Prime Originator

Chapter 916 - Cowardly Escape

Chapter 916 - Cowardly Escape

"What are you all waiting for?! Fight!" Lord Reingard barked at the idle Battle Kings.

The Battle God Palace's Battle Kings had been indecisive. But once they got the last push from Lord Reingard, they immediately charged at Darlene and Aria.

"Take down these two women quickly so we can join forces with our lords!" a High-rank Battle King shouted.

The Battle Kings roared to bolster their morale.

"You could have lived if you just stayed put. Alas, you chose to walk the road of death," Aria shook her head.

Shortly after, Aria's eyes flickered with decisiveness, and her Tier-7 Divine Sword emitted sparks of white lightning and blue ice flakes.


Aria slashed a dozen times in a few short breaths and shot out waves of sharp chilling Sword Intents swiftly.

The Battle Kings anticipated her attacks, but they were still shocked by the numerous sword waves flying at them. They quickly used their tier-5 weapons to block in a hurry.

Although they succeeded in blocking Aria's flurry of sword waves, her sharp Sword Intents chipped away at their tier-5 weapons. At the same time, a chilling breeze left patches of frost on their weapons and parts of their bodies, slowing them down.

Alas, it wasn't just Aria who attacked.

Darlene carried out her attacks at the same time. By compressive her spatial power, she could send what looked like sharp wind attacks. However, they had the ability to tear apart space at the moment of impact.

She called her spatial attack Dimensional Slash.

However, in essence, they only share the appearance of wind attacks while their actual function was more like that of timed bombs, exploding and rapidly splitting space and everything between it at the moment of impact.

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!

The Battle God Palace's Battle Kings found Darlene's Dimensional Slashes more difficult to defend against. The first row of Battle Kings quickly fell victim to her attacks.

Over a dozen Battle Kings had their limbs and bodies split into numerous pieces, spilling their blood everywhere in a gruesome manner.

It was a near-instant kill.

The remaining seven dozen Battle Kings immediately froze in their tracks with horrid looks on their faces. They knew the two women were powerful, but they didn't expect the gap to be this huge.

Before reaching the two women, they had already lost over a dozen of their people. Resistance was futile, and stubbornness equals death.

There was nothing they could do about these two ladies' strange shamanic powers.

Meanwhile, Leon continued to confront the two palace lords. After being struck in the back, he felt like an itch had been scratched.

"Who knew getting beaten could feel this comfortable?" Leon rolled his left shoulder with a pleasant surprise.

"You… you monster! You really are a demon!" Lord Reingard accused him. The more nonchalant Leon reacted to Lord Razarkan's direct attack, the more he felt threatened.

"Monster? Demon? Which is it? Make up your mind," Leon casually uttered.

Nevertheless, after Lord Razarkan recovered a great deal, he followed through with the plan, switching roles with Lord Reingard.

The moment Lord Razarkan engaged Leon with his Tier-6 Battle Mace, he immediately hollered, "Do it now, First Brother!"

However, two short breaths quickly passed before the lack of response from Lord Reingard immediately gripped Lord Razarkan's heart with a bad feeling.

When he turned his head to look, Lord Razarkan realized his first brother, the eldest palace lord, had actually chosen to abandon everyone and flee on his own!

"Reingard, you bastard!" Lord Razarkan howled madly, so loud that it even alerted the followers from both their palaces.

"No way…. Did Lord Reingard really abandon us and flee on his own?" a Low-rank Battle King uttered with disbelief, feeling betrayed.

"Even if we don't believe it, the truth is before our eyes," another Low-rank Battle King gazed at Lord Reingard's fleeing figure in the distance with disappointment.

Although the first palace lord's followers wanted to be loyal to their lord, it was hard to do so when their lord betrayed their trust.

Several Battle Kings from the Battle God Palace's First Palace dropped their weapons and surrendered quickly after realizing their lord abandoned them and fled like a coward.

At the same time, Leon broke away from Lord Razarkan with an amused look after seeing the madness in the person's eyes. He was intrigued to see how the person would react to the betrayal.

Naturally, Lord Razarkan did not disappoint Leon's expectations. After Lord Razarkan broke free from Leon, he immediately chased Lord Reingard like a mad dog.

"Reingard, you bastard!!! How dare you sacrifice me for your escape! Don't you even think about getting away! Before I die, I will kill you first!!!" Lord Razarkan roared furiously during his chase.

Nevertheless, Leon did not intend to let the two run off on their own.

What if it was just one big ploy to escape together?

Furthermore, the two palace lord's strengths were equally matched, so it wasn't easy for Lord Razarkan to catch up.

"Kukuku, let me help you," Leon said with a wicked chuckle. He flew into the skies and quickly overtook Lord Razarkan with his incredible speed.

Then, he pulled out an expendable Tier-3 Bone Spear from his Worldspace.

Weaves of lightning, fire, earth, death, spatial, temporal energies wrapped around the Tier-3 Bone Spear and empowered it. However, six energies were fused half-heartedly, making them unstable, just as Leon wanted.

In the next moment, he locked onto Lord Reingard's figure and hurled the empowered Tier-3 Bone Spear.


The empowered Tier-3 Bone Spear whisked through the air with a sonic boom. The unstable energies exploded under the extreme speed, creating another boom before the Tier-3 Bone Spear flew even faster!

Lord Reingard quickly sensed the incoming threat.

But just as he even entertained the thought of evading, the sonic Tier-3 Bone spear impaled his right leg and exploded, tearing off half of it. The blast hurled Lord Reingard into the air before his body rolled in the rigid ground.

"Arghhhh—!" Lord Reingard howled painfully, despite his fair share of it.

The lingering power of the six energies ate away at his right leg's remaining half like a contagious disease, turning the skin black.

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