Realm of the Night God

Chapter 52: All Ruthless People

Chapter 52: All Ruthless People

The reason why Yang Haoran didn't chase after Wang Qing wasn't because he was magnanimous, but because there were more important matters at hand!

Gao Liang's ghost had been sitting beside Wang Qing all this while. When Guanhai started arguing with Wang Qing just now, Yang Haoran didn't interrupt or interject because his attention was drawn to Gao Liang's presence.

Originally quiet beside Wang Qing, Gao Liang immediately showed strong hostility towards Guanhai when the argument started.

When Guanhai grabbed the bottle to chase Wang Qing, Gao Liang transformed into a mass of black mist entwining around Guanhai.

Although Yin Qi on Guanhai's body had been dispersed by Yang Haoran, he was still weak. Now, with Gao Liang's black mist surrounding him, Guanhai felt powerless.

Normally, if Gao Liang entwined himself around a living person like this, it wouldn't have an immediate effect unless it persisted for a long time, causing the person to become weak and sickly due to the influence of Yin Qi. At this moment, Guanhai felt completely powerless mainly because his body was already weak.

Seeing Guanhai affected, Yang Haoran didn't bother about Wang Qing. He immediately took out the soul gathering bead and infused Yin spirit power into it.

As Yin spirit power infused into the soul gathering bead, wisps of black mist appeared on its surface. Yang Haoran grabbed the soul gathering bead and rushed to Guanhai, seemingly supporting his faltering figure but secretly imprinting the soul gathering bead on him.

With Gao Liang's black mist entwining Guanhai, he resembled a black serpent with a human head, wandering around Guanhai.

When Yang Haoran rushed over, Gao Liang suddenly felt a deep fear from the depths of his soul. Before he could comprehend what was happening, he felt a tremendous force pulling his body, as if something wanted to devour him.

Terrified, Gao Liang hadn't felt fear since his death, but now, he experienced an unprecedented terror.

He struggled to resist and break free from Guanhai's body, but to no avail. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape the powerful suction.

He let out a terrified scream, inaudible to ordinary people but clear to Yang Haoran.

Gao Liang's soul twisted and deformed, and before his scream could fade, the soul gathering bead absorbed him entirely.

With Gao Liang no longer entwining him, Guanhai felt much better. The feeling of weakness disappeared. Yang Haoran discreetly stored the soul gathering bead and then patted Guanhai's body, dispersing the remaining traces of Yin Qi.

All of this took only a few breaths. By the time Xiao Mo rushed from the counter to Guanhai, Yang Haoran had already completed everything.

Neither Xiao Mo nor the other customers in the bar saw Yang Haoran capturing the ghost. They only saw Yang Haoran holding Guanhai as if he were about to faint and then rushing out to hold him.

"Guanhai, are you okay?" Xiao Mo asked anxiously.

She was nervous because she knew Guanhai had fainted just last night and his body was still weak. He should have been resting in the hospital at this time, but here he was in the bar, drinking. A normal person wouldn't be able to withstand such strain.

"I'm fine," Guanhai shook his head, then looked at Yang Haoran.

By now, Yang Haoran had released Guanhai. Instead of going after Wang Qing, he returned to his seat, took out some tissues, and wiped the blood from his face.

"Yang ge, are you okay?" Guanhai asked quickly.

Xiao Mo also noticed the blood on Guanhai's face. Seeing the wound still bleeding, she said anxiously, "Let's quickly go to the hospital to disinfect the wound and prevent infection."

Yang Haoran shook his head, smiled faintly, and said, "It's not that troublesome."

With that, Yang Haoran opened a bottle of beer with his teeth, took a gulp, then took out a few tissues from the tissue box and poured the remaining half bottle of beer onto them.

The tissues soaked with beer, Yang Haoran directly applied them to the wound. This method of treating wounds was unorthodox, but he wasn't particular about such matters, especially when he was agitated.

"Damn it! I'll bring her back right away! This can't just be left like this!" Guanhai's face was full of anger as he spoke, about to leave the bar, but was stopped by Xiao Mo.

"Guanhai ge, you can't go. You almost fainted again just now!" Xiao Mo hurriedly stopped him.

"If walking is a problem, why chase after her? Don't worry about this matter; I have a way to handle it." After saying this, Yang Haoran looked at Xiao Mo and said, "You take Haizi back to rest first. I have some things to take care of."

Upon hearing this, Guanhai became anxious and said, "I've researched this woman recently. She has connections in Lecheng through selling herself, both in the underworld and legitimate circles. I'm just one of them. Yang ge, if you go after her alone, I'm worried you'll suffer."

With that, Guanhai took out his mobile phone and continued, "I'll get some people for you, so you'll be safe."

Yang Haoran stopped Guanhai, still wearing his trademark smile, and said, "No need for trouble; I know what I'm doing."

Leaving the bar, Yang Haoran didn't go anywhere but instead called a car to rush back to the grocery store.

