Realm of the Night God

Chapter 95: Chen Ying

Chapter 95: Chen Ying

Ma Ling's words were like a sharp knife stabbing into Yang Haoran's chest. He truly hadn't expected this girl to speak so harshly after getting drunk, every word hitting him hard.

From a rational perspective, Ma Ling's words weren't wrong. She was speaking the truth, but often, the truth hurts the most.

"Haha, you're thirty and still don't have a girlfriend, Brother Yang, you really need to step up your game. If you're wealthy, it's fine, but if not, it's troublesome. It'll be even harder to find someone in a few more years."

Wang Yiming laughed heartily, clearly enjoying himself. To Yang Haoran, it seemed like Wang Yiming was adding insult to injury.

But it didn't end there. As Wang Yiming's laughter subsided, Ma Ling chimed in again with a smile.

"What you said is true. Someone like uncle here, with an average appearance and getting older, indeed has a hard time finding a partner. I heard from Xiaoxiao that uncle's family isn't well off either, which only makes it worse." Ma Ling glanced at Yang Haoran and continued with a meaningful tone, "Uncle, while you're not bald yet, find a good person and get married. Don't be too picky."

The two of them burst into laughter, while Yang Haoran's smile became strained. He had tried to steer the conversation towards finding a solution for his Yin Qi problem, but instead of help, he found himself subjected to their mockery.

Yang Haoran was skilled in banter, bordering on mastery, but he rarely engaged in it with outsiders, usually only with Guanhai.

Tonight, however, he found himself intrigued by their banter and tempted to join in the verbal sparring. Yet, he refrained because that wasn't his main objective.

Before Yang Haoran could redirect the conversation, Wang Yiming, in the midst of his excitement, spoke again.

"Haha, luckily I have a girlfriend now, and she treats me well. From the looks of it, I won't end up like Brother Yang."

Wang Yiming seemed intoxicated, yet his tone was filled with pride. But just as he finished speaking, the door to the private room was forcefully pushed open, and a group of armed police officers stormed in!

"Don't move!"

The three in the room were stunned. They hadn't expected this sudden intrusion. Just as they were engrossed in their conversation, the police burst in, guns pointed at them!

It was standard procedure for the Lecheng police to be armed when responding to a call. If the targets didn't cooperate, they had the right to use force. Though Yang Haoran and his companions were not ordinary individuals, the presence of handguns still posed a threat to them, especially with more than one gun pointed at them.

But that was secondary. The main issue was their complete confusion about why the police had mobilized in such force.

"Wang Yiming! What are you doing here!"

Just as Yang Haoran was both surprised and puzzled, one of the female officers suddenly called out Wang Yiming's name. Her voice betrayed deep astonishment.

Following her gaze, Yang Haoran furrowed his brows slightly. He actually recognized the female officer who had called out Wang Yiming's name!

She was none other than the policewoman who had arrested him initially during the Decaying Corpse Granny incident. Back then, Yang Haoran had received a few blows from her and had been beaten by other officers as well.

Though he was later cleared of being a home invader, the police never apologized to him. They simply told him he could leave the station. And it was this policewoman who had escorted him out of the station.

Yang Haoran vividly remembered the words she had spoken to him as she saw him off. Although he didn't show much reaction at the time, her attitude had left a deep impression on him, making him remember her distinctly.

As the female officer called out Wang Yiming's name, the other police officers present seemed to recognize him as well. They looked at Wang Yiming with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion, then glanced at the female officer.

"Chen Ying! What... what's going on?" Wang Yiming looked at the female officer, his expression a mix of surprise and confusion.

"We received a report that there were three dangerous individuals here, either psychopaths or murderers, so we rushed over. But what I didn't expect was that you would be one of them!" The female officer frowned, her expression extremely displeased. Whether her displeasure was directed at the informant or at Yang Haoran and his companions, it was unclear.

"Psychopaths? Murderers? Are you kidding me?" Wang Yiming's drunkenness had dissipated somewhat, and he had become more sober. He looked at the other officers and said, "This must be a misunderstanding. Do you really think I'm a psychopath or a murderer?"

