Quick Transmigration The Prodigal Son

Chapter 40

Chapter 40

The Single-Minded Boyfriend (3)

The relationship between the original soul and his roommates was not very good. Jiang Zhe also did not take the initiative to talk to them, letting everything go with the flow. 

However, even so, his roommates jaws dropped in dazed surprise. 

Roommate A: "Hey, Jiang Zhe actually didnt fool around with those women today?" 

Roommate B: "Yeah, usually when he comes back, his phone doesnt leave his hand. Damn, that voice, so fake, making people disgusted." 

Roommate C: "Don't be happy so quickly. If he gets up in the middle of the night, tsk tsk thats the worst." 

Roommate B: "Damn, Im really exhausted today. If he dares to get up in the middle of the night today to talk to those women, Ill fight him." 

The other two shrugged, looking helpless. 

Jiang Zhe laid in bed, his heart feeling very tired. 

However, life was always full of "surprises" everywhere. 

At two o'clock in the middle of the night, Jiang Zhe's phone suddenly rang. Although he blacklisted those women, but there were always those fish that slipped through the net. 

In a matter of minutes, his inbox exploded with messages. 

Fortunately, Jiang Zhe muted his phone in advance, otherwise he may have become a corpse in the dorm tonight. 

Accompanying Pei Yun to shop during the day, he was also very tired. Since he was sleepy, he might as well shut off his phone. 

The world became quiet and peaceful. 

He got a good nights sleep. Getting up the next morning, he went around his usual morning routine, not even touching his phone once. 

Under his roommates surprised sight, he walked out of the dorm to school. 

In the middle of the road, he was stopped by a few girls. Leading them was Lin Yue, who he saw yesterday night. 

Lin Yue: "Brother Jiang, what's wrong with you? Why didnt you pick up my calls or reply my messages? What exactly happened to you?"

"Yeah, Jiang Zhe, we are best friends. If you have any problems, you can tell us. We will definitely help you." 

"Did Pei Yun anger you again? Dont worry, we will go find her and explain it to her clearly." 

"We all have boyfriends and wont snatch from her. How can she be so small-minded, unable to accept anyone?" 

"Thats right, we are innocent and not afraid of being questioned by people. Come, lets go find Pei Yun." 

Jiang Zhe : . 

Jiang Zhe acknowledged their ability to talk to themselves. 

He raised his voice: "Wait a minute." 

It was currently morning. Students walked to and fro about the campus. Because of the complicated relationship between Pei Yun, Jiang Zhe and a group of women, Jiang Zhe was quite famous in the school. 

Well, the fame of a fool. 

Unknowingly, the five of them were surrounded by a crowd. 

The four girls opposite him seemed to be a little nervous. Jiang Zhe was just thinking about how to phrase his thoughts to save everyones face. After all, women had thinner faces, and for such an ambiguous relationship, the original soul had to bear a large part of the responsibility. 


Jiang Zhe never imagined. Surrounded by the crowd, those four girls had a brief moment of anxiousness before they got excited. 

Their eyes lit up, and one of them even started crying. 

Jiang Zhe: ['_'] 

Lin Yue: "Brother Jiang, don't worry about us. Although Pei Yun is violent, petty and unreasonable, she is still your girlfriend. We will definitely accommodate her." 

"Yue Yue is right. After all, Jiang Zhe's temper is too good, thats why she got used to being so arrogant and getting her way." 

"We are best friends. We will definitely not make things difficult for you." 

"Its nothing to wrong us a little, as long as youre fine."


Onlookers: Wow 

Jiang Zhe: !!! 

This play, he gave up. 

Jiang Zhe coughed lightly and caught everyone's attention. He seemed very troubled, frowning: "APei is a very good girl, you shouldnt slander her." 

Lin Yue: "Brother Jiang, we didnt say that Pei Yun isnt" 

Jiang Zhe raised his hand to stop her, and his frown relaxed, "APei is very good, lively, cheerful and optimistic. I was blind before, and didnt see her good points." 

"The old saying goes well, not treasuring what youve obtained. I used to think that I would spend a lifetime with her, so I had no fear. Many times, I neglected her and made her sad. Now, I understand that she is a very important person to me." 

"So, for everyones sake in the future, it would be better for us to maintain a distance." 

After saying his piece, he bowed slightly to the crowd and bypassed the four women. 

Lin Yue cried in anger, "He is really ruthless, to draw a line between us just for a Pei Yun." 

The onlookers rolled their eyes. Who do you think you are, being so ambiguously intimate, even wanting to sneak around the other persons real girlfriend. 

Wei Ling comforted her junior sister: "Forget it, men are all like this. For a woman, they can be heartless. Lets observe the situation. When Jiang Zhe comes back to find us, we wont care about him." 

Lin Yue nodded heavily: "I won't recognize him as a brother anymore, hmph." 

Wei Ling: "Let's go, go eat a good meal. Don't be upset because of a stinky man." 

Onlookers: -_-# 

The farce ended here, but the consequences continued to ferment.

