Power and Wealth

Chapter 102

Power and WealthChapter 102 – Got framed!

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Back at the General Affairs Office.

Dong Xuebing entered his office without saying a word andthrew the documents he was holding on his desk. He sat down and cursed whilemassaging his temples. He had shouldered all the blame. To others, this mightnot be a wise decision and will feel that Dong Xuebing was too inexperienced atwork. But Dong Xuebing had his own thinking. As the supervisor, he had theresponsibility to check on his subordinates’ work. This was his job, and it wasapparent Zhou Guoan wanted to pin all the blame on him. Even if he told ZhouGuoan that it was Chang Juan and Tan Limei who had prepared the documents, itwould be useless. They will only be implicated. What’s the point of getting twomore people into trouble?

Knock, knock, knock. Someone was at the door.

“Come in.”

It was Chang Juan and Tan Limei. After closing the officedoor, Tan Limei’s tears start flowing. She stood there and cried. Chang Juan’seyes were also red, and she said: “Chief Dong, Xiao Tan and I had made such abig mistake and you helped us shouldered all the blame. We......”

Dong Xuebing forced a smile and said: “Sis Chang, it’salright. I know you both did not make this mistake on purpose. Everyone makesmistakes. Xiao Tan, stop crying.”

Chang Juan wiped off the tears welling in her eyes: “But I......But......”

Tan Limei was still sobbing: “Wooo, wooo..... I’m sorry......”

Dong Xuebing now speaks like a real leader. “Don’t take itto heart. It’s not a big deal. Go back to work.”

Tan Limei cried for a while more and then left with ChangJuan.

Outside, in the main office. Old Yan said: “The both of youhad met a good leader. This is our Chief Xiao Dong. If it is other leaders......”He did not continue.

Zhuang Zhi quickly went over to comfort Tan Limei.

Chang Juan sighed. “I am feeling bad. It was not ChiefDong’s fault, but because of us......”

Old Yan interrupted her: “Our Chief Dong’s nickname isFirefighter. If he can help the leaders put out fires, he will have no problemsputting out the fire in his own backyard.”

Chang Juan nodded. She really hopes everything will be finefor Dong Xuebing,

Guo Shunjie continued to type on his keyboard as if thesewere not of his concern. He raised his head and looked at everyone in the officewith a smirk secretly.


3 days later.


Dong Xuebing had been waiting for the punishment from PoliticalCommissar Zhou. But after so many days, nothing was heard from him. DongXuebing thought if Political Commissar Zhou had forgotten about this incidentor he realized that this was a genuine mistake and it was not meant to provokehim. Huh? This should not be possible. When it was almost time to go back, DongXuebing started to get ready to go home. He packed his stuff, and before heeven stepped out of his small office, he received a piece of shocking news!

Zhou Guoan will be taking over the Branch Bureau official,and this piece of news was confirmed.

The new Political Commissar was not the favored candidatesXu Yan or Pang Bin. It was Cheng Haimei, who was close to Zhou Guoan. It wasnot sure what connections she used to get this position!

The top officials in the branch were changed, and DongXuebing felt his position was in danger!

The more shocking news was the District Party Trainingcourse’s spot, which was sought after by all the section chief staffs, wasgiven to an unexpected person. Guo Shunjie!

When Dong Xuebing heard this, he almost could not believehis ears. Why was the spot given to him?

Dong Xuebing sat down in his office and thought about whathappened. Suddenly, he could feel a chill down his spine. That’s it. Zhou Guoanwanted to pursue that incident and then let Guo Shunjie get the spot to attendthe training course. This way, he could easily promote Guo Shunjie. Zhou Guoanwill be the head of the branch and the Branch Bureau Party Committee will beunder his control. This way, he can easily transfer Director Li Qing to otherpositions and let Guo Shunjie take over as the Chief of the General AffairsOffice. If that happens, Guo Shunjie will have direct control over the GeneralAffairs Office, and Dong Xuebing will be under him!


This was the worst situation!

Dong Xuebing was lost. He does not know what to do. He couldfeel the danger approaching him.

Guo Shunjie was going to be the Chief of the General AffairsOffice and will be his direct supervisor.

When people are forced into a corner, their minds start tothink fast. Dong Xuebing was such people. He thought hard on what he should doand suddenly realized something. He immediately picked up the phone and calledthe outside office. “Xiao Tan! Call Chang Juan too. I want to see both of youin my office!”

10 seconds later, Chang Juan and Tan Limei entered the smalloffice. “Chief Dong.” Both of them had heard that Guo Shunjie will be going forthe training course at the District Party School. They were worried and knewthat Chief Dong’s career might come to an end soon. When Zhou Guoan becomes theBranch Bureau’s Chief, he will push Guo Shunjie to become the Chief of theGeneral Affairs Office. Dong Xuebing, who had offended the Branch Bureau Chiefand the Chief of the General Affairs Office, will not have a good life!

“Xiao Tan, Chang Juan. I want you all to tell me the truth.”Dong Xuebing asked seriously.

Chang Juan immediately replied: “You are the one who savedour jobs. We will not hide anything from you.”

Dong Xuebing took in a deep breath and asked: “3 days ago,who made the mistake with the meeting documents for Political Commissar Zhou?”

Chang Juan and Tan Limei looked at each other, and it wasTan Limei who replied: “I might sound like I am shirking responsibility, but Iswear that we have checked all the documents before we pass it to you. We hadchecked every single page. Those pictures are not there!”

Chang Juan added: “That’s right. We also don’t know how didthose pictures get mixed into the documents!”

Dong Xuebing paused for a while. “We kept those 13 sets ofdocuments in my office, and we went to lunch. I came back later after you two.Which one of you arrived back at the office first?”

Chang Juan thought for a while and replied: “I came backearlier than Xiao Tan.”

Dong Xuebing looked at her: “Who is in the office when youcame back?”

“Ah? Are you suspecting someone is trying to frame us?”Chang Juan was shocked. “I remembered...... Guo Shunjie, Guo Panwei, and Old Yanare in the office.”

“Ok. Call old Yan in.”

Chang Juan went out to call him.

After Old Yan entered the small office, Dong Xuebingimmediately ask: “Old Yan, can you recall on the day of the incident where theerror in meeting documents happens, did someone enter my office when I am notaround?”

Old Yan frowned. “Monday? No. When I return from lunch, GuoShunjie was working on his computer.”

Dong Xuebing asked: “He is alone?”


“Ok. I understand. All of you can go now.”

Tan Limei asked furiously: “Are you suspecting...... Guo Shunjiewas the one who switched the documents?!”

Chang Juan and Old Yan were shocked. If this was true, thatGuo Shunjie was really daring!

Dong Xuebing do suspect Guo Shunjie. No. It’s not suspect.He was sure it was Guo Shunjie who framed him!

Guo Shunjie was the only one who benefited from thisincident!

This bastard! He was too scheming!

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