Princess Medical Doctor

Chapter 88: Hidden card and their fault

Chapter 88: Hidden card and their fault

Hearing Lin Chujiu’s question, Liu Yongsheng got shocked. Because he didn’t expect that Lin Chujiu still care about his disrespect and not kneeling in front of her.

At this very moment, he knew that he should kneel. But, if he kneels, then it means he lost this game. So, he... ... shouldn’t! Especially, not in front of these people that he gathered.

Liu Yongsheng tightly clenches his fist and suppressed his fear. He then straightens his back and looks at Lin Chujiu.

There is someone that is backing him. So, even if he clashed with Lin Chujiu. He won’t fall into a bad situation like any ordinary scholar. Because that someone will definitely protect him.

Just by thinking like that, Liu Yongsheng’s resolution becomes more firm. So, he unruly look at Lin Chujiu. He wanted to make things clear to her that he would rather die than yield to her misgivings. He would never kneel in front of her.

All the other scholar students behind him got influenced by his actions. So, they also stiffly stand straight to show to Lin Chujiu that they are also ready to have a confrontation with her.

Lin Chujiu saw their reactions, but she didn’t get angry, nor laugh. She also didn’t continue talking about his kneeling. Instead, she said: “Scholar Liu seems very determined. But, let this princess ask you a question first. Do you think you have the right to decide the fate of these people?”

Lin Chujiu’s voice is still as soft as earlier and sounds as pretty as any princesses. But, the meaning of her words is sharper. Hearing this, Liu Yongsheng’s forehead instantly had thin sweats.

Ranging from Liu Yongsheng’s reaction. Lin Chujiu added: “Scholar Liu, and as well as the others. Today, this princess want to teach you only one thing. And that is, to don’t go to the wrong place. The life of these people can only be changed by the Emperor. So, Scholar Liu, you should plead to the Emperor instead of causing trouble in Xiao Wangfu. I think after conveying all your concerns to the palace, the Emperor won’t such watch, right? So, I think what you’re doing right now is not to plead for these people, but to gain fame.”

Lin Chujiu said her last sentence a bit slow and heavy. So, every word she said seems like a knife that stabs Liu Yongsheng’s heart. And every stab seems like knocking his conscience.

“No, that is not the case,” Liu Yongsheng got panic and hurriedly said: “We are here to see Prince Xiao. These people are the member of the families of the deceased soldiers that didn’t get their pensions. Prince Xiao should at least come out and explained, right? But instead, he sent a woman to come out. What’s the meaning of this? Could it be Prince Xiao is scared that’s why he hides behind a woman?”

Liu Yongsheng got panic for only a short while. Once he had calm down himself, he tried to control the situation in his favor once again. And didn’t let Lin Chujiu control him under her nose.

With Liu Yongsheng’s words, the people he had gathered near the gate to make troubles also recovered their mind. The people one by one started shouting. They keep saying that Prince Xiao is such a coward for hiding behind a woman.

Their words are very harsh. But at the very least, they are not bold enough to come forward and hit Lin Chujiu.

Lin Chujiu’s identity is not fake, her body is also not fake. So, if these people would dare to rush over to her. Xiao Wangfu’s guardsmen wouldn’t hesitate to kill them all just to protect her.

However, just keeping these people outside is not the right thing to do. Because if that is only the solution, then Lin Chujiu doesn’t even need to come out. Su Cha and Liu Bai can do that.

And since Lin Chujiu was the one who comes out. She should at least solve this matter once and for all. She shouldn’t let these people come again and cause trouble in front of Xiao Wangfu.

Because if these group of civilian cause trouble again and again. Where will the Xiao Wangfu’s people put their face ah?

However, Lin Chujiu just keep sitting quietly. She didn’t scold back the people for being so noisy. She just let them curse non-stop and express their thoughts.

At first, the people thought that after their long cursing, Lin Chujiu will get scared and felt wronged. But after a long time, Lin Chujiu didn’t even respond. So, they felt like they got punch with a cotton and blocked their breath. Because after that, they could no longer vent out their anger.

Seeing that the representative of Xiao Wangfu didn’t even react, the people that were rioting shut their mouth at the same time. After they had quiet down, only then Lin Chujiu opened her mouth and said: “Why did you all stop? Could it be that after shouting for a long time you all felt thirsty? Ok, then I’ll give you all a tea.”

After the deadly noise, the maidservants behind Lin Chujiu forget to react. So, Su Cha reminded them to rush and prepare the tea.

“Princess Xiao, we didn’t come here to drink a tea.” Liu Yongsheng said in generalization.

“I know that you only came here to make trouble.” Lin Chujiu simply said, but then she raised her hand and pointed her finger to the kneeling elderly and children to the front row while saying: “You are young and strong that’s why you can hold on. But, these elderly and children are too old and too young to keep up with you.”

After saying that, she turned her head and look at Zhenzhu and Feicui: “Go to the kitchen and tell Housekeeper Cao to prepare steam bread for all of these people. Tell him that these people have been staying here since morning, so they must be feeling hungry by now.”

“Yes, Wangfei.” Zhenzhu and Feicui stood up from kneeling and turned around immediately to follow Lin Chujiu’s command.

“What is she trying to do? Liu Bai who got puzzled look at Su Cha and asked.

“I don’t know.” Su Cha only vaguely guessed a little, but he won’t talk about it with him.

“You certainly guess a bit. Let me hear it.” Liu Bai said while poking his elbow to Su Cha. However, Su Cha only took two steps away from him and said: “No matter what Wangfei do, we only need to look. Because Wangye is not here.”

As the representative of the troublemakers, Liu Yongsheng also wants to know what Lin Chujiu is trying to do. So, he directly asked her: “Princess Xiao, what do you mean?”

Are you trying to buy us with foods?

You must be dreaming!

They are not lacking in money, so they can buy foods. They have a high position and handsome salary. So why would she do such a stupid things?

“What does this princess mean? Are you thinking that this princess is trying to buy you with foods? You’re not qualified to think that. Look at all these old people, their complexion is now pale. I’m afraid that they might be starving.” Lin Chujiu’s words sound so light as the wind. Her voice doesn’t have any trace of nervousness or anxiety. These people came to seek justice if they won’t eat, where would they get the strength to speak all their grievances?

Liu Yongsheng’s complexion is also looking pale, but he’s still trying to act tough: “Princess Xiao, we came here to seek justice. But, Prince Xiao sent a woman. What is the meaning of that?”

Liu Yongsheng’s real purpose is to drag Xiao Tianyao out. He wants Lin Chujiu to clearly know that.

With Liu Yongsheng’s scornful expression, Lin Chujiu decided to say: “Oh, didn’t I tell you that Prince Xiao’s disease reoccurred? Divine Doctor Mo is checking his condition, so it’s not very convenient for him to come out.”

“Prince Xiao’s old disease reoccurred?” When was it?” Seeing Liu Yongsheng’s panic eyes, Lin Chujiu smile and said: “Didn’t I tell you? Wangye was supposed to come out. But, when he heard that someone made trouble in front of his gate. He immediately stood up and broke his legs.”

Meaning: It’s because of them that’s why Xiao Tianyao’s old disease reoccurred.

Liu Yongsheng who’s looking paled, busily replied: “You didn’t say anything like that. That’s why we don’t know about it.”

“Really?” Lin Chujiu rubbed her temple: “You give me so much headache, so I forgot to say such an important thing.”

Huh? It’s still their fault?

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