Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 135: Calamity III

Chapter 135: Calamity III

Fortress city Belgrade.

It was a city bordering Hangury, the Dragona Empire, and the Tarkic Empire.

Hangury’s most important line of defense along the river and mountains was located here, where the Hangurian army and the Frank Kingdom army were stationed together.

The total number reached 80,000, with most of the Frank Kingdom army building defensive positions outside the castle, while the Hangurian army reinforced the inside.

“Hurry up! We have to finish the work by tonight!”

“In just a little while, the Tarkic Empire will come! Check the defense facilities once again, and prepare for any unexpected enemy attacks!”

Generals encouraged soldiers with loud voices.

Among them was General Fabre, the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary force of the Frank Kingdom and a man known as the best knight in Frank.

“Reinforce that barrier a little more. Even if time is tight, we must thoroughly prepare for the enemy’s offensive.”

“I understand, sir.”

Although he was the commander-in-chief, General Fabre still took care of the defense facilities. Given the strength of the enemies they had heard about, they needed to prepare as thoroughly as possible.

Above all, for Fabre, this war had more significance than a simple conflict.

General Fabre was a devout believer in the Holy Church before being a general of the Frank Kingdom. To him, the fact that the Frank Kingdom had once tried to join hands with the Tarkic Empire was a considerable disgrace.  Although he had no choice but to follow the monarch’s orders for the sake of the nation’s safety, the situation of aligning with heretics had burdened his faith.

This “crusade,” which followed that alliance, was seen as an opportunity for him and his country to atone for past sins.

‘I will definitely overcome this ordeal… although the enemies are strong. In order to restore the tarnished reputation of the great Frank Kingdom, I must defeat those wicked pa*gans…’

With that thought in mind, General Fabre encouraged his soldiers while completing the final inspections.

At that moment…

“General, I think you need to come quickly.”

“…What happened? In such a busy time… If it’s not a big deal, let’s talk later. There is a mountain of work to do now.”

“It is very important. The general must go.”

“…What on earth is going on?”

The adjutant spoke persistently, causing General Fabre to express discomfort and suspicion.

The soldier looked at him and spoke quietly, “His Majesty has sent an emissary. He says he has something to say to the General.”

“What? …Your Majesty?”

Surprised by the unexpected news, Fabre left his duties to his subordinates and headed for the military camp.


“…What does that mean?”

General Fabre’s expression was one of shock. In response, the courier spoke in a determined voice.

“It is in the name of His Majesty the King. We, the Frank army, are ordered to withdraw from this war in moderation.”


General Fabre slammed the table in anger at the emissary’s words, roaring like a lion.

“Where are you getting such nonsense! His Majesty couldn’t have given such an order when those wicked heretics are advancing!”

“It is true, General. I even brought His Majesty’s secret letter here.”


General Fabre opened the secret letter, his anger quickly turning into disappointment and concern. 

The courier continued as Fabre read.

“His Majesty originally began this campaign because he believed there was a chance of victory. Now, however, His Majesty’s intention is to avoid wasting the precious power of the Frank Kingdom on a war with low odds of success.”

“It’s pointless! Doesn’t His Majesty know what will happen if we don’t stop the Tarkic Empire here and now?”

General Fabre cursed again, but the courier maintained his cold composure and replied clearly, “Of course, if we fall here, Hangury will be destroyed, and the Holy Empire will be greatly shaken. However, even so, the damage will not extend to the Frank Kingdom. The Tarkic invasion will only reach as far as Schwyz at best. Even if our kingdom suffers, it will be minor.”


General Fabre trembled as he gripped the king’s letter tightly. 

The courier was right. The distance from here to the Frank Kingdom was far, and even in the worst-case scenario, the Tarkic forces would struggle to reach their homeland.

But despite the logic, Fabre could not easily follow the king’s orders.

The Frank Kingdom had already committed an irreparable sin against the Holy Church and the Lord by attempting to ally with the Tarkic Empire.  Furthermore, the kingdom’s reputation on the continent had deteriorated due to that mistake, and betraying the cause now would cross an irreversible line.