Guanhai, seeing Yang Haoran leave, felt somewhat uneasy and made several phone calls in a row.

Inside a KTV in Lecheng, Wang Qing was engaged in some unspeakable activities with a middle-aged man with a fat face and big ears. After leaving Guanhai's bar, Wang Qing made a phone call and then came to this KTV.

After a round of intimate activities, Wang Qing nestled in the man's arms, looking aggrieved, with large tears rolling down her face.

"Recently, you seem to be getting close to that kid Guanhai, so why do you suddenly want to deal with him?" The middle-aged fatty, smiling, asked Wang Qing.

This middle-aged fatty was named Qu Gang, and he had some influence in the Lecheng underworld. People in the underworld called him Fatty Qu.

From Fatty Qu's tone, it was clear that he knew Wang Qing had been hanging out with Guanhai these past few days, but he didn't show any signs of jealousy or resentment.

Both Fatty Qu and Guanhai knew what kind of person Wang Qing was, so neither of them really cared about her.

"Gang, it's not what you think with me and Guanhai. Nothing happened between us. I just got closer to him recently because I wanted to be friends with him. But he's clueless. He actually tried to hit me in his shabby bar. If I hadn't run fast, I would be lying in the hospital by now."

Wang Qing spoke with a face full of grievances, tears flowing like rain. If someone unaware of the situation saw this, they would think this girl had been bullied by a group of men.

Fatty Qu chuckled and didn't wipe away the tears on Wang Qing's face. He said, "How do you want to deal with Guanhai? Just say the word."

Nestled in Fatty Qu's arms, Wang Qing's gaze suddenly turned cold at his words, and she gritted her teeth with a fierce tone, "If possible, I want to splash sulfuric acid on his face myself!"

Fatty Qu was taken aback. He didn't expect Wang Qing to be this ruthless, but he quickly recovered and continued to smile, "Haha! Okay, no problem!"

Wang Qing was delighted to hear Fatty Qu's promise, then continued, "And his friend, that country bumpkin surnamed Yang, can Gang help me deal with him too?"

Fatty Qu took a sip of wine, then pinched Wang Qing's chest and asked with a smile, "How do you want to deal with him?"

"It would be best if he were killed!" Wang Qing seemed to have made this decision long ago and answered immediately.

Fatty Qu was surprised again. He had underestimated Wang Qing's ruthlessness or perhaps her immaturity.

But he didn't reveal his thoughts and instead put on a serious expression. "How big is the grudge that it requires killing him to vent?"

"I just want him dead, no reason needed," Wang Qing responded.

"Killing someone is not a simple matter. If we want to avoid implicating ourselves, we need careful planning. Besides..."

Before Fatty Qu could finish his sentence, Wang Qing broke free from his embrace, knelt in front of him with her body exposed, and began to work on him.

Wang Qing worked hard, and Fatty Qu didn't stop her. He enjoyed it and said with a smile, "Okay, no problem, but I need some time."

Seeing Fatty Qu's promise, Wang Qing smiled through her tears and worked even harder.

Fatty Qu watched Wang Qing's reaction and couldn't help but sneer inwardly, thinking, "She's so naive, believing everything she hears. But it's also good. Without this kind of woman, my life would be missing some flavor."

While Fatty Qu and Wang Qing were engaging in unspeakable activities in the KTV, Yang Haoran returned to his grocery store. Unlike usual, tonight he had no intention of opening the store for business; instead, the front door was tightly locked.

Inside the shop, Yang Haoran sat in a chair. By now, the blood had stopped flowing from his face, and the cut from the broken glass had scabbed over, although it still hurt a bit.

He took out a mirror and checked his wound. Seeing that it wasn't too serious, he breathed a sigh of relief. He was already plain-looking enough; if a hideous scar were to appear, it would be even harder for him to find a girlfriend in the future.

Putting down the mirror, he took out the soul gathering bead from his bag.

The soul gathering bead looked the same as usual, except that there was an additional black thread inside it. The black thread was violently thrashing around inside the soul gathering bead, sometimes forming a human face and other times turning into black mist, as if trying to break out of the soul gathering bead.

This black thread was none other than Gao Liang.

Watching Gao Liang thrash about inside the soul gathering bead, Yang Haoran couldn't help but think of Wang Qing. Instead of anger, a smile involuntarily crept onto his lips.

"It's good for young people to suffer a bit; otherwise, they'll never grow up. However, some losses are too much to bear."

Speaking to himself, Yang Haoran activated his Yin spirit power and his fingers emitted black mist as he pointed at the soul gathering bead.

As he pointed at the soul gathering bead, black mist emanated from it. Then, Gao Liang's soul inside the soul gathering bead, seemingly unrestrained, managed to break out!

As Gao Liang burst out of the soul gathering bead, his first instinct was to escape. However, at this moment, Yang Haoran spoke.

"Do you want to be with Wang Qing forever?"

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