At noon, Pei Yuns three roommates came to her with a phone. 

"APei, did Jiang Zhe really come to his senses?"

Pei Yun: "Ah?" 

"Look at this. Saying so, they passed the phone over, the screen showing the video of Jiang Zhe and his close female friends clarifying the truth. 

Pei Yun listened to the gentle voice of the man in the video, and quietly blushed. 

"Hey, hey, hey, hes really turning over a new leaf." 

Hes not putting on a show, is he?" 

Pei, if hes really putting on a show, when the boat sinks in the future, his face would get slapped pa pa pa, even thinking about it hurts." 

Moreover, this time Jiang Zhe even went all in to keep APei by his side, I think the chances that the prodigal son has turned good is quite high." 

Several girls were talking and laughing in the cafeteria. Suddenly one of them winked at Pei Yun. 

Pei Yun was baffled. 

"APei." A familiar voice came from behind her. Pei Yun looked back. In a flash, her roommates ran away. 

Jiang Zhe sat next to her with a plate full of food, "Are you free this weekend?" 

Pei Yun lowered her head, not daring to look at him, quietly replying: "Yes, why?" 

Jiang Zhe placed a chicken leg on her plate while saying, "Go out with me." 

Pei Yun picked up the chicken leg and took two bites, before saying: "I remember that you have to work during the weekend." 

Jiang Zhe: "About that, I quit that job." 

Jiang Zhe: "I have an idea. I want to start my own business." 

Pei Yun became dazed: "Starting your own business?" 

There were many college students starting their own businesses these days, but not many who succeeded. 

Pei Yun opened her mouth, wanting to say a few sentences to discourage him. However, once the words made it to her mouth, it changed, "Ok. Youre still young anyway. Its good to practice more." 

Jiang Zhe bit into a mushroom and gently nodded, a smile surfacing in his eyes. 

No matter who saw it, this was a loving couple.

Lin Yue carried a plate and snorted. "I don't want to eat anymore." Throwing the plate aside, she turned and left. 

The other three peoples faces didnt look too good either. Initially, they thought that Jiang Zhe was just saying empty words. Who knew that even after half a day, the other party actually didnt even send a single message. 

He even spent lunchtime sweetly with Pei Yun in the cafeteria, how infuriating. 

For a moment, they felt that people around them were all laughing at them, and they left angrily. 

Jiang Zhe reported his future plans to his girlfriend. In the afternoon, he bought a new computer. The original one was too slow, and not good for doing more precise work. 

In the evening, the roommates returned one after another. They saw Jiang Zhe in front of the computer, and sneakily made an expression like they saw a ghost. 

Chatting on the phone cant satisfy Jiang Zhe that hopeless romantic any longer? 

The eldest, Qiang Zi, braced himself to go over and take a look, vowing to make their grievances known. 

However, what entered his eyes were strings of dazzling and confusing coding. 

Qiang Zi:  

He looked at Jiang Zhe, looked at the screen, and looked at Jiang Zhe again. 


The rest of them were signaling Qiang Zi with their eyes, but Jiang Zhe didn't care about any of them. 

Time flew, till the weekend arrived. Early in the morning, Jiang Zhe cleaned himself up and waited at the school gates. Pei Yun dressed up beautifully and carried the bag that Jiang Zhe bought for her. 

Jiang Zhe walked over and grabbed her hand. "The bag looks good." 

Pei Yun was dissatisfied: "Only the bag looks good?" 

Jiang Zhe smiled softly and poked her nose, "Teasing you. Our APei is the most beautiful. At most, this bag is only 10% as beautiful as our APei." 

"If you say so." Pei Yun patted him, but the smile lingering in her eyes betrayed the true thoughts in her heart. 

She followed Jiang Zhe along the roadside, walking to the bus stop ahead.

Later, she would need to protect her bag well, she thought.

Then, she saw Jiang Zhe flagging down a taxi. 

Pei Yun: = = 

Jiang Zhe called her over: "What are you doing, get into the car." 

Pei Yun was still a little dazed, she wanted to say that taking a taxi was expensive. 

Their college was a little remote. Though there were buses that go straight to the city center, it was always packed and was time consuming, as it needed to stop at various bus stops. It would take an hour or two to get into the city. If they were unfortunate enough to encounter a traffic jam, that feeling 

In contrast, taking taxi was much better. But the price also made most students despair. 

Although Jiang Zhe had more than $20,000 remaining, this was not the way to spend it. 

Jiang Zhe seemed to know what she was thinking. He patted her hand and whispered: "I know what Im doing." 

In the afternoon. 

Pei Yun and her boyfriend sat in Starbucks drinking coffee. Around her were newly bought clothes and shoes. For half a day, she couldnt regain her senses. 

Looking at all those items, those were all money wasted. Was this what Jiang Zhe meant by he knows what hes doing? 

At this moment, Pei Yun strongly became aware of the need to manage the finances. 

If she really gave her money to Jiang Zhe to manage, they would eventually have to eat dirt to survive. 

In the end, it was still better for women to manage the finances!!

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