Professor Vampire.

Chapter 282 - 282 Filch and the Accident on Mount Olympus

Chapter 282: Chapter 282 Filch and the Accident on Mount Olympus

"Ladies and gentlemen, in five minutes, I will invite everyone to the Quidditch field to watch the last event of the Triwizard Tournament..."

When the enchanted ceiling was dotted with stars, Dumbledore stood up in front of the staff seat and everyone fell silent.

The dinner was more sumptuous than usual, but the warriors didn't eat much, and they were all very nervous now.

"...Now please ask the warriors to follow Mr. Bagman to the playground."

Dumbledore clapped his hands and signaled the warriors present to follow Bagman who was standing at the door of the hall.

Harry stood up, and the Gryffindor students looked at him and applauded him together.

The Weasleys and Sirius also sat at the Gryffindor table - they were all Gryffindor students, and they also wished him good luck together.

At the same time, at the long table of Hufflepuff College, there was a warm applause from the seats of Beauxbatons, Invermorny and Durmstrang.

Harry, Cedric, Fleur, Viktor and John gathered together in applause and walked out of the hall together.

"Feeling okay, Harry?" Bagman followed them as they walked down the stone steps and asked, "Are you confident?"

"Very good," Harry said.

He was telling the truth. Although he was indeed nervous, he kept reviewing the spells he had learned during this period in his mind. Those complex spells were vivid in his mind, as if he could blurt them out by waving his wand.

This confident state made him feel much better.

The warriors walked all the way to the location of the original Quidditch field - it had become completely unrecognizable, and even Harry and Cedric, who had trained here for a long time, could not believe that this was once a field.

A twenty-foot-high hedge surrounded the edge of the field, with only a gap in front of them, which was probably the entrance to this giant maze.

The passage inside the maze was dark, and standing outside, nothing could be seen, which seemed a bit scary.

"Hey, has the security professor arrived?" Furong's eyes swept across the entrance of the maze and found a silver-haired figure standing high on the hedge surrounding the maze.

A bright crescent moon hung behind Dracula.

Tonight was a waning moon, and the crescent moon lay on its side to the lower right, as if it was supported behind Dracula's head, turning into a crystal pillow in a flattering manner.

"I remember when we left the auditorium, wasn't he still eating in the staff seat?" John asked curiously, "Why did he arrive before us?"

"It's Professor Dracula's routine operation, you'll get used to it." Cedric chuckled.

Five minutes later, people began to enter the stands.

Hundreds of students filed into their seats, and the air was filled with excited voices and chaotic footsteps.

Lights were lit around the maze, blending with the stars in the sky, illuminating the venue brightly.

Hagrid, Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick walked into the stadium and approached Bagman and several warriors.

They all had glowing red stars on their hats, except for Hagrid, whose red star was on the back of his thick terry vest - the professors couldn't find a hat that would fit him for a while.

"In addition to Professor Dracula, we will also patrol outside the maze," Professor McGonagall said to the warriors, "If you encounter difficulties and want to get rescue, you must shoot red sparks into the sky in time, and someone will come to help you, do you understand?"

The warriors nodded in unison.

"In addition, if you encounter a very urgent danger and don't have time to cast red sparks, remember to shout loudly," Professor McGonagall warned, "Professor Dracula can usually hear your shouts."

She looked at the two Hogwarts students, Harry and Cedric, and took a deep breath.

"Good luck in the game!"

After Bagman and Professor McGonagall finished their instructions, they walked in front of the three temporary patrol members.

"Then I'll trouble you, three professors!" he said to them happily.

"Good luck, Harry." Hagrid whispered a blessing to Harry, and then turned and left.

The three professors walked away in different directions, distributed around the maze.

Then, Bagman pointed his wand at his throat and said "loud voice", and his voice amplified by magic echoed in the stands.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the last game of the semi-finals is about to begin!" he said excitedly.

"Now, let me report the scores of the five warriors in the first two events - John Kowalski, a total of 105 points, and the first place is the Invermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

Applause rang out, but the Hogwarts students who occupied most of the audience were not too enthusiastic, so the applause was not too loud.

"Next are the second and third place, Cedric Diggory, and Harry Potter - they scored 102 and 98 points respectively, and the two warriors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry happened to be ranked together, so Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ranked second!"

Until then, extremely warm applause and cheers rang out on the field, scaring the birds of the Forbidden Forest into the completely dark night sky.

Although Hogwarts did not get the first place in the score, their school had two warriors ranked second and third respectively, which proved that the warriors of Hogwarts still had a great chance of winning the final championship!

The little wizards looked at Harry and Cedric with expectation, waving the red and yellow flags representing Gryffindor and Hufflepuff in their hands, with the names of the two warriors written on them.

"Next is Mr. Victor Krum, 91 points, Durmstrang Academy ranked third!" Bagman continued to read.

Another round of applause rang out - Krum's fame still had a strong influence in the eyes of the little wizards.

"Finally, Miss Fleur Delacour, 77 points, Beauxbatons Academy is temporarily ranked fourth!"

Fleur made a major mistake in the second project and failed to rescue her sister, so the score was widened by other warriors.

At this point, except for some young wizards who were attracted by Fleur's beauty, most of the audience applauded politely.

Harry stood not far from the entrance of the maze, looking at the audience from a distance, and could recognize Mrs. Weisley, Sirius, Bill, Ron and Hermione in the stands, applauding Fleur politely.

He waved to them from a distance, and Sirius and the others also waved to him with a smile.

