Picked up a Demon King to be a Maid

Chapter 72: Transmigrator Standards

Chapter 72: Transmigrator Standards

TN/ED: Hi guys sorry for the mix up, chapter should be released now. Theres been a few problems with WordPress plugins recently and Ive been trying to sort it out. There may be a bit more issues in the near future. Hope you guys understand and enjoy the chapter!

As for double chant, ShenDai Ying more or less had some understanding of it.

If you wanted to perform double chant, having sixth-level magic power was a necessary condition. No matter how much of a genius one was, it was impossible to break through this condition. If someone does not believe that and wanted to double chant, then he will bear an extremely huge mental burden, at best their consciousness becomes fuzzy and become bedridden, and at worse they become insane!

The black-haired boy in front of her was undoubtedly a new student of the magic department. At most, he was 15 or 16 years old. So, which kind of person was he?

Was he an astounding genius that reached the sixth-level at the age of 15?

Or was he a fearless fool not afraid of becoming insane and casting double chant?

No matter which one, ShenDai Ying couldnt accept it.

On the other hand, Lin Xiaos practice continued.

Elena, I just learned this trick today, and Ive never used it yet, you gotta help me in a bit! Lin Xiao stretched out his right hand, extended all five fingers, and then used his left hand to hold his right wrist as if preparing for a complex circuit formation.

Oh Elena responded indifferently, and then took two steps back.

Lin Xiao did not notice her movements. He was still concentrating on thinking about how to compose the circuit and prepare for his next and final exercise, Multi-casting!

The so-called multi-casting referred to the same spell being released multiple times in a very short period of time, the effect is simple and crude. It is also a highly practical and advanced technique.

Take the actual combat drill as an example, the power of a single fireball may be low, but if dozens of magicians released fireballs together for a wide area attack, then it wont just be an ordinary fireball, but a sky full of flaming meteors!

Similarly, if one person could release dozens of identical spells in a very short period of time, what kind of terrible scene would that create?

And this is exactly what Lin Xiao was going to do!

Magic Missile!

Magic chant, complete!

Maintaining the position of supporting his right wrist with his left, as if he would be about to withstand huge recoil. Lin Xiao tightened his entire body, and forced his hands wider, a plate-sized purple circular magic circle appeared in front of his palm.

Circuit formation, complete.

Thats right, this was just the magical array for an ordinary magic missile, the key was the next part!

When he retracted his fingers, Lin Xiao suddenly tightened his fists until the veins were bursting on his hands. At the same time, another magical array appeared next to the one he created earlier!

Two, three, four in a blink of an eye, there were dozens of purple magical arrays of the same size. The densely lit discs hung around Lin Xiaos body like gorgeous wings made of light.

Multi-cast magic missiles!

The magical array in front of the palm of his right hand disappeared first. In an instance, a small glass bead-like magic missile emerged from the disappearing circle and quickly flew forwards!

With the first one, there was a second one, and a third within a few seconds, dozens of magical arrays became magical missiles, and then flew out like a downpour!

Did the multi-casting succeed?

Just as Lin Xiao raised the corner of his mouth and was delighted with his success, Elena smiled a little too, she had already noticed a small detail, all of the formations were trembling!

Lin Xiaos multi-casting was flawed!

Everything happened too fast, too suddenly, there was suddenly a loud noise!

Boom! All the magical arrays exploded!


The empty practice range echoed with a miserable scream.

The explosions turned into a dense purple smoke. After a long time, the smoke dissipated, and Lin Xiao was sprawled out on the ground, and no one knew if he was dead or alive.

Elena sighed and walked over expressionlessly, looked down a few times and did something that no one could have thought of.

She stepped on Lin Xiaos stomach!


Lin Xiao spat out a mouthful of turbid blood and held his stomach with a distorted expression as he got up.

Although the explosion just now did not cause too much external damage to him, only his clothes were blown up a bit, but it caused some significant internal injuries. If it wasnt for Elenas foot stepping on his stomach, and he didnt spit out the blood. It would have taken him a little longer to wake up.

At the last moment of multi-casting, Lin Xiao also realized that his circuit formation was flawed and could not successfully complete the multi-casting, but it was too late, the magic was out of control and dozens of arrays suddenly exploded, almost killing him.

Fortunately, he amassed enough magic power by relying on his gift of accumulating magic through sleep, coupled with his powerful mental capabilities from two lives, he was able to avoid serious injuries.

Elena, although I cant blame you for stepping on me, and I should even thank you, cough Lin Xiao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, whispering in pain, But, did you already see a problem with my circuit formation?

