Primitive Man

Chapter 184: New projects

Name: Thora

Title: User of DNA syringe

Sex: Female

Age: 33


STR - 35

AGI - 29

VIT - 30

INT - 18

END - 30

CHR - 11

Skills: Hunting, Keen senses

[Look at her parameters. Now that she's conscious, we can examine her details. This woman is a beast. The normal limit for humans is 20, but hers exceeds that amount, possibly due to the DNA syringe,]

Eva murmured as Garnt continued to gaze at the woman being treated by Gundo and her team, surrounded by special security. They needed it more than anything else when facing a woman who could simply kill someone with a hug.

"She is twice as strong as me and faster than me. It would be a challenging fight if I had to face her," Garnt muttered to the other girls around him who were watching the recovery of the beast woman, well-known in the village.

"Will you lose if you fight her, Garnt?" Ayra asked, wanting to confirm, and Garnt showed a confident smile on his face.

"No, I would win. It would be a challenge, but I can do it," others who heard his confident tone knew it was so much like Garnt to say something like that, so their attention went back to Gundo.

"Thora, your name is Thora. Can you remember what happened to you? Where do you come from?" She asked the question hoping to get at least a few answers, and just like she expected, the beast woman kept looking at her hands and her body, then muttered the same word she had been muttering throughout her recovery period.

"It is the same name. Now that we know her name is Thora, it cannot be her, so she might be referring to someone close to her. By the sound of it looks like Moga might have done something to that person.

"That piece of shit! Even after dying, he is still a nuisance." Rona muttered showing she was still angry at Amel and Moga duo despite their satisfying death.

[Garnt, I want to confirm just in case. Are you sure you're not going to use DNA syringes? Fighting with Kalina would be impossible without someone of super strength on our side, also as we suspected I think Baktou also took one of the syringes.]

"I'm okay with using it on myself, but others...I don't know about that."

[I'm not okay with you using it. I guess that solves it. We might never use those syringes.]

Both Garnt and Eva laughed as they realized they were thinking along the same line of thought, but then Garnt had to make sure Thora wouldn't be a liability for them anymore. He at least wanted her to hunt for herself because she consumed a lot of food that was hunted by his dear villagers.

'I wish she gain her human qualities back. Maybe someone should start to teach her,'

For the next few days, Garnt was busy preparing all the new blueprints he received from the system, thanks to the sudden development in the land. He also made sure to check the surroundings so he could confidently assert that they wouldn't experience something like what happened to the Hotspring village.

One thing he found strange during this time was that Guni had some kind of secret; she always snuck behind Garnt and went somewhere. So, one day, he decided to follow her and see what she was up to—not because he was worried, but rather out of curiosity.

"Is she still visiting those houses where she shared food in winter time?" he wondered. However, when she took a turn in a familiar direction, Garnt knew this wasn't the case.

Garnt silently trailed behind Guni, curiosity growing with each step. As they approached a secluded area which was the medical room that Gundo newly initiated, he noticed Thora sitting there, her imposing figure softened by Guni's presence.

"Thora, you are here!" Guni exclaimed with a warm smile, breaking the silence of the medical room.

The revelation piqued his interest further, and he wondered what kind of connection Guni shared with the enigmatic beast woman. After all, Guni had a smile on her face when she saw Thora so he knew it couldn't possibly be dangerous, but he still was worried knowing how strong Thora was.

Hiding behind the walls, Garnt observed as Guni approached Thora's bedside. To his surprise, Thora, who was known for her intimidating presence, seemed to soften at the sight of Guni. The two engaged in a conversation that Garnt couldn't hear, but the body language spoke volumes. Thora's usually fierce eyes softened as she looked at Guni, and Guni responded with a warmth that contradicted Thora's fearsome reputation.

[Looks like your daughter is the medicine she needed. You should carefully approach this not to ruin things, Garnt.]

Eva muttered, as she knew more than any injections, the mental help was what Thora needed the most.

Unable to contain his curiosity any longer, Garnt decided to approach them. As he stepped forward, Guni noticed him first and smiled, gesturing for him to join them. Thora's eyes flickered with a mix of curiosity and wariness, but she didn't show any signs of aggression.

"Father, meet Thora. Thora, this is Garnt, our village leader and my father," Guni introduced them with a gentle tone.

Garnt extended a hand in greeting, and to his surprise, Thora hesitated before accepting it. The firmness of her grip hinted at the strength that lay within her, but there was a vulnerability in her eyes that caught Garnt off guard.

"Thora, touch his hand and shake. It shows that you're glad to see someone," Guni guided Thora who didn't know what to do and it reminded Garnt about how he used to teach these things when he was a kid.

"Nice to meet you, Thora. Guni here seems to have found a friend in you," Garnt remarked, trying to ease the tension.

Thora nodded slightly, and Guni chimed in, "Thora's not like others. She's different, and I think she needs a friend. Father, is it okay to release her now?"

Garnt studied Thora more closely, realizing that there was more to her than met the eye. The connection between Guni and Thora was undeniable, and it raised questions about Thora's true nature.

"Thora, can you tell me more about yourself? How did you end up like this?" Garnt inquired, hoping to uncover the mystery behind Thora's beastly appearance.

Thora's gaze shifted between Garnt and Guni, and after a moment of hesitation, she began to share fragments of her story. It became evident that her transformation was not by choice, and there was a layer of tragedy that surrounded her existence.

"I...was forced...a huge man came and attacked my cave, but I fought...." She talked while pausing from word to word showing that her recovery was still under going. "I wanted to run away...but they took my sister hostage...and I was forced to the floor and I don't remember much after that,"

As Garnt listened, he couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility. Thora might be a powerful force of nature, but beneath it all, she seemed like someone who had lost a part of herself. Determined to understand and help her, Garnt decided not to delve deeper into the traumatic past.

"Guni, once you're done talking with her, come and meet me. Also, Thora, stay here until I send a message letting you know when you can leave. We will see what we can do about you."

The medical room door creaked closed behind Guni, leaving Garnt waiting patiently in the corridor. He leaned against the wall, eyes scanning the bustling activity of the village as he thought about the revelation of Thora's tragic past. Concern etched on his face, Garnt couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to her story.

After what felt like an eternity, Guni emerged from the medical room. Garnt wasted no time, grabbing her arm gently and guiding her to a quiet corner away from prying eyes. Guni looked at him with a mix of surprise and curiosity, wondering why her father was being so secretive.

"Alright, Guni," Garnt began in a low, serious tone, "Who gave you permission to enter the medical room?"

Guni's eyes widened, realizing she had overstepped her boundaries. She stammered, "I...I just wanted to make sure Thora was okay. I didn't think it would be a problem."

Garnt sighed, but instead of scolding her, he gently held her ear between his fingers and raised an eyebrow. Guni winced, fearing a scolding, but Garnt surprised her by speaking in a hushed, fatherly tone.

"Always follow the rules, Guni. The medical room is off-limits for a reason. We need to respect people's privacy and the healer's space. Understand?"

Guni nodded, on the verge of tears, fearing her father's disappointment. However, instead of scolding her further, Garnt softened and patted her head.

"Be careful in the future, okay? We're here to help Thora, but we need to do it the right way. And don't worry; I won't tell your mother about this. Just promise me you'll obey the village rules."

Guni sniffled, relieved that her father wasn't angry. She promised to be more careful, and Garnt, still holding her hand, led her back towards their home. As they walked, he whispered reassuring words, understanding that beneath the tough exterior, Guni was just a young girl trying to make sense of a complicated world.

[What a cute girl! She reminds me so much about my daughter.]

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