Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 600: Are You Done Fighting?

Chapter 600: Are You Done Fighting?

Yes, I assaulted you at night, is there a problem with that?

You bastard what did you do to me last night??

What are you so nervous for, I didnt do anything excessive. I just rubbed your chest after spending my magic power to test it, I didnt use too much strength and hurt you, so what are you so angry for?

Hah? Its fine as long as you didnt hurt me? Also, was it really just that?

It was really just that, oh right I also did something else.

Pervert, w-what else did you do?

I also kissed you a couple of times, I thought it would work, but it still didnt.

Pervert, Im going to kill you!

Sigh, here it is again, can you not change it up hm? Wait, w-what are you holding that large stone for? Ahhh, help, the maid is rebelling, I have no magic power right now and cant beat her Yao Zi, Xiao Tian, help me!

It wasnt just at home, even outside, these two still couldnt change their bad habit of flirting everywhere. The other two were speechless and just ignored them while getting onto the carriage.

On the road, Lin Xiao quickly fell asleep to replenish his magic power as planned, at the same time, he had a lot of strange dreams, the strangest one was of him saving the world.

In the dream, him and Elena were a loving couple and had many kids and their family had to unite against a strong enemy to stop their evil plans and saved the world.

The dream may have been strange, but when he awoke, he couldnt remember any details, the only thing he thought of was an odd oracle he heard a long time ago.

The Goddess once gave him and Elena an oracle saying, Black hair and red-eyes, for the chosen one, you two have to get along, dont fight.

That happened before he participated in the academy tournament, when he won at Loran Academy and was receiving the prize from the principal, that was what he was told.

So, what did it mean?

At the time, Lin Xiao had no idea what that meant. He just knew that black hair and red-eyes were referring to the two of them, but he couldnt grasp the rest of it.

Looking back now, it all made sense!

They had to get along and stop fighting, wasnt that hinting at the problems they were having now?

Elenas breasts couldnt give him magic power because they didnt get along and were constantly fighting!

So it turned out that the Goddess already gave them the answer over a year ago.

To become the chosen one and defeat the enemies, they had to work as one to use their true power!

So it was like that? My god! Could we really be the chosen one?

Pervert, please stop making things up, I still wont let you touch my chest!


Although Lin Xiao finally comprehended the oracle, but clearly she was vigilant because of last night and wouldnt give him any chances. Lin Xiao was powerless and if he wanted to recover all his magic power, he would have to sleep for a couple more days.

And so they left and passed multiple cities as they rushed towards the front lines.

But on the way, they got into trouble.

They were lost.

It was strange, they were following the map, so they shouldnt have gotten lost, but when they accidentally entered a strange forest, it was a far cry from the directions on the map, it was like they teleported.

What was going on?

Did they misread the map? Or did the road signs change?

Anyways, they had to leave this strange forest as soon as possible!

But how are they going to do that?

The roads were rugged and there were many forks in the road, so it was going to be hard to find the right way out with just the rough map that they had.

So finding someone to guide them was the best choice.

They were already quite far from the deep and dark city and as they went more south and approached the front lines, there were much less people around. But thankfully, they had Elena.

Elena used her radar to search the surrounding forest and quickly found traces of people.


There seems to be a fight.

Elena pointed to a cave that seemed to be hiding a lot of people. At the same time, they were in an intense fight, Elena could notice the fierce fight and it was like the two sides hated each other. With the passing of time, more people died and the outcome of the fight was soon to be decided.

What should we do?

What else? Go ask for directions.

But theyre fighting and a lot of people died.

They can keep fighting, what does that have to do with me? Im just going to ask for directions, its not like Im going to collect the corpses, once they finish fighting, whoever is left alive can guide us, isnt that nice?

Good idea, lets go.

The two reached an understanding and quickly headed over with the carriage.

Yao Zi and Xiao Tian looked at each after hearing them and didnt know what to say.

Were those two, demons?

Those people were fighting to the death and these two didnt care why they were fighting and wanted the survivors to guide them, wasnt that outrageous!

No, it wasnt.

To Elena, it didnt matter how many lowly humans died. The reason Lin Xiao didnt care was because of his guesses The type of people that were fighting to the death in a cave deep in the forest probably werent good people. They were probably mercenaries killing each other because of money.

Although Lin Xiao was often right, but this time, he was actually wrong!

They quickly arrived at the hidden cave and Lin Xiao and Elena looked at each other and jumped off the carriage and got ready to head over.

Yao Zi, Xiao Tian, you two stay on the carriage, well be back soon.

Hm but Lin Xiao, what if you get in danger?

Dont worry, you should know how strong I am.

But, youre out of magic power.

Eh? Oh right, Im out of magic

With Yao Zis reminder, he remembered that he spent all his magic last night and only slept for a bit during the day, so he really wouldnt be able to handle any danger.

Hm how about this, you wait two wait here, well go take a look, if theres danger, then well yell for help while running back and then you two will get the magic ready and help me finish off the people chasing us how about that?

Okay! No problem, well do as you say!

Alright! Elena, lets go then.

After thinking of an escape plan, Lin Xiao walked over to the cave with Elena.

Strange, why is there no movement.

They had thought the fight would last a bit longer, but there was no more movement in the cave, and with Elenas radar, they were sure that the fight was over and most of them were dead. So they headed over to ask the survivors to guide them.

Wait something is off.

When they entered the cave, Lin Xiao noticed something strange. At first, he thought it was mercenaries killing each other, but he realized that wasnt the case.

He saw rows of footprints and they looked organized, which meant they must have been a trained group, which didnt sound like mercenaries.

Who could they be?

If he couldnt guess it, then why not just go in and take a look? So Lin Xiao quickly took Elena in, but didnt expect to see a group of fiendish people right after turning a corner.

Who are you!?

The other side immediately became vigilant when they saw Lin Xiao come in, he waved his hands and put on a harmless smile and asked, Are you guys done fighting?

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