Prime Originator

Chapter 905 - Lord Rholthos

Chapter 905 - Lord Rholthos

Just by looking at the messenger's urgent expression, it was clear that he bears important news to report.

But before the messenger could enter the palace, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman quickly stopped him at the entrance.

"Stop! Why are you in a hurry?" the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman questioned.

"Greetings, Battle King One-Eye," the messenger respectfully saluted before he answered, "The Battle God Palace's third lord has arrived outside our tribe, my Lord."

"The third lord?" the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman raised an eyebrow and asked, "The third young master, you mean?"

"No, my Lord. It is not the third young master. It's the third lord himself, Lord Rholthos, third son of the Battle God, and father of the third young master Zion," the messenger corrected after he shook his head.

"Lord Rholthos? I understand. You may continue to report to Chief Valencia," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's eyes flickered seriously.

Nevertheless, he allowed the messenger to resume his task.

"Thank you, Battle One-Eye."

After the messenger disappeared into the palace, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman's expression turned solemn.

"It seems a big shot has come to the Darkmoon Tribe. However, I'm afraid that the matter isn't simple this time around," the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman commented with a deep frown.

After contemplating for a moment, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman glanced at Leon.

"My Lord, please don't leave us just yet. Although I don't know why Lord Rholthos decided to leave the Battle God Palace and visit us, I smell trouble—trouble that would require your intervention, my Lord."

"Very well," Leon agreed with a nod.

The One-Eyed Venerable Shaman expressed his gratitude for Leon's understanding.

Afterward, he quickly summoned warriors from the tribe to take the mountain of sea monster bodies away for processing.

Once that was settled, the One-Eyed Venerable Shaman made his way back into the great hall with Leon, Aria, Darlene, and Duna.

Around that time, Chief Valencia had finished listening to the messenger's report and sent people to escort the guests into the tribe.

"I don't have a good feeling about Lord Rholthos's visit. No, Lord Rholthos definitely has a purpose for coming," Chief Skyhawk raised his concern.

Nevertheless, the other members in the hall were, more or less, suspecting the same thing.

They have neither any special relationship nor connection to Lord Rholthos of the Battle God Palace. If anything, they shared some connection to Lord Rholthos's third son instead.

"We'll understand Lord Rholthos's intention once we meet," Chief Valencia coolly stated.

However, the creases on her forehead revealed the same concerns she shared with the other members in the hall.

"We shouldn't be too concerned. Lord Rholthos did not bring too many people, only fifty warriors or so. Two-fifths of them even belong to his third son. Thus, we can assume they didn't come for trouble," a Half-step Battle King spoke.

However, the other members in the hall immediately scoff at the Half-step Battle King.

"Don't be ridiculous. Fifty warriors would not be a problem if it were any other tribe. However, this is the Battle God Palace we are talking about. Who knows how many among their fifty warriors are Half-step or even full-fledged Battle Kings."

"But even, they pale in comparison to Lord Rholthos. His presence itself is the real problem here," Chief Baskara added.

The three lords of the Battle God Palace were said to be Extremity-rank Battle Kings.

Even the Battle King One-Eye would not be Lord Rholthos's opponent, let alone the slumbering ancestors of their three tribes.

After all, their slumbering ancestors were mostly Early to Mid-rank Battle Kings.

In other words, Lord Rholthos can bring the entire coalition down on its knees if he has any intention of subjugating their tribes.

Nevertheless, the murmurs died down after Leon entered the hall with the others and took their seats.

His presence brought the hall members back some confidence.

Even so, it was only some confidence. Most people on the Darkmoon Tribe's side didn't believe anyone could deal with Lord Rholthos—should there be conflict.

Several breaths later, the Darkmoon Tribe's warriors led Lord Rholthos's group into the great hall, where seats were prepared for them.

The moment everyone's gazes fell on Lord Rholthos, they understood that the impressions in the rumors were not exaggerated in the least.

Lord Rholthos had long black hair, sharp brows, and eyes. His body was tanned, huge, ripped, and exuded a domineering aura. He was a full head taller than Chief Valencia, who was considered huge herself.

Several hall members felt like the war god's incarnation had just arrived.

"The wind must be blowing in the southern region's favor. May I ask Lord Rholthos's purpose for gracing our humble tribe with your presence?" Chief Valencia spoke modestly.

"Chief Valencia speaks too humbly. There's no need to be so formal," Lord Rholthos coolly replied, but his voice was deep and powerful; it resounded throughout the hall, loud and clear.

"So Lord Rholthos knows my name. I am honored," Chief Valencia said, feigning calmness.

Nevertheless, Lord Rholthos is not a person who engages in idle pleasantries. As such, he jumped straight to business.

"For two weeks, your tribes have been living under my third son's protection. However, you must understand that my third son is still young, and his wings have not grown. Given the chaotic situation in the Infertile Plains, few would give him face," Lord Rholthos spoke.

"Lord Rholthos meaning is…?" Chief Valencia narrowed her eyes with suspicion.

"The tribes were giving face to me. In other words, you have all been living free of conflict under my protection. However, that protection ends now; it's time to make a choice. I am giving your tribes the opportunity to join me. It's in your best interest to agree," Lord Rolthos stated.

A heavy atmosphere immediately descended on the hall members.

It was clear that Lord Rolthos was someone used to giving orders. He was not asking them to join his faction; he was telling them to join him.

He did not take no for an answer.

Nevertheless, Chief Valencia couldn't make the decision for everyone; she turned her head to Leon for help.

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