Prime Originator

Chapter 849 - It’s Our Business Now


The revelation on the 'black mountains' immediately shocked the entire upper echelon of the demon army.

"Oh, sh*t! Those mother f*cking black mountains are all dark wyrms?!"

"My god, that's got to be at least hundreds of them there!"

The Black Jackal and Red-horn Orc Arch Demons exclaimed.

"Heh, hundreds?" Yakshan snickered with slight ridicule before correcting the Red-horn Orc Arch Demon's blind guess, "More like that thousands!"


Numerous Arch Demons and Greater Demons immediately sucked in a deep breath after hearing the number of dark wyrms on the western shore was more significant than they imagined.

"But what are the dark wyrms doing here on the western side? Shouldn't they be in the Blacksand Desert in the south? They've never left that region before…"

"More importantly, do we proceed forward or go around them?" Yakshan sought the other clan leaders' opinions before adding, "Also, it seems that they have discovered our presence."

"They've discovered us, but they aren't attacking; perhaps they're not hostile towards us?" said Rakhama, the Red-horn Orc Arch Demon.

"The Dark Wyrm Clan has always been powerful among the dragon clans. If we can establish communication with them, it might be possible to have the Dark Wyrm Clan join our Starfall Dominion."

"That doesn't sound bad, but I'm afraid some dragons among us will be upset to see that happen," said Serpas, the Three-headed Serpent Arch Demon. "After all, it'll threaten their positions as the strongest dragon clan in the Starfall Dominion."

"Kekeke… Being the only dragon clan in the Starfall Dominion automatically makes them the strongest dragon clan. However, they can also similarly be the weakest strongest dragon clan," the Black Jackal Clan Leader chuckled derisively.

After the Purple Coatl Dragon Clan learned that the Noble Demon killed a small group of their clan members, they were already in a bad mood.

Now that the demons were viewing them as weaklings, their mood became even worse; anger boiled inside them.

"Shut up! The Purple Coatl Dragon Clan is not weak, nor are we afraid of the Dark Wyrm Clan! Hmph! My clan members were simply mismatched!" Durago, the Purple Coatl Dragon Clan Leader, snorted coldly.

"The Noble Demon only knew how to pick on my weaker clans member! If the Noble Demon had faced me, I would have sent him running with his tail between his legs!"

"Hah, whatever you say," the Arch Demons did not believe Durago's boisterous claim.

"In any case, your Purple Coatl Dragon Clan is still a clan of dragons. Perhaps you can communicate with the dark wyrms and see if we can reach an agreement," the Black Jackal Clan Leader suggested.

"That's a great idea," Yakshan supported the idea.

"If the Noble Demon truly did inherit the Eternal Night Demon Emperor's bloodline, we will need all the extra help we can get—especially if it's help from a powerful dragon clan."

"You bastards… You're trying to send my dragon clan to our deaths!" Durago gritted his sharp fangs.

"I thought you said you weren't afraid of the Dark Wyrm Clan? It's apparent to me that you are cowering right now," the Black Jackal Clan Leader said with amusement, clearing fanning the flames.

However, Evil Eye Yakshan interjected with a strong tone, "Enough, Lord Basimir! We will follow right behind the Purple Coatl Dragon Clan and assist them if the unexpected happens."

"Is that agreeable with you, Lord Durago?" Evil Eye Yakshan asked.

"Hmph!" Durago replied with a snort.

Shortly after, the Arch Demon-level Purple Coatl Dragon took the lead with his clan members.

"They're coming towards us, Lord Shadowtail," Nightingale informed while gazing into the distance with sharp eyes.

"So it seems."

Shadowtail also glanced at the demon army at sea, but his gaze was more casual and calm; he did not view the demon army as a serious threat.

"We'll wait and see what they want," Shadowtail stated.

"Understood," the dark wyrms acknowledged the order.

A short while later, the Purple Coat Dragon Clan reached the shoreline and appeared in front of the Dark Wyrm Clan while the rest of the Nine Great Clans and the demon army followed not far behind.


Yakshan deeply furrowed his brows upon noticing the shoreline seemed to have receded quite a far bit as if the Bone Sea lost an inexplicable amount of seawater.

"What is it, Lord Yakshan?" Serpas asked.

However, Evil Eye Yakshan shook his head, disinterested in continuing the topic while a more important matter was before them.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it," Evil Eye Yakshan said.

"You've got a lot of courage to approach my great Dark Wyrm Clan, demons. I'll commend you for that. Speak! What do you want?" Shadowtail spoke with a deep and intimidating voice.

In that instance, several Arch Demons and Greater Demons' hearts shook with shock.

High-rank Arch Demon!

"In the past, the Dark Wyrm Clan was a devoted follower of the Eternal Night Demon Emperor…" Durago started to speak, "Your clan worked with other demons in the faction for the Eternal Night Demon Emperor's great cause…"

"Although our ancestors failed, I wonder if the Dark Wyrm Clan is interested enough to revive the old bonds our ancestors shared and walk alongside the demons once more—just like us of the Purple Coatl Dragon Clan?"

Durago inquired shortly after.

"How audacious!" Shadowtail thundered with a mighty voice, "Do you think the demons behind you can compare to the Eternal Night Demon Empress?!"

"You know nothing of the Eternal Night Demon Empress's origins, yet you dare utter her name so carelessly! The Dark Wyrm Clan is not interested in the business of ignorant buffoons! Get lost!"

"Y-yes! Right away, Lord Dark Wyrm!" Durago and the others complied with a paled face.

Since negotiations failed at the get-go, not a single Arch Demon dared to test the High-rank Arch Demon-level Dark Wyrm's patience.

"Halt!" Shadowtail suddenly said.

The demons immediately halted as ordered before Durago carefully asked, "Do you need something, my Lord?"

"Why are you all heading to the west?" Shadowtail interrogated with sharp eyes that seem capable of piercing through all their lies.

"This… We are pursuing a human who has become a Noble Demon, my Lord. As the sacred ground of the Eternal Night Demon Emper—Er… Empress, how can we let her inheritance fall into the hands of a mere human?"

"Oh? A human Noble Demon, you say?" Shadowtail's eyes glinted before he uttered, "How dare he, huh?"

"Right?" Durago's eyes brightened before he excitedly said, "How can a mere human be worthy of the Eternal Night Demon Empress's inheritance? We should kill this bastard together!"

"Dark Wyrm Clan, listen up! Kill all these damn demons; spare none alive for me!" Shadowtail erupted furiously.

"Yes, Lord Shadowtail!" the dark wyrms complied, shaking the entire area with their united and mighty voice.

All the demons were immediately stunned on the spot before they quickly became horrified by the sudden turn of the situation.

"Y-Your Excellency?! Why do you want to kill all of us?! I thought you said you weren't interested in our business?!"

"I couldn't give a rat ass what businesses you have in this sub-realm! But since you all want to kill the Lord and benefactor of my Dark Wyrm Clan, you just made it our business!"

"Kill them all!" Shadowtail roared.

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