Realm of the Night God

Chapter 37: Death Mark Seal

Chapter 37: Death Mark Seal

Yin Division, an institution governing all spirits of the dead.

Death God, the chief deity of Yin Division, also the sole divine entity of Yin Division.

Yang Haoran, as a follower of the Death God, may not know much about Yin Division, but he is aware of these two points.

Deng Feng informed him that from now on, he would belong to Yin Division. This revelation shook Yang Haoran to his core. According to Deng Feng's words, was he to become a servant of death?

Contemplating this, Yang Haoran felt an overwhelming excitement, a fervor that he couldn't conceal, evident on his face!

Deng Feng naturally noticed the excitement on his face. He smirked coldly, then rose and tapped his finger on Yang Haoran's forehead.

Caught off guard by this sudden gesture, Yang Haoran reflexively tried to dodge, only to be halted by Deng Feng's stern reprimand.

"Don't move!"

The command thundered in Yang Haoran's mind, causing his vision to darken, a sensation of almost fainting washing over him. However, he obeyed Deng Feng's instruction without a single twitch.

Yang Haoran didn't even entertain the thought that Deng Feng might harm him. With Deng Feng's abilities, could he even escape if harm was intended?

The answer was undoubtedly no. So, Yang Haoran simply stood still, as if ripe for the picking.

Deng Feng's hand lingered on Yang Haoran's forehead. He felt a chilling coldness emanating from Deng Feng's fingertips, piercing into his forehead and spreading throughout his body, sending shivers down his spine.

The coldness came as swiftly as it vanished. Before Yang Haoran could fully comprehend it, it was gone.

Simultaneously, Deng Feng withdrew his finger from Yang Haoran's forehead.

"Alright, take him away and teach him the rules," Deng Feng said indifferently, his voice carrying a hint of weariness. It was evident that the gesture he made towards Yang Haoran earlier wasn't as effortless as it seemed.

Master Jiang knew Deng Feng's words were directed at him. He nodded hastily and, pulling the still dazed Yang Haoran, began to leave.

However, at that moment, Deng Feng spoke again, his voice laced with coldness.

"In the future, don't try any clever tricks in front of me. I don't appreciate it."

Pointing at Master Jiang, Deng Feng continued, "I don't wish for there to be a next time. Rules are rules."

Without waiting for Master Jiang's response, Deng Feng turned his attention to Yang Haoran, adding, "This is also a warning for you. Consider it as such."

A shiver ran down Master Jiang's spine, and Yang Haoran sensed an underlying threat. Their faces slightly changed color, neither daring to say much more. They respectfully acknowledged Deng Feng's words, then bowed and departed.

Once they were far from the villa, Yang Haoran breathed out heavily. Sweat had soaked through his clothes.

In that moment, he sensed a dangerous aura emanating from Deng Feng. It was a feeling he couldn't perceive from others before, even if they were holding a knife to his throat. But now, he could clearly sense it.

He knew Deng Feng's gesture had caused many changes in his body, with sensory perception being just one of them. As for the other changes, he would have to consult Master Jiang, the experienced one.

Master Jiang, now visibly pale, seemed to still be catching his breath despite being far from the villa. Deng Feng's warning had evidently put considerable psychological pressure on him.

After a moment of thought, Yang Haoran refrained from expressing his gratitude. At this moment, he couldn't be sure if Deng Feng would overhear.

Following closely behind Master Jiang, the two got into the old black sedan parked nearby.

As they sat in the car, Master Jiang visibly relaxed, exhaling deeply. Some color returned to his pale face.

"Master Jiang, thank you," Yang Haoran sincerely expressed his gratitude, not just for Master Jiang's quick driving that morning but also for his referral. Without Master Jiang's assistance, Yang Haoran's goals would have been impossible to achieve.

In response to Yang Haoran's thanks, Master Jiang waved his hand dismissively, smiling bitterly. "I thought a little manipulation could deceive even the divine envoy, but it seems I was mistaken. I hope this incident won't hinder your future prospects."

"Even if it affects my future development, I will never blame you, Master Jiang. I only have gratitude towards you. It's more important that you don't suffer any consequences. That would make me feel guilty," Yang Haoran said with a smile.

