds of nobles.

Until the door to the audience room with the king in front opened.

“Stop! I mean stop them from going where the king is! Kill those who flee! I will kill you in the name of the king!”

someone shouts

“There is only one human being. You’re doing this because you can’t stop one human? You all want to die!”

only one human.

The hundred nobles, who gained the will to fight, rushed.

The man’s sword moved again.

Thousand changes cartoon.

Changed a thousand times, changed ten thousand times.

fast and slow heavy and light

It is soft and sharp, brave like fire and calm like water.


Every time the old iron sword flashes, one life is lost.

one per knife.

As if dancing, as if playing in a dream, the man moved and scattered sword light in the blood.

If someone who had realized nothingness saw this scene, he would have burst into admiration.

Miracles forgotten in the distant past were being reproduced in the man’s hands.

To overcome the strong with the weak.

What he was doing was unmistakably the essence of nothingness.

but they are separated.

Martial arts is learning and realizing.

It is not innate.

The man has never learned martial arts since he was born.

I’ve been through a few real battles, but I’ve never had a single serious training.

The level of talent that could be called has already passed.

It is often said that genius is known if you know one, but

if you don’t know one but know ten, what should you call it?

The man was a mutant.

He had a special, intangible organ.

Using the organ, the man could see and hear the formless.

It is a kind of super sense.

This is something beyond skill or talent.

Even if you borrow the power of the system, you cannot clearly recognize the power of the company.


The man lowered his sword.

The sticky blood ran down the blade and fell to the floor.

Numerous corpses of hundreds of nobles are lying around.

The captain of the Guard called in all the defending troops from other parts of the city, but he couldn’t stop a single man.

Of course, the man would have died if all the hundred nobles had risked their lives.

There’s no way they have that much loyalty.

As the suppression became difficult, all the hundred nobles fled.

The same was true of the guards commander.

So, in front of the main gate of the audience room.

The man was catching his breath.

My eyes are blurry.

excessive bleeding

Broken knives and fragmented arrows of spear blades were embedded in various parts of the body.

It is not strange to wait for death while lying down.

I don’t know how many hundred nobles he killed.

No matter how much a man practiced the essence of martial arts, he could not escape the limits of his body.

Her weak body, which had not undergone even one training session, allowed many wounds.

But the man stands tall.

A superhuman will made the body move.

‘It’s hard.’

The man laughed bitterly.

And I regretted it a little.

As the old man said, if he had diligently learned his swordsmanship, he wouldn’t have been hurt like this.

‘It’s not long.’

The back of my neck was cold.

Death came right behind the man.

The stage of improving wounds with first aid has passed.


I don’t regret it.

A life that should have died in the arena anyway.

Not bad if you get something.

It was only after he discovered the will that the man changed his mind.

He had visited the old man’s room one step ahead of Kainil.

A liberation army that does not exist.

The man realized that the plan would fail.


The man has no ties to Kaineil and the others.

If you knew their failure, it was normal to throw it away.

But the man moved.

By slaughtering the guards in the arena, they opened the way for the gladiators.

Subsequently, he single-handedly invaded the palace in the north and gathered the defense forces of the south gate.

Even knowing you’re at risk.

Even knowing that death awaits.


The man vomited up a red, gooey lump of blood.

It is not easy to stand still.

‘Did I want to leave it behind?’

If you’re going to die anyway

If you’re going to die loathing your talent.

Maybe he wanted to die after leaving behind something meaningful.

You may have wanted to believe.

He said his talent didn’t exist to kill someone.

He said that his life, which he continued trampling on others, had meaning.


The fire in the halls of the palace intensifies.

During the battle, a lamp in the hall was broken and a fire started.

The flames were growing in size, devouring corpses and bloody carpets.

The man smiled.

Rather good.

This flame will insulate him and himself from the world.

Open the door leading to the audience room.

Then, beyond the audience room, I saw the throne of the palace.

there was a king

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