Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 132: Separation for a Better Reunion

Chapter 132: Separation for a Better Reunion

After hearing that, Lin Xiao almost fell over.

He kind of already had a feeling that it was snow messing around but he never expected that the Mr. X he was looking for was Snow all along.

Really? He couldnt believe it and asked one more time.

Of course. Snow nodded her head, it didnt look like she was kidding.

Great, youre amazing youll even kidnap the Demon King!

Thats not it brother, this is called destiny.


Kidnapping the Demon King is destiny? Isnt that too comical?

Yes, destiny, the Goddesss guidance. Snow began narrating of an event that happened a while back.

Around half a year ago, she was still a nun in Sheryl City. She just received the qualifications for the Saint Selection and was one step away from being promoted to a Saintess.

One time, when she followed some armed forces to exterminate demons, she coincidentally passed by West Wind Town. With her outstanding courage and insight, she uncovered a Demon spy, which was a big accomplishment and allowed her to be succesffully promoted.

But the story doesnt end there.

Coincidentally, the armed rebellion within the demons happened during that time, and in order to protect Elenas life, the red-eyed black cat tribe members stuffed her inside a box and mailed her to the spy in West Wind Town. Unfortunately, the spy was already finished off by Snow, so the box containing Elena naturally ended up with her.

So I sent her to you! Snow blushed and spoke like she was trying to take all the credit, What about it, do you like this beautiful maid? Did you like her so much that you forgot about me?


Now everything was finally made clear.

It turns out that Elena was stuffed into the box by her own tribe members, but the person who passed it onto Lin Xiao was Snow. Based on that logic, this slave contract was also Snows masterpiece.

But she was a Saintess, where did she get such a powerful slave contract, to the point where it could bind the Demon King?

Slave contract? Ah, thats right, of course I didnt make that. I stole it from Sheryl Citys ex-bishop, it was a treasure he kept for over 10 years. Snow casually said something terrifying, He originally wanted to use it on me and make me his slave.

Oh, so its like that wait! What did you just say? He wanted to make you his what? Hearing that, Lin Xiao couldnt stay calm and collected anymore as he tightly clenched his fists.

Although he heard before that the ex-bishop committed a crime and was executed, but he never heard about this.

Hehe, what are you worried about, am I not perfectly fine? That idiot tried to get ahead of himself and ended up getting killed by me! Snow titled her head, made a knife with her hand and made a cutting motion in front of her body, I also cut off his dick then personally sent him onto the stake and burnt him to death!

Cutting off his dick and burnt to death, although Snow was downlaying it, but it was heavy to Lin Xiao.

Snow, you better explain what exactly happened.

Mmm its already in the past, why are you so worked up about it?

Cut the crap, hurry up and tell me!

okay, okay, Ill tell you. Tsk I shouldnt have said so much, how annoying.

Snow couldnt change Lin Xiaos mind and could only briefly summarize what had happened.

Around one year ago, when Snow just left Lin Xiao and officially joined the Holy Light Church she was sent to Sheryl Citys dioceses as a normal nun. At the time, the bishop wasnt the gentle and beautiful Jasmine, it was a perverted old man, Peters.

On the surface, Peters was devoted to the Goddess, but he was actually an excessively licentious lecher. He especially like little girls.

He secretly studied black magic, developing all kinds of weird contractual magic. With that he lured little girls and made them into his sex slaves, using their young and inexperienced bodies to vent his beastly desires.

As he was a bishop and was of importance, plus Sheryl City wasnt a large place, no one really noticed. The disappearing girls were chalked up to bandits or demonic beasts, so his evil deeds were never exposed.

But gradually, the girls he fancied started to decrease, he had to think of ways to attracts new girls, particularly the younger ones.

That was the reason Snow was sent to Sheryl City.

What kind of person was Snow? Naturally endowed with good looks, young and ignorant, long blue hair and skin white as snow, like a precious sapphire. On top of that, she was blind, which aroused any mans protective and possessive desires. She was undoubtedly perfect prey to Peters.