"Now let me introduce the rules of the competition - the scores of the first two items will determine the order in which the warriors enter the maze. The warrior with the highest score will be the first to enter the maze, and the warriors behind will be delayed by five minutes each..."

"Now, Mr. Kowalski, listen to my whistle!" Bagman stood on the commentary seat and said with a red face, "Three... two... one..."


With a short whistle, John quickly ran through the entrance and into the maze.

The tall hedges cast black shadows on the path. I don't know whether it was because the hedges were tall and dense, or because of the silence magic around the maze, the voices of the audience disappeared as soon as John entered the maze.

John was not too nervous in his heart, because there were many dangerous magical animals in this maze, which happened to be his strong point-

After studying for a long time with Newt Scamander, the most outstanding magical zoologist of this century, his grandmother's brother-in-law, and his grandfather's good friend, most magical animals were not only not obstacles to John, but could even be used as a help.

He confidently turned a fork in the road, wanting to see what kind of magical animals the big gamekeeper and forest ranger could find.

However, when he appeared behind the corner, what blocked his way was not a magical animal or a magic mechanism, but a bald old man with a ferocious look.

"Are you... Mr. Filch, the gatekeeper of Hogwarts?" John frowned and asked, "You shouldn't come here, it's dangerous here..."

John's words suddenly stopped.

He saw that the Squib Filch in front of him actually took out a wand from his pocket, and played with it in his hand very skillfully for a few times, and then pointed it at John.

John immediately felt bad and rolled to one side subconsciously...

A white beam of light flew past his shoulder and instantly turned the hedge behind John into a stone wall.

"Quite a quick reaction, worthy of being the first place in the semi-finals." Filch sneered.

John was shocked and broke into a cold sweat.

He never thought that such a seemingly harmless Squib could cast such a powerful spell.

"Who are you?!" he asked.

"You don't need to know." Filch said coldly, "If you are an uncontrollable person on the field, how can that stupid kid get the Goblet of Fire..."

As he said that, he cast another powerful spell.

John quickly used an Shield Charm to block in front of him, but the Shield Charm could not stop Filch's spell. The transparent barrier hit John's chest heavily, knocking him up and crashing into another hedge behind him.

Seeing that Filch was about to recite the spell again, John realized that he was no match for this "gatekeeper", so he quickly raised his wand and pointed it to the sky.

"Ruddy Sparkle!"

A dazzling red light shot out from the tip of John's wand and rushed straight into the sky.

However, just before the sparks were about to burst out of the tall fence, another spell arrived and intercepted them in a split second.

It was Filch's universal spell to break the spell!

John's heart sank.

Suddenly, he thought of what Professor McGonagall of Hogwarts had told them before the game started -

"If you encounter a very urgent danger and don't have time to cast the red sparks, remember to shout loudly. Professor Dracula can usually hear your shouts."

John's eyes lit up, and he didn't care whether the silencing spells around him would block his shouts. With a one-in-a-million hope, he began to shout loudly to the sky.

"Professor Dracula, help me!"

However, "Filch" didn't react to his actions. Instead, he walked forward leisurely with an evil smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Professor Dracula, whom you rely on, has been led away..." He said with a sinister smile, "No one can hear your call for help now."

Then, "Filch" raised his wand-



Five minutes ago, just when John had just entered the maze to start the game.

Dracula stood on the high fence, looking into the depths of the maze with interest.

At this moment, his eyes moved slightly.

A delicate crystal ball emitting a soft glow was taken out of Dracula's pocket.

This crystal ball has not been used for several years. It is a pair connected to the crystal ball that Weiss sent to Romania three years ago.

In the center of the crystal ball of the Mo Lake, there should be a dim moon rotating quietly.

However, at this moment, the dark moon has become extremely bright, flashing and shining.

This means that Selina has a message to pass on to him.

Dracula frowned, glanced at the glittering crystal ball, and then looked into the depths of the maze.

With Professor McGonagall and the others patrolling, there shouldn't be any problems in the game in the short term, right?

He thought so, and then disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, Dracula appeared on a small island outside the Hogwarts area, and his adopted daughter Serena, whose hair was half black and half white, was waiting for him on the island.

"What's wrong? Is there something urgent that you came here suddenly?" Dracula frowned and asked, "If there is nothing urgent, I will go back first. There is something going on over there."

"No, this matter is very urgent!" Selena walked quickly to Dracula's side with an extremely anxious look on her face, "It's the Greek magic world. Minister Abertel said that something happened on Mount Olympus!"

"What?" Dracula frowned tightly, "Why at this time?"

"I don't know." Selena shook her head, "Only you can enter that secret realm. I can't find a solution with several high-level vampires, so I can only come to contact you."

She looked at Dracula with some concern and asked, "Is it Ander There is a problem with Uncle Ross again. Previously, it was the despicable Herpo who suddenly increased his power, causing the movement of Mount Olympus. "

"But I have been very restrained recently and have not gone to kill the Dementors." Dracula was a little confused, but still shrugged, "Forget it, I still have to go and take a look, in case there is any big problem with Andros."

Then, he looked at Selena: "I should be a security guard at the semi-finals. Now that I have to leave Hogwarts and go to Mount Olympus to check the situation, this position needs someone to take over."

"How about this, Selena, you help me watch the stadium, and I will try to come back as soon as possible."

"Me?" Selena asked incredulously.

"That's right, there's no time to find someone else in such a short time." Dracula nodded, raised his hand and conjured two dark moons, "Go, this is the way to the Quidditch field at Hogwarts."

As he spoke, he pushed Selena into one of the dark moons without saying anything, and then stepped into the other one and came to the top of Mount Olympus where the incident happened.

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