Protect Our Patriarch

Book 1: Chapter 86: Thank Wang's Clan for the grace

"Brother Shouzhe, it seems that your plan has driven the Liu and Zhao Clans to desperation." Liu Yuanrui's face was grave, "Both of their ancestors have come together, I'm afraid they're up to no good. We need to prepare early."

"I underestimated them. I didn't expect the Liu and Zhao Clans to be so desperate. They failed to annex the land and now they dare to cause trouble." Liu Ruolei was also tense, regretting, "If I had known this, I should have invited our ancestor to visit. With Ancestor Mou here, we wouldn't be afraid of them."

After spending some time together, she had truly accepted Wang Shouzhe as her future brother-in-law, treating him as one of her own.

The Liu and Wang Clans, after this marriage alliance, would inevitably return to the intimate state they had a hundred years ago.

"No worries, we have Ancestor Mou here. They won't gain any advantage by causing trouble this time." Wang Shouzhe said with a casual smile.

Liu Ruolei only saw the surface of the work-for-relief plan, as if Wang Shouzhe had merely disrupted the other party's land annexation plan, making a satisfying plan.

What she didn't know was how much resources and hope the Liu and Zhao Clans had invested in this annexation plan. Not to mention the far-off, just the manors they mortgaged for loans, the total value of the two manors was close to six thousand Top Gold, how could they get it back?

At that time, "Zhongluoxian" and "Dantaiheyu" had "received" the Zhao Clan after receiving the Liu Clan, using the same acting skills on both families, completing two sets of plans.

In Wang Shouzhe's words, how could a painstakingly written script be used only once?

"Ancestor Mou is here..." Liu Ruolei's face suddenly became more colorful, "Brother Shouzhe, could it be that you had calculated that they would cause trouble?"

Liu Yuanrui also realized, "I was wondering, with Brother Shouzhe's ability to plan the work-for-relief plan, how could he not guard against the Liu and Zhao Clans causing trouble? Impressive, impressive, I was wondering why Ancestor Mou would quietly come to sit in town, we siblings were worrying for nothing."

"How could it be? I'm grateful for Yuanrui and Sister Ruolei's concern." Wang Shouzhe bowed in salute.

The Liu siblings also hurriedly returned the salute solemnly.

"The Liu and Zhao Clans still have a long way to go, they don't have the qualifications to make me go to meet them." Wang Shouzhe mocked with a smile, his gaze continued to rest on Ancestor Mou, "Ancestor Mou, about the awakening of the ancestor's bloodline, I would like to ask again. You said that the medium quality and the awakening of the bloodline are related. But which comes first, the medium quality or the awakening of the bloodline?"

"Every Xuanwu practitioner who has entered the lower quality has actually manifested some of the ancestral Xuanwu bloodline, from the lower quality C to the lower quality A, it's just a difference in the quality of the Xuanwu bloodline." Ancestor Mou patiently explained, "If there are some special divine powers in the bloodline, then the Xuanwu quality must have entered the medium quality. Even if it was not originally, after awakening the special divine power bloodline, the Xuanwu quality will also transform into the medium quality."

"That girl in your family, Luoqiu, right? She should have awakened some kind of ancestral battle body bloodline. But in human history, there are many battle body bloodlines, and there are various variants. Now that girl's battle body bloodline is still very thin, it's hard to distinguish what kind of battle body it is for a while. When she reaches the Lingtai realm, her body will transform, and her bloodline will be strengthened again, and it will be clearer what type of battle body it is."

"I see, once the bloodline mutates, it will inevitably lead to an increase in Xuanwu bloodline quality." Wang Shouzhe nodded in understanding, his heart was happy for his family and Luoqiu, but also a bit regretful, why didn't he have a bloodline mutation, awakening some kind of ancient ancestor's gene?

That's right, Ancestor Mou said it was a bloodline, but in Wang Shouzhe's understanding, this was a genetic inheritance. Awakening the bloodline, he understood it as the activation of some dormant recessive genes in the body.

The sour feeling made Wang Shouzhe feel as if he had been stabbed in the heart.

"Actually, not only that girl called Luoqiu in your family, but also that little bug master girl, must have awakened some kind of ancient bloodline, otherwise she wouldn't be able to communicate with the bug race mentally." Ancestor Mou added, "Therefore, that girl's future potential should not be underestimated."


Wang Shouzhe felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart again.

