Prime Originator

Chapter 816 - Nyfarella’s Choice

"Are you lost, little pup?" Nightingale grinned with amusement and ridicule.

"A-arch Demon-level Dark Wyrms from the Shadow Tempest Demon Lord's tomb?! W-what are you all doing out here?!" Razlar shrieked.

His facial expression quickly from surprise to sheer horror.

"Oh? You know where we came from, little guy?" Nightshade asked with his interest piqued.

However, Razlar didn't answer immediately but quickly thought of escaping instead.

How can he not know where they came from?

In the entire Blacksand Desert, Arch Demon-level Dark Wyrms could only be found in one location—the location of the Shadow Tempest Demon Lord's tomb.

The Nine Great Clans had discovered the location in the past few openings, but they had long deemed it impossible to conquer and given up on it.

Only ignorant fools and hopeful idiots from the lower-ranking demon clans would still try their luck in that den of Arch Demon-level Dark Wyrms.

Without another second of hesitation, Lord Razlar immediately turned his backs on the other demons and fled alone, stunning them all.

"L-lord Razlar?" a Lesser Demon cried with confusion.

Why did the Evil Eye Demon run? What were they supposed to do against the enormous dark wyrms in front of them by themselves?

"Sh*t, what are we supposed to do?"

"What else? Lord Razlar already fled. Do you want to stay?"


Not long after, the army of Lesser Demons that came with high momentum and morale quickly fled after Lord Razlar.

"My Lord, the demons that pursued the dark faes are fleeing. What should we do about them? Do we just let them go?" Shadowtail inquired.

At that moment, Leon had finished his blood refinement for a Mid Greater Demon-level Dark Wyrm.

Shortly after casting a glance at the fleeing demons in the distance and pondering for a bit, he declared, "The demons can leave, but that evil eye demon should stay."

"Understood, my Lord," Shadowtail voluntarily took charge of the matter and chased after the Evil Eye Lesser Demon.

With a High Arch Demon Lord-level Dark Wyrm on Lord Razlar's tail, any chance he had at successfully escaping had effectively become zero.

"Why are you sparing the other demons and only singling out the leader, Leon?" Aria asked.

His decision piqued her curiosity.

"If I plan to reshuffle the powers of the demon territory, I should start by removing the nine great demon clans from power and replacing them with new demon clans," Leon explained.

"Hmm… I see," Aria hummed with a thoughtful look while gazing at the dark faes. "I suppose you are planning for the Dark Fae Clan to occupy one of the nine positions?"

"For the time being, yes," Leon nodded.

Nevertheless, his mind can change if he discovers other demon clans more suitable than the Dark Fae Clan after they swear allegiance to him.

As he moved to see the newcomers who had yet to swear their loyalty to him, the dark wyrms made way for him.

The large movements of sand caused Nyfarella of the Dark Fae Clan to notice quickly, turning her head to look.

Although she understood the male human had a different presence compared to the others, she wasn't too sure and shortly turned back to Saresha for help.

Nevertheless, Saresha also took the initiative to introduce her.

"Lord Nyfarella, allow me to introduce you to my lord to whom I and the others have sworn our allegiance, Lord Leon," Saresha said.

Once Nyfarella received the last bit of confirmation she needed, she immediately dropped to one knee in front of Leon resolutely.

At the same time, the dark faes that arrived with her also dropped to one knee alongside her with solemn expressions.

"Under the guidance and promise of a better future from Lord Realm Spirit, I, Nyfarella, leader of Dark Fae Clan, along with my clan members, have arrived to swear our allegiance to you, my Lord," Nyfarella spoke solemnly with conviction.

"Whether you use us as your swords and shields against your enemies or as women to warm your bed, we will serve you to the best of our abilities. All that I ask is you will lead our clan to greatness."

When Leon heard the second part of the Nyfarella's determined words, he quickly felt a pair of sharp eyes piercing into his back like daggers.

His lips immediately twitched in response.

"I accept your allegiance," Leon acknowledged their oath.

Shortly after sensing the glare behind his back intensified, he quickly added, "However, there is no need for bed-warming. So long as the Dark Fae Clan remains faithful and loyal, you will see the day it rises above the nine great demon clans."

Afterward, the sharp gaze finally vanished before Leon felt a bit of relief in his heart.

"Looks like the formalities are out of the way. What shall we do with this Lesser Demon, my Lord?" Shadowtail's voice suddenly drifted over from a short distance away.

The battered-looking Evil Eye Lesser Demon was hurled onto the ground of sand after.

"Since you were the one pursued by this demon, I'll let you decide his fate," Leon said to Nyfarella, who has now become one of his people.

"Thank you, my Lord!" Nyfarella expressed her gratitude before turning to Razlar with a fierce look. "I will give you a chance. Fight me! If you win, you can leave!"

"Lord Nyfarella, you mustn't! It's too dangerous!"

"Even if Lord Razlar is seriously injured, he is still a High-rank Lesser Demon!"

The dark faes immediately voiced their objections, but Nyfarella was firm in her decision.

She wanted to end things with her own hands, but she also knew that a simple, quick, and easy execution would not be able to satisfy her.

"Since she had made her choice, clear the area and give them space," Leon declared.

"Yes, my Lord!" the dark wyrms complied.

Shortly after, the dark wyrms and dark faes retreated, leaving a spacious circle of land for Nyfarella's duel.

Razlar glanced around with bloodshot eyes and knew it was impossible for him to live even if he won the duel.

But at the very least, he could take down his hated foe with him.

"Hmph! You're too foolish if you think you can beat me because of my current state," Lord Razlar snorted.

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