Unfortunately for him, Snow wasnt young and ignorant. Although she was a beautiful sapphire, this sapphire has been immersed in fresh blood more than once, she never feared the darkness, because that was where she existed.

The clever Snow already noticed the dirty old mans plans, but she had no way of confronting him directly, so she pretended to go along with him and treat him nicely while sneakily learning his black magic and investigating him.

The pitiful Peters actually believed hat Snow liked him, he was basically dancing on her palms.

Closely after, when the time was right, Snow set a trap for Peters.

One day, Snow pretended to be affected by Peters black magic, then followed him to the secret place where he usually commits his deeds. Not only did that place contain many sex toys, more importantly, the girls corpses were also there. At that place, girls were toys for his crotch, he thought that Snow would be as well.

Of course that was just his wishful thinking.

Just as Peters was preparing to drop his pants, Snow attacked, she used black magic to affect his intellect, then used a dagger she hid to cut off his dick. Closely after, Jasmine who was lying in ambush outside broke in with many from the church and apprehended Peters on the spot.

Human testimony and material evidence was all there, plus all the evidence that Snow gathered before, all of Peters wicked deeds were revealed and he could only face a trial.

The trial was held by Great Sage Bellco, in the end, he was scheduled to be burned on the stake. Jasmine was promoted to the new bishop because of this and Snow gained the qualifications for the Saint Selection.

According to Snow, she found that powerful slave contract at Peterss house afterwards. She was supposed to pass it to higher-ups but kept it because it looked useful, who knew she would actually put it to use.

This was the story of the youngest Saintess for the past hundred years, but Snows story wasnt over yet

Brother, you probably dont know Bishop Jasmine, right? Shes a beautiful big sister, I like her a lot, she also likes me so I recognized her as my sworn sister! But do you know why shes so nice to me? She raised her chin and proudly gloated, Thats because, a few years ago Peters raped her daughter, dismembered her alive and then fed her to the dogs. Jasmine watched this with her own eyes, but because she didnt have any evidence she had no way of catching Peters and almost went crazy in despair but later on I helped her take revenge! So shes very grateful to me, and even treats me like her own daughter!

Rape then fed to dogs? Lin Xiao stared at this girl who was describing this thrilling story while smiling, and his heart dropped.

Snow was a strong girl, shes never afraid, shell never cry, shell always bring others warmness and light with her gentle smile, like a naturally born Saintess but Lin Xiao knew, behind that pure and holy smile was a heart riddled with scars.

Snow wasnt his flesh and blood sister, but their feelings for each other could be said to be even deeper than any other siblings.

Their first encounter was also a tragic farce, the only thing worthy of rejoicing was that after that Snow met her beloved brother, Lin Xiao.

It was strange but Lin Xiao, who always avoided trouble, actaully accepted Snow.

Until that day

One year three months and fifteen days ago, they had a large fight, one more intense than any other they had, and after that, Snow left without any notice and they parted ways, until now.

Snow, why did you leave?

That was one sentence that Lin Xiao could never ask.

He previously thought that it wasnt bad for her to leave him and join the Holy Light Church, it would be much better than following him around. That was why he never went to look for Snow for this long, he just silently thought about her.

But now he knew, his cute sister actually encountered such terrifying events! Fortunately, she was able to deal with it, otherwise he wouldnt even have the opportunity to apologize.

After all, it was meaningless to apologize to the dead.

Brother, why arent you saying anything? Arent you going to praise me? I offed that old bastard, Im amazing! Snow waved her tiny fists around.

Yeah, youre amazing

Although he didnt know why Snow had to do these dangerous things, but he knew that they were alike, and never forgot, he never forgot Snow, and Snow neever forgot him.

He couldnt endure the guilt. He kneeled down next to Snow, and pulled her tiny body into his embrace.


Im sorry.

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