Primordial Sin System

Chapter 70 70- Treasury

Chapter 70- Treasury

Dave was still in disguise, and he plans to use this opportunity to take more treasures here. He strode forward and walked out of the room and started to rob the poor monkey king. Many saw him but they only bows to him and didn't find him suspicious.

1 minute later, he saw a door that is also protected by a formation, but no one is guarding it. He guessed that the king put his manpower into checking his kingdom and looking for suspicious people. He walks forward and removes the formation easily.

When he opened the door, he saw many golds lying on the floor and many armors and artifacts were just stocked on the floor. Dave's eyes lit up and he laughed like crazy.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the monkey race would be this rich. With this, I can become the richest man in the spirit world if I come back"

Dave knew that the beast's world is more full of treasure than the spirit world. The beasts didn't use money and gold, but they just stored it in one place in case they needed it. It was different from humans who needed money to live and almost all treasure in the spirit world was already consumed while some were in the domains of all clans and sects.

The dragon empire was rich, but Dave's money can be compared to half of the dragon empire treasury.

He collects them all madly as he was enjoying it and felt like it was good to become a villain. After he cleared the treasury, he planned to give some of them to his men and convert some treasure into sin points.

2 minutes later, he had already emptied the room and he suddenly thought of something. He smirked as he bought a pen and paper on the system with just 3 sin points.

He wrote a few words and then left the treasury. He continued to search in another room and didn't find anything.

As he was walking in the corridor, he suddenly heard a laughing voice coming into a certain room. He can hear them as he has extraordinary senses.

"Hey, Monica, are you still sleeping with the minister?"

"Yes, his cock is bigger than the king and he loves to fill me every day"

"Hehe the bastard king didn't know that all of his wives and concubines were just using him and secretly having an affair with some men"

Many voices could be heard by Dave while they were giggling. Dave realized that it was the bath spring, and the ones inside is the monkey king's wives and concubines. The monkey king didn't have a child as he always said that he would only get a child after he evolved so his child's bloodline would be purer.

Dave realized that some of them were forced to marry him, so they became unfaithful to him. He likes to abduct women from weaker clans, but they have no choice but to just surrender. Dave wanted to laugh at the monkey king as his concubines and wife were having an affair with some of his Generals and Officials without him knowing as he was busy waiting for the fruit.

Dave smiled and suddenly saw a sin point generator. He estimated that in 15 minutes, the king would go to the chamber to check it so he must do it faster.

Dave removes his disguise and goes inside the bath spring and uses <<Incubus Transformation>>.

He saw that there were a total of 15 women in the bathroom and all of them were beautiful. Their race is different from each other, but their beauty is good enough.

Dave released his <<Incubus Aura>> then the girls who were shocked by his intrusion suddenly felt lustful.

Dave smirked and started his session with 15 women.

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