Primordial Sin System

Chapter 60 60- Fenrir

Chapter 60- Fenrir

Dave looked at the 5-meter wolf and said, "Who is your god?"

The wolf was stunned to see that a human can speak their language. Humans are rare in the spirit world as they can only go into the Beast world if there is a special circumstance like accidentally coming here. When he saw Dave, he was shocked as humans in the beast world are rare to see and he wanted to look for food for their god. They can change into human form but in the wild, they will use their original form as they can release their true power.

The wolf didn't have the power to do anything as he speaks, "We don't know who she really is, but we saw her alone in the forest and she was only a baby wolf, but she releases an aura that makes us worship her"

Dave was stunned as he didn't expect this situation, so he decided to go there to look for it. The wolf nodded and they just left the wolves sleeping on the ground.


3 minutes later, the wolf leader brings him to a cave and sees that many wolves are protecting a small cub who was sleeping in a nest. Dave saw that this cub looked like a wolf, but its fur was much thicker and whiter than the wolves who had gray fur. The other wolves were alerted to see a human there, but they saw their leader was with him, so they didn't have to worry.

"Stay there"

The wolf leader warned his members as he knew the terror of this red hair man. He looked very handsome and innocent, but he can feel that he may be a demon because he is releasing killing intent. Killing intent can be achieved by killing millions or billions of people but they didn't know that he had a system so they thought that he killed that many people already.

Dave smirked and checked the stats of this cub.



Race: Fenrir

Bloodline: Queen of Fenrir

Gender: Female

Age: 3-month-old

Power Level: Peak-tier Sage


Skill: Storm Magic, Moon Goddess Blessing

Hp: 15,000

Mp: 40,000

Str: 1000

Agi: 1200

Int: 1500


Description: A mythical beast that is the superior kind of wolf.


Dave was stunned as he didn't expect to meet a mythical beast here. Mythical beasts are rare and it's hard for them to reproduce so they were treated well. Mythical beasts are the kings of their kind like the Fenrir's, they are the superior kind of wolves. There are also Phoenixes, who are the superior kind of birds. The dragons were a superior kind of reptile.

The mythical beasts have their clans, and they can use the human form to do many things. Mythical beasts were rare but the mythical beasts with a king or a queen bloodline are rarer.

The beasts with a king or a queen bloodline can become the next ruler of their clan but he didn't expect to see a mythical beast here with a queen bloodline. This cub must have a story so that she was left behind in the forest. He comes near the cub and rubs its fur, and it's cute like Draco. The cub suddenly awakens and sees that someone was touching her fur and she enjoys it.

The wolves were stunned and felt like their goddess was being defiled but they didn't do anything as they would surely die. Dave asked the system, "Can I also form a pact with her as I did with Draco?"

[Yes, if you drop your blood on her forehead and she accepts it. You can't force her, and she must accept it willingly]

He looked at her cute face and asked her, "Hey little ones, why don't you come with me, and I will give you many foods"

He waved his hands then chocolate appeared in his hands. He buys it to the system for 1 sin point as he knows that chocolate is the best thing to use against children. The cub was curious and looked at the black thing that Dave was holding. Dave put the chocolate in her mouth then she bit it.

She chewed it and she was stunned as it was so sweet, and she never tasted anything like this. The cub still cannot speak like Draco, but Dave can see that she was the same as Draco. They are both easy to fool using food.

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