Prime Originator

Chapter 936 - Frozen Land

Chapter 936 - Frozen Land

"What I mean is that if we are going to remove the threat in Extreme Misty Forest, we might as well reclaim the entire northern land and gain access to the Boundless Sea," Leon stated.

"Given the rapid developments in New Capital, I believe we could use the timber while cutting a path to the Boundless Sea at the same time. So it's practically killing two birds with one stone," Leon added shortly after.

Elizabeth was astonished at first, but her eyes beamed brilliantly upon further thought into the matter.

"If we can reclaim Extreme Misty Forest, it would be equivalent to gaining two kingdom-size territories and its rich timber resource. Furthermore, the quality of timber from Extreme Misty Forest is far better than ironwood," Elizabeth muttered thoughtfully.

Due to the extreme environment of Extreme Misty Forest, the forest's trees had practically all died, becoming deadwood. However, they had been repeatedly tempered by cold yin all year round, making them exceptionally sturdy.

Furthermore, they inherit the cold characteristics of cold yin, making them good for creating cold storage for food and cooling systems for hot weather.

While Elizabeth mulled over the many benefits that could be gained from reclaiming Extreme Misty Forest, Aria and Darlene were excited over the Boundless Sea.

Although the two ladies still had loads of sea monster meat in their storage space, it was limited until their next trip back to the Radiant Heaven Realmship.

However, if the Crawford Empire gained access to the north sea, they wouldn't need to return to the Radiant Heaven Realmship. They could enjoy sea monster meat in the Human Domain as well.

Nevertheless, Elizabeth suddenly frowned.

"While the idea sounds great, the risk is equally great. We don't know what lies in the core region. It could be more than just Early Paragon-level vengeful spirits. It's enough to sweep the inner region," Elizabeth shook her head and said.

However, Leon argued with a wry smile, "You don't have to worry about anything, Mother. I am completely confident even if we have to face a Peak Paragon-level vengeful spirit."

When he mentioned dealing with Early Paragon-level vengeful spirits, he considered Aria and Darlene's abilities.

If he was only considering his abilities, then he was on a different level.

Of course, Leon wouldn't stand a chance against them with his present strength if they were any other Peak Paragon-level beings. But against spiritual beings, he was the absolute dominator.

A touch of Nihility would obliterate their existences.

Nevertheless, Elizabeth was not easily convinced with mere words. After all, she considered Peak Paragon-level existences to be the rulers of the world.

"You're taking this matter too lightly, Son," Elizabeth argued back with a sigh, thinking her son's exponential growth may have made him complacent.

However, Leon shook his head. It wasn't him who was complacent; his mother doesn't understand the depths of strength.

"Perhaps, you'll understand a bit after learning these techniques, Mother," Leon said.

Shortly after, Leon transmitted several primordial techniques into Elizabeth's head with the spirit transmission technique, including several divine sword arts and battle skills.

Elizabeth was stunned by the knowledge.

According to the cultivation techniques, there was still the Celestial and True Divinity Realm beyond the Transcendent Realm.

Nevertheless, knowing these primordial techniques only gives one the potential to reach those realms one day. It doesn't mean they are already at that level of power.

Elizabeth furrowed her brows and said, "I'm coming with you, my son. I won't be relieved until I see your abilities with my own eyes. So show me you have what it takes to deal with Paragon-level vengeful spirits."

"As you wish, Mother," Leon nodded with a slight smile.

He never intended to send his mother home on her own while they were this deep inside Extreme Misty Forest. It would be better if they find Lynne before returning home together.

"I'll be going on ahead. Look after Faelyn and my mother," Leon said to Aria and Darlene.

Shortly after, he went ahead of the group and issued a mighty lion roar to attract the vengeful spirits in the misty forest.

"HAAA—!" Leon's roar resounded throughout the forest.

Within moments, the forest was stirred with sharp howling winds; the dead leaves rustled, and the vengeful spirits screamed, incited by the disturbance.

The heavy mist was dispersed from the area with a wave of Leon's hand, allowing his mother to see several dozen Rank 2 Transcendent-level vengeful spirits flocking towards him.

However, Elizabeth's heart was shaken with shock when she saw Leon standing silently in the center of the vengeful spirits' swarm, doing nothing.

"What are you doing, my son!? Watch—!" Elizabeth wanted to warn Leon. But before she could finish her words, her eyes widened with astonishment.

The Rank 2 Transcendent-level vengeful spirits vanished into thin air, soul core and all as if they had never existed before they could touch Leon.

"What in the… world…" Elizabeth uttered with wide eyes.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the core region of Extreme Misty Foresty, Lynne glanced back in the southern direction after sensing a subtle yet distant stir in the forest.

Several Paragon-level vengeful spirits aimlessly wandered about in the area, but none seemed to have noticed her presence.

"Something's happening back there," Lynne softly uttered.

However, the Divine Ice Phoenix Empress quickly reprimanded her, 'Focus, child. Now is not the time to be distracted.'

'With your present cultivation level, you are no match for these Paragon-level vengeful spirits. If you lose your cover, these Paragon-level vengeful spirits will tear you apart,' the Divine Ice Phoenix Empress warned.

"Sorry, Master. I won't be distracted again," Lynne apologized.

A few moments later, Lynne continued to explore the depths of the core region. But unlike the inner regions, the core region's temperatures had drastically dropped frighteningly low.

As a result, everything was frozen; the ground, trees, and air were frozen, forming a dome over the forest with icicles hanging down from them.

It was a frozen land with terrifying coldness. However, such coldness was like the purest of air for Lynne.

It was the best place to cultivate her Ice Law.

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