Prime Originator

Chapter 813 - Dark Fae Clan’s Leader

Somewhere in the south outer rim of the Bone Sea, members of the Dark Fae Clan and Lesser Demons from other low-ranking demon clans rummaged through the sea of bones for treasures.

While most of the sea surface is littered with bones, some parts are dense in bones, and other parts are not.

The demons mostly gathered around the denser bone areas, but some also tried their luck in the less dense areas.

Even so, the most attractive locations in the Bone Sea were undoubtedly the cluster of densely packed bones that become small bone islands.

They have the highest chance of containing treasures due to the number of bones in the area.

"I haven't heard much about the past secret realm openings, but all these remains couldn't possibly be from the demons that came before us, right?" a Lesser Demon-level Dark Fae uttered with a gulp.

She paused her work to glance at the countless floating bones in the Bone Sea.

"How is that possible?" another dark fae responded.

"Just look at the sheer number of bones in this region; there's got to be at least several tens of millions of bones floating around."

"Exactly," the dark fae clan leader joined their conversation.

"Although the Starfall Dominion has monopolized the Eternal Night Secret Realm during each of its openings, our land isn't as populated as the other dominions; losing a few tens of millions will reduce the Starfall Dominion's population into nothing."

"Just looking at the shape of these bones, you can tell that some of them also belong to humans, beasts, and sea monsters," the dark fae clan leader added.

"Still, isn't this number of bones too alarming?"

"Not really. The Black Swamp Region also had just as many bones here, if not more. The location of an ancient battlefield is bound to be a lot of bones lying around, but enough of that; get back to work before we get in—"

"What are you insects chit-chatting about here?! Hurry up and get back to work!" a Peak Lesser Demon barked as he whipped a few dark faes' backs from a distance.

Just as the dark fae clan leader feared, they were caught by the supervising demon.

"We apologize, Lord Razlar. We'll get back to work right away!"

"Hmph! If I see you all slacking again, I will give you all a harsher punishment!" the Peak Lesser Demon snorted before finally leaving, but not without throwing out a condescending remark.

"This is why the Dark Fae Clan has fallen to rock bottom and unable to rise again; you all don't work hard enough!" said the supervising demon, a member of the Evil Eye Clan.

When the dark fae clan leader heard that, she clenched her fists with anger and helplessness; she was an incompetent clan leader.

Even if it wasn't true, she had no way to refute it; strength speaks the loudest.

"We're sorry, Lord Nyfarella," the dark fae apologized to their clan leader with their heads lowered, "If we didn't decide to talk, we wouldn't have gotten you into trouble with us..."

"That's enough; I joined the conversation of my own volition. Just get back to work," Nyfarella sighed.

'I thought that if I lead my clan into the secret realm, I could find an opportunity for our clan to rise again. But, alas, reality hits differently; here we are, forced to scavenge for treasures for other demon clans…'

The dark fae clan leader sighed again at the Dark Fae Clan's lamentable fate.

'Do you want to change your clan's fate? If you head south to shore, a great opportunity awaits you,' a voice suddenly spoke in her head.


Numerous dark faes suddenly uttered the same word simultaneously before glancing at each other with surprised and startled looks.

Evidently, they had all heard the same message in their heads.

"You also heard the strange voice in our heads?" a dark fae asked another dark fae to confirm her doubts, nonetheless.

The dark fae nodded.

'Who are you? What do you mean by opportunity, and why should we trust you?'

Fearing her vocal words would attract the supervising demon over again, Nyfarella tried to commute with the unknown voice using her thoughts.

'I am the realm spirit of this entire space you demons and humans call the Eternal Night Secret Realm. Nevertheless, that's not important; what's important is that your desired opportunity lies to the south,' Tak-si stated.

However, Nyfarella and the other dark faes were not easily convinced by the realm spirit; they were full of doubts instead.

'Why are you trying to help us? What's in it for you?' Nyfarella questioned the realm spirit.

'I am following the wish of a noble being, who has already gathered much of your Dark Fae Clan's members. There's naturally a reward waiting for me upon completing the noble being's task.'

'You want me to submit to another person? Who is this noble being?'

'The noble being is a human, but the other dark faes following him have referred to him as a Noble Demon. If you don't wish to live another person's rule, then I have no way to convince you,' Tak-si stated.

'However, the other dark faes following the noble being has already grown much stronger than you, the supposed clan leader of the Dark Fae Clan. Within three days, several of them even become Greater Demons.'

Hearing that, Nyfarella was startled.

It's been a long time since the Dark Fae Clan had any Greater Demons in their ranks, yet several of her clan members were about to become Greater Demons?

It was hard to believe!

'I still don't understand why I should believe anything you say.'

'Look here; if I want to want to harm you, do you think I need to use such a roundabout method to do so when I can just snuff out your insignificant existence right here and now?' Tak-si stated impatiently.

At the same time, a powerful spiritual pressure weighed down on Nyfarella, making her feel like the realm spirit could crush her soul by simply exerting a bit more power.

Tak-si might be servile in front of Leon, but it was still the great realm spirit of the Radiant Heaven Realmship!

'I-I'm sorry for my doubts, Lord Realm Spirit! Please have mercy!' Nyfarella pleaded.

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