Primordial Villain With A Slave Harem

Chapter 16: Planning A Shopping Trip

I smile in response to Marcus. I like people who can take a few verbal jabs without flipping out completely like some hormonal teen.

"I will, and thanks for your hospitality as well as introducing the two of us. Who knows? Maybe your name will go down in history as the man who kickstarted Quinlan's and his lovely samurai's rise to fame." I give him a playful wink.

He chuckles, "oh, lucky me. Please do make sure that the historians call me Marco Aleron and not GHT, if you would be so kind."

I laugh heartily. "Naturally, my friend." I then turn to her, "well, then, Ayame, let's get out of here. I can't even begin to imagine how much you must've missed the fresh air."

She simply nods. As we make our way out of the building, Ayame takes a deep breath, as if inhaling freedom itself. The open air and bustling streets of the city are a stark contrast to the dark, confined space she was kept in. I let the gorgeous girl bask in the sun as a 'free' woman after a year of living in a cell as I wait patiently by her side, observing her reactions.

"So, what's our first move?" Ayame speaks up after a minute, breaking the silence. "And thanks for your patience, by the way."

"You're welcome. I'm not exactly clear on local prices but we seriously need to buy some gear. I only have an Iron Spear, Iron Sword and an Iron Helmet. I suppose you can take the sword for now. I look like a monkey when I flail it around, though I don't plan to remain a spearman long-term."

"It can be a good tool to learn the ropes." She voices her approval.

I then glance at her attire. "Ah, but before all the serious stuff, we have to buy you some nice clothes. These dirty rags won't do at all."

She looks at me appreciatively and then scans me from head to toe. "I've been meaning to ask… what's with your wardrobe? Is this some new fashion trend that arrived while I was locked away?"

Indeed, I'm still in my hoodie, t-shirt, trousers and Kobe 'Black Mamba' edition sneakers. All black colored because I was in my depressive emo state on the day of my transmigration. I stick out like a sore thumb.

"Hmm… I really should buy some local stuff, huh. To answer your question, I come from a very distant land."

Her eyes light up with excitement upon hearing that. "You also hail from a different continent?! And you've just migrated? Do you not have the leveling system there? That would explain why you are so weak despite looking to be over twenty years old…"

Ouch. She is pretty close to the truth, an amazing deduction from Miss Samurai. "Something like that. I'm not confident in telling you more, but I will once we spend some time together and earn each other's trust without having to rely on the contract's binding nature."

She nods with understanding and immediately drops the topic.

"Well, we have a very frugal budget so I can't promise to dress you elegantly but something comfortable and practical should be possible to attain. We also need to retain at least 1 silver for emergency funds. Let me see… that leaves us with 2 silver and 96 bronze coins to spend on clothes and other stuff.

I've already bought some toiletries but I only have one brush for teeth cleaning, so we need to get you one as well."

"Sounds good. Comfortable and practical is exactly what we should get if we're going to be fighting monsters… and doing other… less honorable things."

My beautiful companion really isn't thrilled by the idea of doing underhanded actions, huh? It's not like I was planning to straight up become a hardcore criminal, I will just jump on good opportunities when they present themselves, such as the merchant carriage's ownerless crates ready to be sold being presented to me on a silver platter.

"Alright, good to hear that you are not how I imagined a young noble lady to be. Any clothing shop ideas? I've not yet been to one in Aldoria."

"Me neither. I was dragged here in chains, so I didn't exactly get to sightsee…"

"Let's explore a bit then. We've got time until lunch."

We start walking, but I stop abruptly. "I don't want you hurting your feet by walking barefoot on these dirty streets."

She shakes her head. "It's fine. I can bear with it. I've been through much worse."

I shake my head. This simply won't do. "That might be the case, but I want you to look back on this day in the future as the day you were freed from your chains and had a brilliant fresh start which led to the best chapters of your life, not one where you had to nurse your bleeding and bruised feet, and with every step you took being painful for the entire next week."

Ayame looks a bit more gently at me than previously. "What do you suggest then? We can rush to the nearest shoe shop and buy one there."

I take the leather bag off from my back and hand it to her, then I squat down in front of her with my back to her person. "I suggest that you get a free ride. This chariot has been approved by the queen herself. If there's a queen in this kingdom that is."

She ignores my light joke and looks at me hesitantly.

"What, you think I'm doing this to get to feel up your behind or something?"

Ayame doesn't reply verbally but I can tell that the answer is a clear 'yes' just by looking into her eyes.

"First of all, I'm greatly offended. I might be somewhat tempted by your enticing beauty but I'm a true gentleman at heart." She scoffs with disbelief, which I ignore, of course. I don't understand why, but my lovely companion doesn't seem to have the greatest first impression of me. "Second, did you forget your clause? You can just choke me out if I do something like that."

She studies my face for over a dozen seconds, looking for any hidden intentions. There are none of course. Me getting to feel her tantalizing thighs in my hands and her chest squished into my back muscles while her head is so close to mine that she speaks directly into my ears is more than enough of a reward. I don't need to grab her butt on day one.

As my beloved father always said: slow and steady wins the race.

Furthermore, I genuinely want to get to know her better, as I respect her person greatly. Not many people could endure what she did and remain sane. I want her to find her place in this world and enjoy life once again. I have no plans to abuse my authority over her to put her into ugly situations.

A honest and noble-spirited girl like her would be absolutely disgusted by someone who came off too strong with obvious intentions to get into her pants. Well, dirty rags in this case. I have a good alibi for my suggestion, so I should be good in her book. I hope.

She relents finally. "Alright… But I will really attack you if you touch me inappropriately." I can tell by the serious look in her eyes that she means every word of it. I wouldn't have it any other way. A good warrior needs to have her strong convictions.

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