Wait a minute.

Besides Wang Luoqiu and Wang Luoqing, I'm afraid that Wang Lici, that damn girl, is not a simple character either. The ancestor once said that she might have awakened some kind of spiritual talent.

Alright, Wang Shouzhe's heart was stabbed for the third time.


Something seems to be wrong.

Wang Shouzhe's brows furrowed, according to reason, a ninth-rate declining family, the bloodline is already quite thin. Occasionally a special bloodline person is already a very lucky thing.

But now, three of them have appeared in the young generation of the Wang Clan!

Could it be that the genes of the ancestors are too strong and are showing up in this generation?

I'm afraid that's not right either, Wang Lici, Wang Luoqiu, Wang Luoqing, although they are all sisters or nieces, they are just related by blood, not only are their parents not the same, even their grandparents and great-grandparents are not the same.

What's more, there are many young men in the family. If it's because of the ancestors, wouldn't the bloodline only appear in a few girls?

There must be some connection between them, a connection that belongs only to the three of them.

Cheat sheet? Dried fish? I'm afraid they're all impossible.

Wang Shouzhe fell into deep thought, the current clues were too few, it was hard to infer. After this round, he would gather the three girls and ask them, to see if he could find a common point.

If he could find a connection, maybe he, Wang Shouzhe, could also benefit from it.



A large group of people were marching towards the main house of the Wang Clan.

There were elite clansmen, and there were also fierce family generals. But the most eye-catching were the two carriages.

The two carriages were luxurious, the carriage was carved with dragons and phoenixes, very majestic, even the horses pulling the carriage were four top-notch black horses each.

Horses are expensive, and it's even more costly to raise them. They not only need to eat well, but also need a dedicated servant to take care of them.

The most important thing is, thoroughbred horses are more suitable for riding, not for pulling carts. Wang Shouzhe owns a black thoroughbred horse, specifically for riding.

Indeed, these two horse-drawn carriages belong to the ancestors of the Liu and Zhao clans. Unlike Ancestor Long Yan, who prefers to keep a low profile, the ancestors of the Liu and Zhao clans make a show of their power by touring around once a year.

To ordinary people, the actions of the Liu and Zhao clans may seem impressive and full of prestige.

However, in the eyes of the more cultured and established families, this is undoubtedly the compensatory behavior of the nouveau riche who once felt inferior. They may not say anything openly, but they would certainly sneer in private.

No wonder, the backgrounds of these two ancestors are not impressive. One is said to be from a collateral branch of a large family in Longzuo Commandery. The other was a wandering cultivator for a long time, who, by luck or otherwise, managed to reach the Spirit Platform Realm.

But even after enduring countless hardships to reach the Spirit Platform Realm, there was no room for survival in the core area of Longzuo Commandery, which was full of established families.

They were not willing to still depend on a family or a power for survival after such a difficult promotion to the Spirit Platform Realm.

They followed Ancestor Zuo Xuan to the south to expand the living space for humans, hoping to establish their own clans and free their descendants from their humble origins.

There was nothing wrong with this. Many wandering cultivators or those of low birth who achieved the Spirit Platform Realm had similar thoughts and plans.

The mistake was that they dared to betray their master. Especially after Zuo Xuan Ancestor gave them the promised land, they still chose to betray!

In the distance, some curious civilians were following from afar. People are curious and like to join in the fun, all wanting to see what was happening today.

The Liu and Zhao clans did not drive away the onlooking civilians, but instead sent some spies to stir up the crowd. This made the number of onlookers increase, including various people such as traveling merchants, wandering cultivators, scholars, and so on.

Clearly, they intended to let the "lowly people" of Ping'an Town know who the real master of the town was. The popularity that the Wang's Clan had gained by providing work relief in times of disaster was nothing in the face of absolute power. They also wanted to spread the reputation of "suppressing the Wang's Clan" through other people's mouths.

The head of the Liu Clan, Liu Shengye.

The head of the Zhao Clan, Zhao Jinxian.

Each of them rode a tall horse, and under the escort of their family members and generals, they arrived at the main gate of the Wang's Clan in high spirits.

When Ancestor Zuo Xuan chose the location for the main house, he certainly chose the best location. To the left was the beautiful Zhuwei Lake, and to the right were the mountains of the Liu Ping range. The house was built on high ground, not only with excellent feng shui, but also a position that was easy to defend and hard to attack.