Master Jiang chuckled, not dwelling much on the matter. He changed the subject, saying, "Let's go back to the temple first. I need to teach you how to properly use the abilities within you and teach you many rules. If this matter isn't handled properly, I might truly be punished by the divine envoy."

They had planned to go repair the car, but naturally, Master Jiang wouldn't go through with it after Deng Feng had exposed the situation. Doing so would be akin to deceiving oneself. There was no difference, and it would likely have the opposite effect. If Deng Feng found out about it, he might even get angry.

Returning to the Death God Temple, they first paid homage to the Death God. Though they had missed the optimal time for worship, it was better to worship than not to. Other followers came to worship the Death God at various times as well.

After giving some brief instructions to the other temple attendants, Master Jiang took Yang Haoran back to his humble wooden hut.

Once the low-quality tea was brewed, Master Jiang sat across from Yang Haoran as usual.

At that moment, Yang Haoran felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation, but he managed to remain composed, refraining from speaking and instead wearing his trademark smile as he looked at Master Jiang.

Master Jiang didn't waste any words either. He simply took out a mirror and placed it in front of Yang Haoran. Yang Haoran looked at the mirror on the table, curiosity evident in his eyes.

Although Yang Haoran's miscellaneous shop didn't have a TV, he did have a mobile phone. Occasionally, when he had time, he would use it to watch TV or read novels. So when he saw Master Jiang take out a mirror without a word, he reflexively thought that maybe it was some treasure, perhaps a gift for him, as often depicted in movies and novels.

With a curious heart, he couldn't help but feel excited. He even imagined scenes of himself wielding the mirror as a weapon, a strong sense of adventure filling his mind.

However, what puzzled him was that the mirror looked utterly ordinary. It didn't emit any divine light, nor did it appear rusty as described in novels. It was just plain, so plain that even the price tag hadn't been removed. It didn't seem like any treasure at all.

Unable to contain his curiosity, Yang Haoran was about to ask, but Master Jiang spoke before him.

"Take a look at your forehead with the mirror first."

"My forehead? What's wrong with my forehead?" Yang Haoran looked puzzled, then picked up the mirror on the table and aimed it at his face.

A familiar but utterly ordinary face appeared in the mirror, no different from usual. He even checked his forehead specifically, but there was nothing unusual.

Before Yang Haoran could ask, Master Jiang pointed to the center of his forehead and spoke, "Take a closer look."

Following Master Jiang's instructions, Yang Haoran looked at himself in the mirror again. This time, his brow furrowed, his expression changing suddenly.

There was a dark lump at the center of his forehead, about the size of a pinky finger, resembling a mole but not quite.

Yang Haoran swore he had never had anything like this on his forehead, not even in his dreams. Now, suddenly having this thing, he immediately thought of Deng Feng's finger pointing at his forehead.

With a mixture of surprise and apprehension, Yang Haoran brought the mirror closer and realized that the dark lump on his forehead wasn't a mole but a pattern formed by black lines, resembling the Death God Statue.

"This is..." Yang Haoran widened his eyes, looking at Master Jiang.

"This is a curse seal, a seal that grants you special powers. It's the divine envoy's gift to you. Only with this seal can you be considered a member of the Yin Division. We identify each other by whether there's a seal of our god on the forehead. Now, I'll teach you how to activate the power of the Death Mark Seal."

With that, Master Jiang proceeded to teach Yang Haoran how to use the Death Mark Seal.

Though Yang Haoran had a good learning ability, it still took him a whole hour to activate the Death Mark Seal, even with someone guiding him. If it weren't for Master Jiang's guidance, it wouldn't have been easy to successfully activate it, and it was difficult to say how much time it would have taken.

"To possess power, you must understand how to activate the Death Mark Seal. Without understanding the corresponding activation methods, you cannot successfully activate the Death Mark Seal. Even if you have the Death Mark Seal, it's just for show. If you try to forcefully activate it without understanding the method, the Death Mark Seal will explode, with a power greater than a grenade. Not only will you fail to obtain special powers, but you'll also risk your life," Master Jiang explained after Yang Haoran successfully activated the Death Mark Seal.

Yang Haoran nodded gratefully, while Master Jiang paused for a moment before continuing, "Use the mirror to take another look at the Death Mark Seal on your forehead. See if there's anything different."

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