No. Elena denied it.

Bullshit! You were afraid of being involved in the aftermath of the explosion, so you quietly stepped back just to avoid the explosion! Dont think that I didnt see it!

No Elena looked away, pretending she was looking at the scenery.

Humanoid self-propelled magic detection radar, you cant lie to me!

Hmph, so what? Elena said coldly, Since you failed, you should just try again, whats the point of blaming me?

Try again? No, Ill fail even if I try again Lin Xiao was frustrated.

Even if tried again, he had no way of mending the flawed circuit formation, so he will still fail. Although he did not want to admit it, the technique of multi-casting still seemed like too much for him.

Wait what kind of plan are you cooking up? Lin Xiao asked with vigilance. Did you want me to try again, kill myself and then take the opportunity to escape to the Forest of the End?

No. Elena denied it.

Hey, if youre lying dont look away!

Tsk annoying. Being blamed by Lin Xiao, Elena did not continue to refute, but sighed helplessly, and suddenly said an utterly irrelevant statement, Lin Xiao, you may have forgotten, in addition to circuit formations and magic chants for releasing magic, you can also borrow other mediums.

This sentence sounded useless. Even five-year-olds knew about this, but when Lin Xiao heard it, it was as if he was struck by lightning.

Mediums?Yes! There was still mediums! Elena, youre awesome! I love you!

Lin Xiao, who still had a bitter face, suddenly lit up like a flower. At that moment, the more he looked at Elena, the more beautiful she looked. In order to express his joy, he couldnt help but throw himself at her!

How could Elena expect that this pervert was still in the mood to take advantage of her? She didnt even have the time to hide, so she was held in Lin Xiaos embrace.

Lin Xiaos not so broad chest flattened her impressive breasts. She didnt know how Lin Xiao felt, but the squeezing made her blush.

But before she could scold him, Lin Xiao suddenly let go of her.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao had no lust in his eyes. He once again stood back on the practice range, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and held his right wrist with his left hand, adopting the same posture as before.

However, unlike the previous time, Lin Xiao used his blood to draw a strange red six-pointed star pattern on the back of his hand.

Seeing this scene, Elena didnt know what to say. Lin Xiaos magic talent was simply unequaled. She had just casually given Lin Xiao some advice to borrow other mediums to release the spell, and Lin Xiao immediately came up with a concrete solution!

In order to stabilize the circuit formation, and to avoid the embarrassing situation of the arrays exploding at the last moment, he used his own blood as a medium to repair the flawed circuit formation!

Multi-cast magic missiles!

Once again, dozens of fist-sized purple circles hung around Lin Xiao. He seems to have forgotten the pain of the explosion just now. He did not hesitate and continued to complete the circuit formation. It didnt seem like he was going to stop at all

50, 60, 80, 90 Elena was surprised to find that in a blink of an eye, there were more than a hundred purple circular arrays, with Lin Xiao as the center, the space around him was completely filled with arrays!

If those beautiful circles were the dazzling stars in the universe, then Lin Xiao was no doubt, the brightest sun in the center!

Wasnt he afraid of it exploding again and killing him?

Unlimited missile variant, multi-magic missile!

While shouting strange things, Lin Xiao not only successfully completed the multi-casting, but with much more volume than the last time!

Because of the existence of the medium of blood, even if there were a lot more, there wont be any more accidents this time. Lin Xiao was full of confidence!

By his order, the glass ball-like magic missile were like raindrops heading towards the blackish refined magic ore, with Lin Xiao standing at the center of this missile rainstorm! Numerous purple light balls passed by him. He gritted his teeth and held his right hand in desperation. He controlled the massive missiles with his mental power!

It was a crazy bombing the explosions lingered on.

It was like Lin Xiao turned into an automatic machine gun, and the countless magic missiles were like bullets that rained down on the poor refined magic ore. Getting more excited, he did not care about his magic consumption, and pulled out the last trace of magic in his body, took himself to his limit, and the final result was

100 times multi-casting!

Multi-casting under normal circumstances will only achieve a ten times multiplication effect. In other words, the average person can use the multi-casting technique to turn a magical missile into ten and throw it out. More powerful people can achieve twenty times or even thirty times as for fifty times, that was already at a genius level that was rarely seen in the entire continent.

And Lin Xiao could actually do 100 times, what did that mean?

Elena already could not find the vocabulary to evaluate him with.

She might as well use a phrase that he always used, this was his normal level of talent, after all, he was a transmigrator.

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