Realm Wars

Chapter 116: Three Lairs and Three Tablets 2

Chapter 116: Three Lairs and Three Tablets 2

"A Reaper Leviathan!" Seraphina yelled.

"Yes! Exactly what she said!" Masha exclaimed.


The Reaper Leviathan's long mandible went for Masha, but Masha quickly evaded, and the beast's mandible smacked against the rigid walls. 


To everyone's surprise, the Reaper Leviathan's mandibles didn't have a single scratch while a large hole was on the wall.

"W-what is that thing?" Kai asked. It appeared weak, and the only intimidating quality it had was it's gigantic built. But with just a single blow, the Reaper Leviathan dealt a large hole on the hard rocky wall.

"Despite its strange appearance and intimidating built, Reaper Leviathans is nothing more than a massive mindless sea creature," Seraphina said and jumped away when the Reaper Leviathan attacked again with its mandibles. 

"It possessed no magical abilities, and it used its mandibles to catch and crush its enemies before eating them." Seraphina summoned her staff and cast a spell. Numerous vines crawled in the Reaper Leviathan's legs enough to stop its movements.

Kai brandished his swords and aimed for the Reaper Leviathan's long slimy body. "So, in short. It's just a muscular beast with no brains!"



"What the?!" Kai was shocked when he didn't even scratch the Reaper Leviathan's hide.

"Don't underestimate it! Though it's weak, no physical attack would work against it!" Masha summoned her pet, Griffin. It had four muscular paws with an eagle's head and a long span of white wings. 

Masha wasn't kidding that her pet wouldn't squeeze in the mountain of corals in the Coral Drakes Lair. It was enormous, almost twice the size of Masha.

Together they flew over the Reaper Leviathan. Masha clicked her tongue. The Reaper Leviathan was more enormous when she looked at it from above. 

Masha shot arrows made of concentrated mana from above, and the Reaper Leviathan roared when the arrows exploded on its serpent-like body.

After the smoke and dust settled, the group found that the attack worked. Though small, there was an open wound on the Reaper Leviathan's tough hide.

"Attack with mana!" Kai imbued his sword with ice as the others imbued their weapons with their affinity.

Ryu summoned his gauntlets [Rampaging Voltage], and lightning crackled on his hands. He slid towards the stomach of the Reaper, avoiding its legs and mandibles before he barraged it with punches and swipes. His strength and power, coupled with the effects of the electricity, made the Reaper Leviathan roar in agony. 

Its stomach had fewer scales, so it was his soft spot. With a barrage of blows from Ryu, it didn't take a minute that its belly ripped open and guts and acids poured on the ground. 


The Reaper Leviathan went berserk, and its movement turned frenzy. Ryu avoided its body when it wiggled in erratic speed, but its tail still hit him, and he was sent flying. He smacked against the wall, and the Reaper Leviathan's mandibles opened wide, aiming at him. 

But the monster's attention was stolen yet again, with Seraphina and Kai taking turns attacking it.

"We'll support you from the back!" Jane was casting her spell while Theodore healed Ryu within seconds and, at the same time, creating layers of barriers for him and his sister so they wouldn't be hit with the Reaper Leviathan's attacks nor the flying debris.

Vein was just appearing and disappearing in all corners of the room and threw all kinds of weapons at the Reaper Leviathan ranging from knives, kunai to darts, all coated in poison. The poison took effect against the Reaper Leviathan, but it'd take some time for him to die with just poison alone.

At least its movement was slower compared to before.

With everyone's combined effort, it didn't take ten minutes before the Reaper Leviathan was on the ground with holes covering its tough hide. Its skeleton was the only thing holding it from the rest of its body parts.

"Let's see if you taste good." Kai dropped beside the Reaper Leviathan and sliced a chunk of its still pumping flesh before he ate it raw. "Mmm. .. taste like other fishes."

Kai shrugged and cut a massive chunk of the Reaper Leviathan's flesh. "It'll have to do for now."

Ryu did the same. If it's edible, it's food. He had no complaints.

The women looked at the two men in disgust while Seraphina instructed Ryu to take the Reaper's eyes. 

"That's the best part of the Reaper Leviathan." Seraphina beamed.

Fin flew in Masha's side and gave her the Reaper Leviathan's Core. It was big and glowing, and it was filled with mana. "Ehehehe. This will surely fetch a good price." 

Beasts Cores, especially high tier level beasts, were sought after. It had many uses, from forging weapons, armors, items to magical ingredients. Sometimes, it even gave elemental affinity to weapons if the master smithy was skilled. So its price in the market was relatively high. More so than random Jewels and magical herbs.

But before Masha could store it, Vein approached her with a coin in hand. "Remember the rules?"

Masha looked at the coin in Vein's hand with faked ignorance before she grumbled at his unrelenting stoic face. "Fine."



But before he could toss the coin, a rumbling sound shook the ground and echoed in the cave. What used to be a sealed cave now had two holes on the opposite side. One was where they entered, and the other was leading to someplace new.

"Whoa. It's like magic!" Kai exclaimed, and he was the first one to hop into the newly opened way.

"W-what the. . ."

The group was stunned, didn't know how to proceed when they crossed to the other side. It was a smaller cave with only one entry and exit. It contained nothing but piles of precious stones, jewels, ores, while at the center laid the only chest on a pedestal shone by the light above.


Kai, Jane, and Theodore were ecstatic.


Kai leaped from one foot to another and as he sprang towards the mountains of sparkling riches.


At Vein's voice Kai, Jane, and Theodore's expression fell. 

"Who says that cannon fodders have a share?" Vein asked with a blank face.

"I think we earned that share when we found this cave," Jane said.

"We also fought our way here, so it's only right that we have a part of it," Kai seconded.

Vein shook his head. "Cannon fodders don't have rights. Your role is to die in our place. What good are these treasures if you're dead?"

Kai's gums hurt from the force he was gritting his teeth. If it weren't for the poison, he'd cut Kai's head at this moment.

Jane was shaking with anger while Theodore was calming her down. "T-that's not fair."

"Fair?" Masha chuckled. "The strong prey on the weak. That's the world we're living in. Only the strong have rights while the weak get trampled on. Blame yourself for being weak."

Masha waved a dismissive hand, and she trotted towards the piles of treasures. Vein shot them a warning squint of the eyes before he followed Masha's back.

"Seraphina! What are you waiting for?!" Masha called as she laughed at the items and ores in her hands.

Seraphina looked at Ryu and the others with an apologetic face before she hurried to Masha and Vein.

Kai swore that if he had the chance, he'd take his revenge with Vein and Masha in the most gruesome way he'd know.

Not good.

Kai almost lost himself there. He was supposed to be a happy-go-lucky guy. Not an evil crazed maniac out for blood.

At least darling Seraphina was fine. He'd just treat it that he was giving all his hard-earned money to his future wife. At least he felt better.



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