"Put your guns away."

The one who spoke seemed to be the team leader of the officers. As he spoke, all the police officers, including Chen Ying, holstered their guns.

"Wang Yiming, you've really made it big now. You've even managed to rope in these charlatans. I truly admire you."

It was Chen Ying who spoke first. She glanced at Wang Yiming, then at Yang Haoran, her expression not pleasant at all. Clearly, she not only noticed Yang Haoran's presence but also recognized him.

"It's been a while. You've learned to dress yourself up, but no matter how you dress, it doesn't change the fact that you're a charlatan. I told you before, I don't like frauds like you who deceive people. You're the cancer of this society!"

Chen Ying's words made Yang Haoran feel quite uncomfortable, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he put on a fake innocent smile.

"Haha, Uncle, it seems like she's talking about you. Calling you a charlatan. Haha, it's hilarious! Don't take it to heart, she's just a mortal." Ma Ling laughed heartily, while Chen Ying's expression darkened. To her, Ma Ling's response felt like a provocation.

"Little girl, what's so funny? Do you find it honorable to be associated with such charlatans?" Chen Ying spoke coldly.

Ma Ling's smile faded upon hearing this, and she felt a surge of anger.

It's understandable why she felt annoyed. They were having a good conversation, and suddenly a group of police burst in, pointing guns at them. Anyone would feel uncomfortable in such a situation.

With Ma Ling's skills, wherever she went, people treated her politely, even figures like Master Wu. She rarely faced such provocation in all these years, and she couldn't bear this kind of stimulation.

Just as her anger was about to erupt, Wang Yiming spoke up.

Somehow, Wang Yiming's drunkenness vanished, and he regained his usual demeanor, wearing a stern expression, as if someone owed him a great deal of money.

"Chen Ying, what nonsense are you spouting? They're all my friends. Can't you speak more politely?"

Wang Yiming's relationship with Chen Ying seemed unusual, evident from his tone.

"Of course, I know they're your friends. Otherwise, why would you be sitting here drinking and chatting together? But I'm curious, you discuss all sorts of supernatural things and various murders. It makes people wonder if you have ulterior motives." Chen Ying said.

After speaking, Chen Ying ignored Wang Yiming's grim face and looked at their team leader, saying, "Team leader, let's take them back to the station. It's not good to stay here."

The arrival of the police attracted quite a few onlookers around the private room. Some were restaurant customers, while others were restaurant staff. They didn't believe Yang Haoran and his companions were innocent. In their eyes, being approached by the police meant they must have some issues.

The team leader nodded. He had similar thoughts, but considering Wang Yiming's status, he hadn't acted on them. Now that Chen Ying had spoken up, he felt less hesitant.

"Let's discuss this at the station. It's not appropriate here," the team leader said.

"Hmph, what if I don't go with you?" Ma Ling snorted and asked.

"Little girl, if you don't come with us, then we'll have to use force. Don't try to resist. If you resist, we can shoot directly. Besides, if you really have nothing to hide, why be afraid of coming with us?" Chen Ying retorted.

"I don't want to go with you. It's purely because I don't want to. Fear has nothing to do with it. And go ahead, try shooting. See if I'm incapable of resisting under your lousy gun." Ma Ling showed no intention of backing down. Her words not only intensified Chen Ying's anger but also made the other police officers' faces grim.

Chen Ying was quite enraged but was stopped by the team leader's gesture.

"Little girl, I've been a policeman for many years, and I've seen all kinds of arrogant people. But in the end, they all suffer. If you continue to resist us, you'll become one of them."

The middle-aged team leader spoke, perhaps due to his profession, he carried an air of authority in his voice. It wasn't loud but carried immense power.

Ma Ling, having experienced grander occasions, wasn't affected by the team leader's words. His words might have an effect on ordinary people, but for Ma Ling, they held no weight.

"All right, the more you say that, the more excited I become. Come on, do your worst. Let me see how you'll make me one of them."

As she finished speaking, Ma Ling picked up the black leather case beside her, showing a demeanor that suggested she was ready to confront the police.

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