To enter the main house, besides taking the water route to the back garden, there was only one road to enter. Along this road, some arrow towers and other defensive facilities were built, and checkpoints could be set up at any time, forming a line of defense.

But now, the Wang's Clan did not hinder the Liu and Zhao clans in any way. They went straight to the main gate of the Wang's Clan as if they were in an uninhabited territory.

Under the towering walls of the main house was a square paved with bluestone.

Liu Shengye stopped his horse, looked up at the door lintel of the Wang's Clan, where the words "Ping'an Wang's Clan" were written, and couldn't help but sneer, "Brother Jinxian, what virtues and abilities does the Wang's Clan have to occupy this feng shui treasure land?"

Zhao Jinxian stopped beside him. He was tall and strong, obviously more martial than Liu Shengye. He calmly said, "As the saying goes, feng shui turns. If the Wang's Clan had kept a low profile, we would have left them some face out of respect for the friendship between our ancestors. Now they dare to oppose us, hehe, they really don't know what's good for them. Brother Shengye, I'll follow your arrangements for today."

"Arrangements, haha. Of course, we should follow the etiquette and pay a visit, so as not to give rise to idle talk that we two clans are of nouveau riche origin and don't know the rules." Liu Shengye squinted his eyes and waved his hand, "Someone, knock on the door, present the visiting card."

Liu Yongzhou, a young generation of the Liu Clan, immediately dismounted from a yellow horse and strode forward, took out the visiting card, and shouted loudly.

"Ancestor Zhidao of Ping'an Liu Clan, along with Clan Head Liu Shengye and clan members, is here to thank the Wang's Clan for their grace."

Zhao Dingtian, a standout among the younger generation of the Zhao Clan, also stepped forward and shouted:

"Ancestor Bojun of Ping'an Zhao Clan, along with Clan Head Zhao Jinxian and clan members, is here to thank the Wang's Clan for their grace."

The two young talents, with their profound energy and powerful voices, echoed for a long time.

They claimed to be thanking the Wang's Clan for their grace, but their aggressive attitude was clear.


At the rear of the Liu and Zhao clans' procession, more and more onlookers were gathering. Among them were some wealthy civilians, middle-class farmers, merchants, wandering cultivators, and so on.

When such a brazen call to the door rang out.

The onlookers were all in an uproar. Those who were psychologically aligned with the Liu and Zhao clans were naturally excited and cheered loudly.

But many people who had directly or indirectly received the Wang's Clan's kindness looked worried.

Especially since the Wang's Clan had recently launched a major project to dredge and fill the land, providing work relief for many civilian families. The good name of the Wang's Clan was widely spread among the civilians in the Ping'an Town area, so many civilians were inclined to support the Wang's Clan and were worried for them.

The total population of Ping'an Town was no more than 20,000.

Any major event could quickly spread throughout Ping'an Town. The civilians who lived and multiplied here all knew that the Wang's Clan was becoming more and more declining, and the ancestor of the family was probably unable to hold on.

However, the majority of the onlookers were neutral spectators who didn't have much of a stance. They were purely stirred up to watch the excitement and didn't have a good impression of any of the clans.

Stirred up by the loud call of the Liu and Zhao clans, and instigated by those with ulterior motives hidden in the crowd, some of the spectators began to shout.

"Wang's Clan of Ping'an, stop being a turtle."

"Wang's Clan of Ping'an, do you dare to admit what you've done?" "Wang Shouzhe, dare to come out." "Wang Long Yan, come out and greet Ancestors Zhidao and Bojun!"Many people who stood with the Wang's Clan glared at them in anger.

But what use was that?


The main gate of the Wang's Clan opened.

Escorted by two family guards, a tall, handsome, and martially dressed young man walked out. His face was calm, revealing no hint of his inner state. With each step he took, he left a firm footprint, as steady as a rock.

He naturally exuded the imposing aura of a superior.

Upon stepping out, he didn't descend the steps but instead looked down from above, surveying his surroundings with a slight frown.

"Who dares to make a racket in the Wang's Clan's main residence?"

He didn't shout.

His words, spoken in a normal tone, spread out like invisible waves.

Even the onlookers standing dozens of feet away felt a buzzing in their ears, as if their hearts were being pounded by a drum, causing a wave of panic.


All the noise and clamor ceased abruptly, leaving the scene so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.


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