‘Yes, but… it is His Majesty’s order… as a loyal subject, I cannot refuse…’

Torn by inner turmoil, General Fabre pondered endlessly over his decision. 

And finally, he made his choice.


Gerard stood atop the castle wall with his lieutenants, gazing at the massive force assembled before them.

“They are the Tarkics…”

A vast army spread across the river, its formations stretching beyond the horizon. 

Gerard realized just how formidable the enemy they faced was.

‘Those creatures everywhere… werewolves… and those flying in the sky…harpies? I’ve seen them in battles with the Dragona Empire, but never on such a large scale…’

Thousands of harpies flew above the Tarkic formations, their light brown wings casting shadows as they watched the battlefield.

‘This battle controls not only the land but also the skies. Certainly, this will not be easy, at least until reinforcements arrive.’

The forces of the Kingdom of Roland and the Kalmar Alliance were moving south from the north, but it would take two more days for them to arrive. Their job was to hold the line until then.

‘Fortunately, the strength of Frank is formidable. In addition, our Black Legion is a strong army. If we fight with all our might, we should survive for two days.’

Gerard braced himself for the challenge ahead.

At that moment…

“Hmm… hm…”

“Ah! General Fabre.”

General Fabre and his lieutenant climbed the wall, accompanied by a man Gerard didn’t recognize, dressed in dark clothing.

“What are you doing here? Why no contact?” Gerard asked, a little surprised.

General Fabre hesitated, and then the man in dark clothes spoke in a firm voice.

“I’m sorry, General, but we, the Frank Kingdom Army, will withdraw from this point.”

“What…? What are you saying…?”

“This is the name of His Majesty, the King of the Frank Kingdom. The Frank Kingdom army must abandon this situation and return home. We are here to inform you.”

Gerard’s face darkened with anger and disappointment.

“Suddenly? Why now? Could it be you’ve made another deal with the Tarkic Empire? Or are you frightened by the enemy?”

“Please refrain from rudeness. We merely judged it meaningless to continue this war. Let Hangury handle it themselves.”

“You… dare…”

The sudden withdrawal didn’t just mean retreat. If they left now, it would crush the morale of the Hangurian army, worsening an already dire situation.

“General Fabre! Say something. The Frank Kingdom will completely bow to the pa*gans if you leave! Is this the Frank Kingdom, the protector of the Holy Church?”

“…I apologize.”


General Fabre’s apology left Gerard in despair, while the man in dark clothing smirked faintly.

And then…

“I’m truly sorry… Your Majesty.”

“Wha— keoeoeogb!”

The man in dark clothing suddenly collapsed, blood gushing from his mouth. 

Shock filled Gerard’s face.

“Yes… yes… this man… Fav… this… this is murder…”

The man couldn’t finish his words before breathing his last. 

General Fabre turned to Gerard, determination in his voice.

“With this, His Majesty’s courier has died. We have no orders from our homeland. We will wield our swords with all our might in this war, as per the first orders.”

Understanding the gravity of Fabre’s words, Gerard’s face showed both concern and deep gratitude.

“But are you okay? This could cause problems for you later.”

“Haha! It’s a small price to pay to cleanse the stain on our country. Besides, I am a soldier. From the moment I set foot in the temple, I never expected to return alive.”


General Fabre smiled brightly. Gerard, moved, felt a stronger sense of trust and loyalty to him than ever before.

“And with so many enemies right in front of us, shouldn’t we, the knights of Frank, be the main actors on this glorious stage?”

“Indeed, General.”

Even in such a dire situation, General Fabre’s heroic spirit shone, and Gerard smiled with the resolve of a warrior.

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Check out my other projects: Flower Stealing Master, Rehabilitating the Villainess, I Picked Up an Amnesiac Witch, My Summons Are Special, Dual Cultivation with a Fox Demon, Ask the Mirror, and Immortal Divine Tribulation

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